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10 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

1. Trabalhando nisso
2. Trabalhando nisso
3. Os bastões fazem parte da progressão robótica pela simples razão de que existem apenas dois deles. Um deles é "técnico".
4. Terá que esperar e ver como as coisas se agitam com os riscos ambientais.
5. Sorta trabalhando nisso.
6. A ideia do Behemoth está morta e não será adicionada ao jogo. Zumbis chefes "pode" ser uma coisa, mas eles serão apenas versões HP mais altas dos que já temos. Nenhum zumbi único será adicionado para isso.

Will the radiation within the game be worked on or will it be removed from the game? Any ideas?

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Today while playing I got attacked by a chicken. Really! 😁


I was in the burnt forest biome and had just looted an aircraft drop and was looking at everything in my inventory. Suddenly I noticed that my whole screen jumped. Then I see this red chicken rush from right under me just as I close my inventory screen. I thought some zombies hit me and it was a chicken. 😂


Natally, I rushed after it to invite it to dinner.   It was delicious! 🤗


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16 hours ago, Matt115 said:
17 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

6. The idea of the Behemoth is dead and will not be added to the game. Boss zombies "might" be a thing, but they will just be higher HP versions of the ones we already have. No unique zombies will be added for this.

God please no. no. just no

I'm on his side, please don't just spawn regular zombies with more HP/DMG. THis is too cheap at least give them some kind of mutation marks so you can identify them as Bosses.

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3 hours ago, Blake_ said:

Why not? Supreme Ultra Master Deadly Radiated Draugr Lord from the Depths of the Wasteland Puddle MKII. I dig it.  A "kill/ hunt the boss" quest is a yes from me.

You miss the point I think  (unless you were joking).

Nobody wants the same copy/paste zombie, just with more hit points.

We want to see new AI behaviours and powers from boss zombies, that's why he said no.

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2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

You miss the point I think  (unless you were joking).

Nobody wants the same copy/paste zombie, just with more hit points.

We want to see new AI behaviours and powers from boss zombies, that's why he said no.

If it's about them not wanting to make more models I would be fine if they would use the copy paste zombies but with a little extra. A unique glowing effekt (like the radiation) or some mutations (like the bubbles on the bubble zombie)


Edit: Maybe a dark Blue glowing

Edited by Diragor (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

You miss the point I think  (unless you were joking).

Nobody wants the same copy/paste zombie, just with more hit points.

We want to see new AI behaviours and powers from boss zombies, that's why he said no.

Exactly, we already have unique Bosses like Grace (Although she could use a bit of a touch up and better AI), why not add more? The simple bullet sponge approach to bosses doesn't really seem too fun.

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44 minutes ago, Arma Rex said:

Exactly, we already have unique Bosses like Grace (Although she could use a bit of a touch up and better AI), why not add more? The simple bullet sponge approach to bosses doesn't really seem too fun.

Grace is basically the same model as the other pigs only 2 blocks high and with a different skin. The Behemoth, on the other side, was originally planned to be 5 blocks high. As far as I know there were problems with the pathing at this size.


Also a reskin from existing models should be relatively easy but new models from scratch would be much more difficult. So I think the existing models will get a new skin or some effects that identifies them as Boss Zombies.


Edited by RipClaw (see edit history)
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21 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

1. Working on it
2. Working on it
3. Batons are part of the robotics progression for the simple reason that there are only two of them. One being "techy".
4. Will have to wait and see how things shake out with the environmental hazards. 
5. Sorta working on it.
6. The idea of the Behemoth is dead and will not be added to the game. Boss zombies "might" be a thing, but they will just be higher HP versions of the ones we already have. No unique zombies will be added for this.

About the hazard. I like the idea of the hazards and I was wondering if every hazard can be disabled without needing anything. I was wondering if there will be more unique tools added like the gasmask in order to get through some buildings. Lets say a crank against damaged water pipes, a special ratched against fire pipes. More tools against specific hazards that you need to find schematics for in order to have some kind of "way blockers" on higher tier buildings so that indicates that you need more specific tools in order to loot those higher tier buildings. I can imagine this as a very nice progression thresh hold for tier 3 and higher buildings and would make them way much more interesting.

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5 hours ago, Diragor said:

I'm on his side, please don't just spawn regular zombies with more HP/DMG. THis is too cheap at least give them some kind of mutation marks so you can identify them as Bosses.


Yes, at the very least give the boss zombies a 3rd nipple.

