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7 hours ago, Junuxx said:

The word you're looking for is a cuboid aka a box.


Is the distance at which sleepers get spawned in any way exposed in the XML?

I'm pretty sure the sleeper volume itself gets spawned in along with the POI.
Sleeper volume size and origin are defined in each POI's xml file.
From what I've seen, the zombie attached to the sleeper volume spawns in when the player collides with the volume. Usually the volumes are defined such that a player will ideally trigger the spawn before entering the room, although in a few cases, such as while going down open staircases, zombies can spawn while in the player's view. They get around this by placing a lot of zombies around corners and inside closets.
Opening a POI in the prefab editor will give you a visual display of sleeper volumes.
A sleeper volume may contains several zombie spawners which spawn zombies from the zombie groups you define for the sleeper volume.
Each individual zombie spawner within a volume I believe, but I am unsure, are stored in a different file, not the xml, with information such as position, rotation. Here, I also believe how sensitive the zombie is to noise, or how easily it will wake up, is defined. Hearing radius or something of that sort is defined. Low sensitivity with a small radius allows those closet zombies to for the most part stay put until you get really close.

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1 hour ago, HungryZombie said:

you connect them to a battery bank and you have 100% self-sustaining power 24/7. The solar charges the batteries for night use.

ok good, I wasn't sure if I dreamed up the connecting to the solar bank. 

Edit: I meant connecting solar bank to the battery bank.

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1 hour ago, Galifrey1965 said:

Sorry didn't realise facts were now considered insults, noted. Don't care if people do say my idea is dumb, I'm a grown up and realise not everyone is gonna agree with me ;)

You can disagree without being rude or vulgar, but I guess to each one his standards...

27 minutes ago, STyK_ said:

ok good, I wasn't sure if I dreamed up the connecting to the solar bank. 

They're actually useless and a waste of money... normal generators with a full tank will last you days if not weeks unless you're lighting a city. 🔋

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@madmole ...you mentioned a couple of times the number of clicks when doing things is a factor when planning things (switching mods from weapon to weapon for example IIRC).  With that in mind, can the paintbrush can be changed to work like a nailgun/hammer/stone axe?  With one of those, just holding right-click and moving cursor from block to block allows you to upgrade...with the paintbrush you have to right click on every single block.  I know you can use the paint roller option but that's not ideal when you are trying to be precise with the paint. 


In the big picture, it's a small thing, but it sure would be a nice QoL improvement (IMO).

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57 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

They're actually useless and a waste of money... normal generators with a full tank will last you days if not weeks unless you're lighting a city. 🔋

They have they're uses, end game forsure. PVP you hook it up to a battery bank then hook it up to a your security inside, shotgun turrents or what ever you can dream up. Then who ever is going to raid your base has to destroy the solar bank(on the roof of your base) and wait for the battery bank to run out of power. You can leave your base for days in and out of game and you have constant power to your security. Otherwise you have to come back or log back in and gas the generator all the time.


The only draw back was the lag they made on servers, we've told Lathan details on how to recreate it on his stream, it doesn't happen in singleplayer he has to test it on servers.


Also pretty sure you can get panels salvaging solar banks, at least you could from what I heard, chance to salvage solar panels and a chance to salvage the solar bank. I've never made it happen, I bought mine in end game when you have more money then you know what to do with. This was before it was brass.

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11 minutes ago, beerfly said:

Someone is gonna complain of another dog horde soon 🤠


@DaVega, aside from mocking around, do you play some 7days recently, I work a lot lately and can`t play here, but hope you are having good time out there, I mean it, mate. 

And I am still locked in your dungeon btw, just saying.. 

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22 hours ago, meganoth said:

a long fight through a jungle with no way out but up.

There is a fun alternate start where you fly to and begin on the roof and work your way down. I can't remember if you are supposed to gift yourself a pistol with 100 ammo or not but it's something like that. It was pretty fun in a no way out but down sort of way.

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2 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

i mean it is not hard to do that normally 



personly i would rather have them add all the other shapes to make my base look better like Center 1/2, Curved walls, round walls, those roofs of the trailers they uses around the edges that i don't know the name off! like have a Folder like blocks, Walls, Roofs, stairs, floors, others rather then a mosh pit that is unorganized, (also they could turn the scrap metal frame into a Shape shifter so you can turn it into other shapes like Arrow slots) but hey thats my opinion :)   




edit: it seams that Madmole has been liking castles more! i mean @Laz Man and @Toban seem to help feed his hunger for mid evil buildings!  just me maybe?



