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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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Welcome to the Alpha 19 Dev Diary. As of this time we don't even know what to call Alpha 19. It might be small named updates like "The New Combat Book Update" which could start at "19.0", with the "Vehicle Update" landing on 19.2, etc. What we do know is we're working on some new books, a vehicle update, etc but how and when we roll out what is to be determined. Hopefully it can be several point release patches to get you guys more frequent updates over 6-12 months instead of one big drop in a year.


Weapons Update

  • All weapon types will have 3 tiers. (eg: Wood Club --> Baseball Bat --> Steel Mace) Each weapon still has 6 quality levels.
  • New top tier Auto Shotgun
  • New mid tier Machine Gun
  • New low tier Junk Sledge
  • New top tier Junk Drone
  • Most pre-alpha 18 weapons have new models and textures
  • New Steel Fireaxe, new Steel Club.

New Books

  • Tech Junkie Learn from MacDyver himself to build useful gadgets from common household junk!
  • Grease Monkey Learn to modify and craft vehicles of all currently existing shapes and sizes
  • Bar Brawling Learn from Irish legend "Lucky @%$*#!" himself and never get bested in a good ol' fashioned bar room brawl.
  • Spear Hunter Get connected with your inner caveman and master the forgotten art of spear hunting.

Perk tree reduction

  • Many non combat perks didn't feel like they were worth investing into or the cost was too great for what they offered, so many perks are being reduced to 3 ranks instead of 5.
  • Lucky Looter: removed all digging bonuses.
  • New perception perk: Treasure Hunter: Become one of the greatest treasure hunters of all time learning tricks that would even make Blackbeard envious. Rank 1: Plunderer Narrow down treasure locations to 7 meters and find 10% more items in buried treasure. Rank 2: Maurader: 5 meters and 20% more items. Treasure Hunter: 3 meters and 30% more items.
  • The Infiltrator, Animal Tracker, The Penetrator, Lockpicking, Sexual Rex, Well Insulated, Living off the Land, Rule #1 Cardio, Run and Gun, Flurry of Blows, Parkour, Hidden Strike, From the Shadows, Daring Adventurer, Charismatic Nature, Physician will all have reductions or changes made to them. Yeah science will be removed and its perks distributed to others.


  • Candy will be added to vending machines, making canned foods more scarce in the process. Candy has zero calories but will boost attributes or provide special abilities for a short duration, like recog and fortbites. Here are a few examples of over 10 new candy items coming to A19.

Skull Crushers

  • Rock hard candy: Gives you a rock hard punch. Increases melee damage 50% for 2 minutes.
  • Atom Junkies: Atom sized candy and atomic sized power! Increase explosive damage 50% for 2 minutes.
  • Sugar Butts: If ifs and butts were candy and nuts every day would be Christmas! Well now it can be with one tasty Sugar Butts Candy. Increases Better Barter one rank for 2 minutes.

New super filling foods

  • All new super foods have 0% food poisoning.
  • Gumbo Stew
  • Shepard's Pie
  • Spaghetti
  • Tuna Fish Gravy on Toast

Improved Animations

  • Player arms in third person will no longer be stiff when moving with one handed tools, fists or weapons, instead their arms will move more naturally when they walk and run.
  • Zombies heads will turn to track the player.

Loading Screen Tips

  • Loading screens will come with interactive survival tips the user can advance or go back to read the next or previous tip.

Random World Gen Improvements

  • Random biomes!

Points of interest

  • 7 new or refurbished ranger stations
  • Hardware stores reimagined
  • Much much more.


  • All traders still sell everything, but now each one specializes in something. Joel sells armor, Jen sells meds, Bob sells vehicles and tools, Hugh sells weapons and ammo, and Rekt will sell food and seeds.
  • After graduating to the next quest tier traders offer a special quest that will take you to the next trader.
  • Traders have head tracking so they look at the player.

Integrated Survival System

  • Hunger and thirst bars returned to main play screen
  • New Zombie vs player critical hits system give specific injury debuffs such as lacerations, arm sprains and breaks, etc 
  • Injuries cause a lowering of max health and/or stamina until they are remedied. Multiple injury effects stack.
  • Vomitting removed. Bad food hurts health and has a chance for dysentery. Basic food heals a little and adds fullness. Advanced recipes give max stamina bonuses and greatly increases health and fullness. 

Vehicle Update - pushed to A20

  • Vehicle Mods
  • Vehicle break down and collision system
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Compare will show base stats in the future, when comparing.


How about a way to see total stats including perks on items? You could do this in a17 by hitting modify, it'd then show you the items total damage with mods and perks combined. However this doesn't seem to work in a18 anymore. Its defently not added to the values when you click on something to check it out, as my actual block damage is much higher than that steel pickaxe says it is. Like my t5 pump shotgun in a18.2 b2, says 200 something damage with slugs, is the 40% from my shotgun perk added to that 200 for the weapon+mods, or is it added to the base damage of the ammo which is 120? Currently there is no way to tell what your actual entity damage is with a weapon as there is no way to see it without console commands. Block damage however is easy to figure out, just hit something then its just simple subtraction.

