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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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19 hours ago, falloutcloud said:

Any idea if and when there will be a stream dedicated to RWG?

2 weeks. next one is Faatal and a couple other programmers. Week after that is RWG.

11 hours ago, FSM said:

YES! Someone asked in the chat if we could place those doors vertically, but the devs missed it. We need more 2 block wide doors, as all we got are house doors and garage roller doors.

They did answer that. yes those cellar doors go vertical but they will look funny. Also yes they are working on normal double doors. (that 2nd answer was in chat cause the dev that answered it, kbdizzo?, was having mic issues.)

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4 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

This will be the first DLC for 7D2D.  For $15, you can purchase the first DLC for 7D2D and get.........doors  😁

I HATE DOORS! I don't understand how they work. In 7dtd it is quiet easy, but in reality they are so complicated- you want to open door with padlock? push knee on them and prey to put  key in correct way. or sometime doors was somehow  opened but i coudn't open them why? idk but my friend opened it without problem! what the hell is wrong with doors?? 

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1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

I HATE DOORS! I don't understand how they work. In 7dtd it is quiet easy, but in reality they are so complicated- you want to open door with padlock? push knee on them and prey to put  key in correct way. or sometime doors was somehow  opened but i coudn't open them why? idk but my friend opened it without problem! what the hell is wrong with doors?? 

Yes, newsstands are much better! :madgrin:

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5 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

Yes, newsstands are much better! :madgrin:

Yes- well you don't have to go inside! Honestly i understand law, i know a lot of strange things connected with history, a diffrent game facts and lore - but doors? damn i feel like a vampire and i prefer when someone open them

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7 minutes ago, DarlingCows said:

I’ve sort of asked before but couldn’t really get a answer but regarding random world gen is it possible to make a map that is mostly city? Opposed to mostly environment with a few small cities dispersed. 


@Kinyajuu will most likely talk about that in a couple of weeks. I don't think the A20 vanilla terrain generator will create unbroken urban jungles like you are wanting but perhaps I just didn't flip the correct settings. He will show it all off on his night a week from this coming Wednesday.

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On 9/30/2021 at 12:38 AM, faatal said:

The game will use around 6 cores, but cores are not used equally because there are many different workloads being run. Many tasks have to be done on the main thread in Unity, which consistently takes the most amount of time per frame. The same with the graphics thread. Beyond that, other threaded tasks like mesh creation, collision mesh baking and AI pathing are on demand as needed. I have a 12 core CPU, but it certainly does not need or use all of those cores. Extra cores are nice to have, since the OS and other programs can run without using cores the game is using.

I have a question regarding the cores, am I correct in believing that it can utilize 4 cores at the current moment? I'm using a 10 core with hyperthreading disabled on the last 4 cores which I allocate for 7 Days. Would this mean that I can have 6 non-hyperthreaded cores to run the game and get potentially more boosted performance?

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4 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

I have a question regarding the cores, am I correct in believing that it can utilize 4 cores at the current moment? I'm using a 10 core with hyperthreading disabled on the last 4 cores which I allocate for 7 Days. Would this mean that I can have 6 non-hyperthreaded cores to run the game and get potentially more boosted performance?

The main core is the Dantian, you can cultivate your Martial Arts from there. If it breaks, you will get a critical and become a cripple.

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Feedback of the stream

98% IS great just nit picks really


  • Gun models are GREAT and i love the silly mods like the Mega crush can on the SMG
  • Color tint looks great and nice to see the radioative boys back but better 
  • the Color tint i Hope will come to the zombies and other things they said in alpha 21 or 22
  • Wanting to go gold by next year (Depends). is great and they said they wanted console when it goes gold (THANK GOD my pc can't handle the game)
  • new chainsaw looks great, im going to uses it for limb chomping!
  • Junk baton looks neet but the animation is Janky as hell, Most games that have that style of baton are sticking out for a reason. (also i don't think it will have a shock effect) (Where is tier 3?)
  • Hunting rifle.... still shoots 1 bullet..... Make it 3 please its just a faster pipe rifle, if its 3 then it will give people a reason to go for it.
  • All pipe weapons look great and i love the fact that almost half of them you beat the @%$# out of them. but the SMG/AR looks a little OP, suggestions for it
  1. give it a even slower reload
  2. give it a much slower firerate



overall i can't wait for A20

4 hours ago, Survager said:

I noticed that the designers at TFP are very fond of spoons 😉 Is it possible to expect that the spoon will also be present in the animation of eating canned food? 😁








When can we make spoon knifes lmao

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1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

Feedback of the stream


  • the Color tint i Hope will come to the zombies and other things they said in alpha 21 or 22
  • Wanting to go gold by next year (Depends). is great and they said they wanted console when it goes gold (THANK GOD my pc can't handle the game)


This can be problem in my opinion: year is so small amount of time and a lot of thing is missing like bandits. So i'm just worried about this- i know a lot of people and probably devs are tired. So they want to finish 7dtd as fast as possible. And for me 7dtd is like l4d1- everything is okay but still something is missing. L4d2 added 2 more types of zombies , more maps melee system etc. and there l4d2 became perfect. But it was "typical" shooter and 7dtd is sandbox so there is any chance for 7DTD2 in for example 2025. 

I know they can't earn money from 7dtd forever so... or we will get new dlc ( positive scenary) or new diffrent type of game ( negative in my opinion- well 7dtd in medival could be perfect and there is not any similiar game to  7dtd with medival setting but i don't expect get new sandbox in next 2-5 years after 7dtd - i'm kinda pesemistic but damn i would so much to play in 7dtd with medival setting). Ofc someone can say "but people will create mods" that's is true and.. what? nothing. skyrim have tons of mods- some of them are good some of them not, some of them small some of them big but still- people want a new tes right? cs 1.6 was and still is the best cs but still people wanted new cs - they have now cs go but is still developed- new skins maps etc. and moders just can't add everything- could they add new infested type to l4d2? nope. Could modders add rangdolls to cod 1? nope.

I just wanted to see post of one of devs saying :

we will create dlc after gold 


After gold you guys will get game similiar to 7dtd but with XXX setting


Bt well they done a good job with A20 , i'm just worried maybe bad day but i hope it will be not end of development  in next year


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16 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

I have a question regarding the cores, am I correct in believing that it can utilize 4 cores at the current moment? I'm using a 10 core with hyperthreading disabled on the last 4 cores which I allocate for 7 Days. Would this mean that I can have 6 non-hyperthreaded cores to run the game and get potentially more boosted performance?

Cores beyond 2 will only partially be used because other than the main thread and graphics thread, everything else is tasks that do not need to be done every frame. Like the new collision mesh baking thread. It only needs to bake when a chunk loads or is changed (damage, block added/removed). The fact that it can run on another core means that when it is running, it will not steal time from the main thread, which would decrease FPS.

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