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5 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

You miss the point I think  (unless you were joking).

Nobody wants the same copy/paste zombie, just with more hit points.

We want to see new AI behaviours and powers from boss zombies, that's why he said no.

Of course I was. A boss quest would still be cool, whatever that boss is, though we are always leaning on the AI variety side. More hp is never the answer in any game. It helps make use of poor model variety, but just so. Regarding radiated, it has been said by many devs several times (Madmole, Rick, 3d artists) that there are no plans for changing that fact (plus radiation actually happening), except with special zds, and I don't expect a great deal of new special Zds aside from 2 or 3 more which are quasi-planned/mentioned in the streams.


The solution was always a character creator and zd generator (same as character creator)  based on parts and colours, and the later might happen, though the former is a no for zds and a weak maybe for npcs.


It takes quite a bit of time to do, but not a great deal of it if the team is set on it. Would it be a shame if it doesn't ever happen? Maybe.

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The climate in our apocalypse is too good
Debuffs from the weather do not bring the slightest discomfort
At one time, for the sake of more immersion, I carried warm clothes with me and changed before entering the winter biome, but then I always ran everywhere in a raincoat.
In addition to an increased zombie population and better loot, there should be a more dangerous climate in more complex biomes
I remember it was about radiation in the wastelands, maybe there will be armor that protects against it.But the desert and winter need a worsening climate.Or at least that there was an opportunity to set yourself a tougher climate in the settings.

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4 hours ago, Diragor said:

If it's about them not wanting to make more models I would be fine if they would use the copy paste zombies but with a little extra. A unique glowing effekt (like the radiation) or some mutations (like the bubbles on the bubble zombie)


Edit: Maybe a dark Blue glowing

The models are not the important part IMO. We need different behaviors, different weapons/claws or whatever, and different path finding.


Example 1: let's say we get an Alpha Wolf. They could make it howl to call in a pack of normal wolves (much like the screamer), and the Alpha Wolf itself would stand back waiting for his pack to attack you and only come forward and hit you when you're already wounded (similar to vultures).


Example 2: a Stalker Crawler. It could hide inside normal dirt and come out suddenly when you walk on top of its block (or dig it). Then it would hide again inside dirt when it's been wounded to regenerate. After it's healed, it'll come back later to stalk you. It would be a great PITA for underground POIs too, IMO.

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While I’d like a behemoth like zombie it appears to be impractical at this

point in time. I’d rather the Pimps finish 7D2D and move on to something else rather than perpetually f around with game systems.

Accepting that a huge behemoth zombie is not possible simply give a noticeably different skin to the end game boss zombie and have it do something different like it throws explosive globs or it has a cloud of poisonous gas around it or it’s just really  good at breaking walls. The zombie doesn’t need to look that different just make the difference noticeable maybe the glow red or something.

Related hopefully there will be more skins for zombies going forward I really would like a non modded option to have enough variety that you don’t continually see the same ones over and over. I fear with UMA zombies ultimately going away this could be a problem however I am sure there is some plan the pimps have.

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6 hours ago, meganoth said:


If you are asking about the connection, read the wikipedia entry on "Native American Gaming"


He asked about Casino Poi - you wrote about Duke.  Well there is a option for lack of casino POI and  nuke can be explanation

9 hours ago, Diragor said:

I'm on his side, please don't just spawn regular zombies with more HP/DMG. THis is too cheap at least give them some kind of mutation marks so you can identify them as Bosses.

Yeah this would looks like MMO idea

12 hours ago, Blake_ said:

Why not? Supreme Ultra Master Deadly Radiated Draugr Lord from the Depths of the Wasteland Puddle MKII. I dig it.  A "kill/ hunt the boss" quest is a yes from me.

That's why!

8 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

You miss the point I think  (unless you were joking).

Nobody wants the same copy/paste zombie, just with more hit points.

We want to see new AI behaviours and powers from boss zombies, that's why he said no.

Yeah, just more hp and dunno make this zombie bigger will looking silly

Edited by Matt115 (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, BenZ0 said:

About the hazards...

As shown in the teaser video, the fire hazards are simply turned off with a valve found somewhere in the POI. No special tools required.

Radiation hazards, "if added", will "mostly likely" have some sort of armor or armor mod to negate or lessen the effects. Not really sure on that one just yet.

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18 minutes ago, schwanz9000 said:

As shown in the teaser video, the fire hazards are simply turned off with a valve found somewhere in the POI. No special tools required.