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As long as it doesn't take another damn year to get the update....


Just try your hardest to NOT bloat it and stick to lesser but more frequent updates, to keep the game fresh instead of making most of us play 2-4 months and go on hiatus for the rest of the year.


That being said, vehicle mods and new vehicle shapes? Yes please.


After "A19" is done, I would personally suggest expanding electricity, because its a massive potential for late game that is completely wasted on couple of lights and traps alone.

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As long as it doesn't take another damn year to get the update....


Just try your hardest to NOT bloat it and stick to lesser but more frequent updates, to keep the game fresh instead of making most of us play 2-4 months and go on hiatus for the rest of the year.


That being said, vehicle mods and new vehicle shapes? Yes please.


After "A19" is done, I would personally suggest expanding electricity, because its a massive potential for late game that is completely wasted on couple of lights and traps alone.


Nobody said new vehicle shapes. We now have 3 branches so we can ship builds whenever we want to. Features get merged to the live branch, and new risky stuff will get developed in a separate branch than trunk, so we should be able to ship build as needed. We're still fixing a lot of bugs but we're starting to get some new stuff going.

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OMG am I the only female that plays this obsessively? Please may I have some new paint effects/ Lots of them. i want to make my house look really nice. Once I wash the zomb blood off...


I'd like to find a way to stream paints so we could have a lot more.

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As long as it doesn't take another damn year to get the update....


Just try your hardest to NOT bloat it and stick to lesser but more frequent updates, to keep the game fresh instead of making most of us play 2-4 months and go on hiatus for the rest of the year.


That being said, vehicle mods and new vehicle shapes? Yes please.


After "A19" is done, I would personally suggest expanding electricity, because its a massive potential for late game that is completely wasted on couple of lights and traps alone.


Lesser updates are stupid. The game gets better with longer updates. I really do hope they "BLOAT" it.


- - - Updated - - -


OMG am I the only female that plays this obsessively? Please may I have some new paint effects/ Lots of them. i want to make my house look really nice. Once I wash the zomb blood off...


Haha lol. All preeeeety and stuff lol... I try to play but then see something that needs modding or added lol.. maybe 1 day I can play haha as with many of the modders here I reckon

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Compare will show base stats in the future, when comparing.


Any chance to show what crafting will give you on average?


Essentially, if I have a quality 5 item, and can craft a quality 5 item, I want to know if it is worth it or not. (based on if I can actually craft something with better specs.)

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OMG am I the only female that plays this obsessively? Please may I have some new paint effects/ Lots of them. i want to make my house look really nice. Once I wash the zomb blood off...


My wife has over 1000 hours in this game, so you aren’t the only female that enjoys it.

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if you are doing smaller content. can we get a working jail door? loved it in a15, but since then it has been missing. and an upgrade path to steel bars would also be a welcomed addition. yes these mods exist, but certain things should be in vanilla imo


Jail doors interfered with zombie pathing, hence why they were removed.

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Suggestions for vehicle enhancements...



Altimeter/gyroscope for gyrocopter. So I can see how high above the ground I am and if I am climbing or descending.

Speedometer (should be self-explanatory)

AC and Heater mods. So that I can be comfortable in any biome without the need for armor/clothing mods. (At least until I get out of the vehicle.)

Flood lights... High Intensity. So that I can see farther at night. (including the ability to put them on a gyrocopter)

Night Vision? After all, Cadillac has been doing it for almost 20 years now. (though admittedly, it will probably be the same exact effect as wearing night vision googles now while driving.)

GPS. Not so much for turn by turn directions (although that would be nice, it is probably overkill.) But, just a corner of the screen that can show the overhead map of where you are located so that I know when I am close to my turn.

Rotating Blades. Don't just knock down zombies that you hit... Maim, dismember, and kill them.


Two other vehicle ideas. (possibly as mods)

Nitrous Oxide. Create from nitrates in a chem station. Increase vehicle speed.

Passenger Turret. Either a hole in the roof for 360 degree aiming, or let them lean out the window and only aim on one side. Can be an actual turret with ammo, or the player's own weapons. (including a baseball bat for smashing mailboxes or zombie heads at high speed.)



New vehicle suggestions:

Skateboard - Faster than walking, slower than a bike, no inventory.

Sports Car - Faster than a motorcycle, uses as much gas as a 4x4, between the two in inventory space. 2 person max.

Sedan - roughly as fast as a motorcycle. uses less gas than a 4x4, more gas than a motorcycle. 4 person max. Between motorcycle and 4x4 in inventory space.

Pick Up Truck - Similar stats to a 4x4. More cargo space.

Electric Car - Uses an internal battery bank for fuel. Less range than a gas engine. Possible solar recharge mod, or you will need to swap batteries at your base. (similar to a Sedan in other stats.)


With the idea of turrets, maybe a APC or SWAT vehicle. Can have a player operated turret for MP, or an auto-turret for SP. Uses a lot of gas, but has a crapton of cargo space. Can carry 4 (or maybe more.) Possibly allow it to use an auto turret to stop Zombies from entering the POI after the player goes in (or give support fire to players that rip through an entrance with the stealthiness of the proverbial bull in a china shop.)

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