Edit 2: Good to see you back @Orsey :)

I must admit, I do like the new shapes

15 hours ago, madmole said:

I added a new round arch shape today :)


I'm loving the new shapes. I can't wait to use them on my next castle

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22 hours ago, Blake_ said:

My apologies. 64 alive (a must for me) and Warrior diff. 120 min days (very long horde nights ). So I think you might be right. I've been playing that for so long that I don't tell apart default from customized settings. I only do default for testing. On 2 hour days it takes 1 hour to hour and a half to repair a normal 20x20x15 base on day 27 (54 hours in).


A big base should theoretically take about the same time to repair with 1 hour days and 64 Zds alive within the same timeframe (half way into the game). I mean 64 alive is awesome and thrilling every single time. Should check the data to see how many people actually play more than 8 alive. It would be interesting . This game is crazy fun with more entities. PERFORMANCE though.... more than 32 alive can knock -even if just a bit- on any system's door.

64 alive or 64 blood moon? Two totally different things. 64 alive is default. 64 blood moon is not. One is on basic tab the other is on adv tab. Which are you referring to with your 64?

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4 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

i mean it is not hard to do that normally 



personly i would rather have them add all the other shapes to make my base look better like Center 1/2, Curved walls, round walls, those roofs of the trailers they uses around the edges that i don't know the name off! like have a Folder like blocks, Walls, Roofs, stairs, floors, others rather then a mosh pit that is unorganized, (also they could turn the scrap metal frame into a Shape shifter so you can turn it into other shapes like Arrow slots) but hey thats my opinion :)   




edit: it seams that Madmole has been liking castles more! i mean @Laz Man and @Toban seem to help feed his hunger for mid evil buildings!  just me maybe?



Edit 2: Good to see you back @Orsey :)

Look closer. That is impossible with existing blocks. All 3 are in the same cube grid.

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3 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

Look closer. That is impossible with existing blocks. All 3 are in the same cube grid.

ik but i you can just do that ingame (granted it would not look like that but it could have more uses)



you probably could not put anything in the top corner. but if it was going to be in game i wouldn't complain   

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13 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

Look closer. That is impossible with existing blocks. All 3 are in the same cube grid.

As a side note there is a corner half block like that but only 2 sides not 3.  Its helpful when trying to build smaller rooms/areas where space is limited.

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4 hours ago, Orsey said:


MM, add this block shape please. This shape is sorely lacking when you make walls from plates. Thanks.



 Guys, leave a like if you support the request 👍

I do not think you want this. Building plates in this way makes it that the plate actually takes up the inside slot, meaning you cannot put any furniture there. then you have this weird 1block space around the walls that do not allow anything there. 

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4 hours ago, STyK_ said:

Sure you can! Just run away from the initial charge and lose them, then they go idle, go back and pick them off one at a time. I actually did it in a recently posted vid. They are 2hs though so maybe a tough time finding that particular part.

Yeps, I know you can hide and wait for a bit with stealth or run away, but aren't the wandering hordes supposed to be... wandering? As in, they just have happened to bunch up and flip flop their way into the general area you are currently in - not expecting an attack. Atleast that is my depiction of a wandering horde. 🙂

It's weird cos' they're not fully aggroed - they don't run at you if it's nighttime or whatever the current game settings tell them to do, but yet you can't sneak attack them unless you wait a preset time, that's why I wanted faatals' take on this; is it a game limitation, perhaps an oversight or done on purpose?

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1 hour ago, n2n1 said:

more AI exploit:



No matter how complex the AI is, there will always be exploits.

Do a simple and effective AI.

He's giving people what they want to see, don't hate on him, that's where the views are unfortunately. Make it so the game can't do this or accept that is what the game is by not putting the proper rules in place. This is the game giant meme I warned you about. #you can't force self-control

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37 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

As a side note there is a corner half block like that but only 2 sides not 3.  Its helpful when trying to build smaller rooms/areas where space is limited.

🤨 Is there outside of creative mode  or the poi builder?

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11 hours ago, wolfbain5 said:

will arrows and bolts get fixed soon?


Seconding this. Still very frustrated by arrows and bolts that very clearly fly THROUGH the zombie character model inflicting zero damage. Head, neck, torso, doesn't seem to matter anymore. I've witnessed this too many times at ranges close enough to verify the actual trajectory of the arrow without error to ensure it's actually going through the zombie and not just missing somehow. I'm not sure how to submit a bug report for this issue, and it's intermittent enough that I don't know how to reliably duplicate it. I can say I have had, in one instance, four iron crossbow bolts fired from a compound crossbow fly clean through the torso of a business zombie. They did not hit and shatter, they went through and dealt zero damage. I was at a range where, while aiming down ADS, there was zero chance of the bolt flying off and not hitting, and I watched every single one through its full trajectory. I actually had to backpedal away to keep firing before eventually landing two shots to kill.

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