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Blake_ last won the day on November 10 2023

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  1. Lol, my smartphone makes me do things. I was going to mention some pathing weirdness with the crawler swimming in shallow waters, it stands up and seems to be floating. The issue happens in some sewers, some POIs with shallow waters in the basement/bunker, or any place with water below a certain limit.
  2. I'm so sorry for the lack of further info here: Vacant_lot_09 lacks a proper name. It shows just like that in game. Does the place not have a name yet? One Tier 1 POI, (I don't remember the exact name, I believe it's "survivor camp *something* ") does only spawn a single vulture on activating the T1 clear quest. A single mob in the whole POI. That oughta be wrong. Also, I stumbled upon
  3. I always play with Feral sense to the max . Maxed out modded assassin build It's too OP. Wandering hordes are a joke too. I feel like I'm playing in creative, no kidding. Or with the AI turned off. Plowing throughTier 6 infected quests without getting hit once 100% of the time warrants a nerf, I gather.
  4. @faatal I have a Qol request: Could you make it so you can save a RWG seed and IF you want to generate the exact same seed BUT with different options ( for example, many towns instead of default), the game gives you a pop up window allowing us to overwrite the seed giving you a deletion warning if there are current maps generated from that seed? That way the game will be able to handle any amount of seeds without having to delete them manually , both on PC and on Console, for those that are not tech-savvy enough to go into the Appdata folder and do it. Ideally the overwrite could maintain the old seed, but that would mean duplicated RWG names unless you add new generation tags to the names for those features. That's a chore, I gather. Edit: Or ignore all of the above and allow players to delete a non-default and already generated seed. Easier.
  5. Yeah, with a fully modded armor and the sneak perks maxed out with full assassin set bonus, zds just stand still like wiggling manequins, they do not search for you, they don't react, most of the time not even a flinch. At times it seems like their AI is deactivated. There should be a cap to how low the detection parameter can go. 0 secs is too much. You can also avoid hordes altogether. A bit OP if we are being honest. Edit: Of course hordes are unavoidable except when dying once. And light reduces the effectiveness of the stacked bonuses, but the fact still remains: the tier 6 assassin armor set with urban combat books and full sneak mods becomes extremely broken indoors,which is where the magic happens.
  6. Description: Muffled Connectors, Advanced Muffled Connectors AND Stealth boots don't reduce noise from armor, instead they seem to actually increase it. Reproduce Steps: 1-Equip a full set of heavy armor, like the Nomad set, for example. 2- Try out the noise that you make by pressing F3 and under the tiny yellow selection dots on the upper left side, press the one for stealth (it says stl* or something like that, you are able to press them if you also have the console open with f1 or several other context menus). 3- You can now see the noise that the player makes, so be naked and stay in a safe spot and move, so you can see the noise you make while having f3 activated. 4- Now equip the modded armor with full set of any of the following: muffled connectors mod, advanced muffled connector mods and/or for the boots, the stealth mod. 5-Notice that not only your noise did not decrease, but it actually goes up by quite a bit by doing the exact same thing in the exact same spot. Expected result: Muffled Connectors, Advanced Muffled Connectors AND Stealth boots should work as intended, that is, a stacked noise reduction. Also, the stealth mod for boots could use an actual percentage for the noise it actually reduces in its description (when it`s fixed, that is, ). I hope this helps! Have a nice day!
  7. Yes I was able to. I tested it. Every single animal that is able to be detected by the player, hostile or not has the issue IF you wear a helmet with the perception mod. You have to have the perk points invested in animal tracker though. The bug vanishes if you do not wear the mod.
  8. Description: +1 Perception helmet mod won't show on compass the FIRST animal of any type that you encounter when you try to detect it. Reproduce Steps: 1-Equip a helmet with a +1 Perception mod. 2- Put points on Animal Tracker in order to detect the issue. 4. Spawn 3 or 4 animals 5- Crouch without being seen by them 6- Notice that with the mod on, the first spawned animal doesn't appear on the compass 7- Notice that with the mod Off, the Animal tracker compass will go back to working fine, and every creature shows up again properly. Expected result: +1 Perception mod should allow Animal Tracker to detect the first creature that you encounter/spawn. Currently it does not.