Radiation hazards, "if added", will "mostly likely" have some sort of armor or armor mod to negate or lessen the effects. Not really sure on that one just yet.

Fire hazards?
Teaser video?

Where can I find this?

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2 hours ago, ISPARTACUSI said:

Some thoughts on customizable difficulty settings I think TFPs should add in A21 or at least before the game is finished. I think most if not all of these would be easy to add options for, since they're already in the game:


1. Loot stage scaling: Give us options on how fast the loot stage increases along with your game stage.

2. Loot TYPE spawn rates: Let us alter how much specific types of loot spawn. E.g. if we want to play with lower ammo, let us choose to decrease ammo drops by 50%. Same thing with food, guns, resources gained from mining, etc.

3. Game stage increase customization: Let us choose how fast the difficulty increases in general. # of days alive currently increases game stage a bit slow for my liking, I'd love the ability to change the impact by something like 30%, so my day 21 horde is more difficult by 30%. You get the idea.

4. Customize screamer hordes: What types of zombies & how many the screamers can spawn.

5. Debuff customization: Let us choose the likelihood of getting each type. For example, I think infection should be a MUCH bigger problem in the game, so I'd like to turn that up to 300%. On the flip side, I think the other debuffs are annoying & not fun, so let me turn them down to 75% of normal. Etc.

6. Dangerous cities: Customize the frequency & number of zombie spawns in cities vs. POIs vs wilderness, etc. 

7. Wandering Hordes: Customize the frequency & number of zeds that spawn in wandering hordes.

8. Damage by hitbox: Customize the percent damage for different regions of the body. Let us choose if we want to play head-shots only (e.g. turn down body shot damage to 20% so we really have to aim for the head).

9. Questing nerfs: Choose how many quest you can do per day/week, and how often the quests reset. Lets us choose how much we want to let the quests rule our playthrough.

10. Biome difficulty: Let us choose just how much MORE difficult each biome should be. For example, I'd love to turn my wasteland into an absolute warzone. 400% difficulty increase over even the snow biome, with an accompanying loot increase. This would essentially turn the wasteland into the 'endgame' that I and many others currently crave.



I'm sure there are more that would be good to add, just can't think of them right now. I know TFPs don't want to make the game harder so they keep it fun for newbies, but please don't ignore us veterans either. This is a great compromise that'll keep us all enjoying the game for a long time to come. I know there are mods for some of these already, but I think these are fundamental for advanced players and so should be in the game. And since TFPs have been tinkering with virtually all of these for a while, the ability to change these settings is clearly present in the software. It should therefore be easy to add an 'advanced options' section of the game menu. Cheers & I'd love to hear any thoughts people have!


Just gonna tag some people so hopefully somebody from the dev team sees this -- @Roland @meganoth @madmole @faatal@Crater Creator


P.s. I'm very excited for A21, hope it lives up to the hype! Thanks for the work you guys do.



Okay , well please don't  call devs, if they will have a while they will read this if this will be not offtopic. I mean people with "orange " nicknames 

To rest - this sounds good but made 1 mistake - loot stage is connected directly with games stage - you have automatic shotgun but you have to deal with feral

2. - sounds reaslitic about group of loot but resources? not rly because of perks

3. As upsters  gamestage is connected wtih lootstage

4. idk if this is connected with gamestage i mean what types of zombie will respawn

5. Ok this can be done

6. Sorry but not - there world limit because number of players - you know preformance

7. ^ this same thing about that but frequency can be done

8. uh....  probably?

9.  There will be some traders nerfs soon so.. what for that

10. There will be silly but important question - what do you mean by difficulty? For X  diffuclty can be  1 zombie can survive 100 headshotes, for another one respawn of feral only for someone tons of mines and traps


Well... hm i think TFP had 3 options- 1. make games for small hardcore group of players - like the forest , Green hell or no more room in hell fans - hard, maybe controversial 2. make this game easier to make group of potential players bigger  and "let" modder to make this harder - as it's looks now 3. mix both and make game for nobody - too "light" for more seriouse setting fans (days gone , tlou), too easy for hardcore players and too hard for "typical" player. So they choose this... and hm... we can complain but it was good decision because 7DTD is still popular on steam - just check 7DTD and green chart --> 7dtd is much  more popular. Well days gone is... dead. Not because it's bad game. It's  dead because people didn't buy it on released and... was more seriouse that most PS games. But well - nothing can be done with that so just use to it

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