  9. Buried Supplies quest can fail on activation without previously modifying the terrain below. It happened to me with a tier 2 buried supplies quest in the burnt forest, it was an area previously unexplored, but I noticed that the exclamation point was a little elevated from the ground aside from the bouncing. ( on top of a rock maybe? IDK. That's a weird one, but it never happened to me before. The area was fully loaded on the RAM and also I did not experience any graphical glitches. A POI was close, not too close though, (15-30 meters maybe?). I will post new information regarding the issue if I ever encounter it again. I do know I can force a fail by digging up all the area, but this one I've never encounter. Edit: the terrain was kind of flat, but I could post screenshots with the location and seed If needed.
  10. Hi! I'm lazy today so I'll report a fast issue that I encountered without the proper form because I'm also evil. Poopy Pants Daycare has a clipping issue with a hedge right on the right side of the entrance. You can see the hedge from inside the POI. That's it. Also, medium graphic settings preset and no CPU occluder for me. Thank you guys for your hard work. This stuff is getting amazing.
  11. About 1.0 : This comment is intended specifically for @Prime .One of the things that I find underperforming are quests in general. The system can be so much more and it still has only clear, fetch and restore power. Buried is barely a fetch with a radius code and infested is just clear. Where are the escort, protect, investigate and report, finding notes, destroy buildings, save X before a building explodes/collapses , kill a boss in X location, a Zombie/bandit ARENA with bets and periodic fights within a settlement or POI, etc etc. Besides time, Are npcs the main set back for those, I wonder? Still miles to go for quests. Gameplay is solid, but late game becomes painful really fast, even though total gameplay sessions are getting longer because of early game "stretchment", which I love.
  12. Hi there guys ! Long time no seen. Lately, I've been playing 1.0 like crazy and I find it quite refreshing. The top things for me are optimizations and armour. It might not have quite the "better fps", but it sure is A LOT less bumpy. Good job to everyone at TFP for this amazing update! A couple of questions for the devs: @faatal , can I ask for a couple of tweaks to make the "nerdy veteran experience" more complete? LESS loot: Like a 5% option or so? 25% is still too much for 1, even 2 players. Still, it's a niche option but akin to "nightmare loot setting". 25% is just ok, so it can be less, I wish. A zd hp percentage would also be nice, I mean like untie the hp from the general difficulty setting and add another option just for that. It could solve some "bullet spongy" problems without actually decreasing the Zd damage tied to the insane difficulty. And for the RWG: 1- Could you make PLAINS, HILLS and MOUNTAINS sliders like the biomes`? . Sliders for those 3 are not very easy to handle and you cannot exactly put the percentages that you want. They should work like in the current upgraded biome sliders. 2- A cave option for terrain features? DLC for that at least? pretty please. @Gazz Why can we still use an axe, or certain tools against an item in the begining of the game (before doing too much damage to the object) as a cheat way to get more resources like feathers against a birds nest before we take the things inside and it dissappears? Shouldn't you guys finally remove that niche feature-cheat? We should not be able to collect pivotal resources from manually hurting objects tagged as "disappear after looting" , it can be a pain to balance for the purpose of nothing at all. Thanks for reading, Hugs, guys!
  13. Still no bandits uh? Well, the armour system's bonuses, loot tables, modelling and rigging are a huge undertaking, so I'm not surprised that the foes slipped a22. I'm kinda impressed that both the character system AND the clothing system will be ready in time for this alpha. The animals look amazing btw. It makes me wonder about new ones and animal taming and the like. Hugs!
  14. Great job with the new road decals. Finally! Brilliant writting on the newspapers. Now I wish we had more of those bits of written info all over the place. It seems less important but it's always the little things that make a game feel great. Hugs.
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