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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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17 minutes ago, Pegasus said:

But the original request was for the skill to be changed for single player.  I was pointing out that there is no single player and the game likely will not be rebalanced for something that no longer exists.


Well it is still actually being balanced for solo play though.  They just removed single player because multiplayer is basically the same thing when no one is in the game heh.


The skill probably should get some type of bonus for the person investing in it at the last rank, cause it is completely useless solo atm.  They probably planned on it working for pets and followers, which might not make it into the game. 


The balance for it is way off though... it is probably the most OP skill that almost no one ever uses.  It is balanced so that it is just a completely dead perk line for solo, and when it would actually be useful, in a large group, is completely OP...


I would be shocked if it did not get changed heh. 

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36 minutes ago, madmole said:

From what I hear they mostly subbed out Fallout 76 to other studios. That is why it was a POS IMO. They let them try some wild stuff, then when the world declared it was a big steaming pile of crap they reeled it back in by adding human NPC questgivers which is what it should have shipped with in the first place. They will probably massage it for a few more years into something reasonable, but it will never feel like Fallout 5 which is sort of what everyone wanted, not what we got.

I think its taking forever because they are making a brand new IP Starfield, doing some new stuff they have never done before, and after the fallout 76 fiasco I'm pretty damn sure they need to knock one out of the park.

I honestly hope they will make it a great new game that would start off a new series. When I think of Starfield, I imagine No Man's Sky done right - in Bethesda style we all love, so if it's a successful game, that would probably make up for the Fallout 76 fiasco, at least for hardcore fans, but I'm worried what's behind the attempt to let some other studio do a new Fallout. I know they have done that in the past with New Vegas, but that one turned out well, many people love New Vegas and still play it to this day, but Fallout 76 was a huge disappointment. Could it mean they are trying to kill the Fallout series? Perhaps in favor of something new, like Starfield?

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23 minutes ago, Pegasus said:

Hook up coffee IVs ... these people don't need sleep!

They should use Blackstrap coffee!

Boosts development endurance! :ranger:

17 minutes ago, mjimlay said:

One suggestion I'd like to throw out there in case it hasn't already, but a "mini-map" on the HUD would be great (like GTA V for example). It would be EXTREMELY helpful when traveling so I don't have to keep pulling up the entire full map every turn to make sure I'm going the correct way.

You mean like this? :heh:



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47 minutes ago, mjimlay said:

One suggestion I'd like to throw out there in case it hasn't already, but a "mini-map" on the HUD would be great (like GTA V for example). It would be EXTREMELY helpful when traveling so I don't have to keep pulling up the entire full map every turn to make sure I'm going the correct way. To add on to this, perhaps a craftable GPS for, say, the 4x4 truck? You could select a POI on the map and the GPS will give you directions there. I know this is the zombie zombie apocalypse but GPS satellites should still be working since they are solar powered and out in orbit. Perhaps make them unusable while it's snowing (blocks signal) or raining, or in the wastelands/burnt forest due to the fog/haze.    

One of the best things this game ever did was ditch the minimap. The day players stopped playing with their eyes glued to the corner and started looking around the actual world was amazing. 

Unfortunately TFP stopped there and never gave us an option of removing the rest of the HUD...

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28 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

I honestly hope they will make it a great new game that would start off a new series. When I think of Starfield, I imagine No Man's Sky done right - in Bethesda style we all love, so if it's a successful game, that would probably make up for the Fallout 76 fiasco, at least for hardcore fans, but I'm worried what's behind the attempt to let some other studio do a new Fallout. I know they have done that in the past with New Vegas, but that one turned out well, many people love New Vegas and still play it to this day, but Fallout 76 was a huge disappointment. Could it mean they are trying to kill the Fallout series? Perhaps in favor of something new, like Starfield?

No Man's Sky in 2020 is No Man's Sky done (mostly) right. Still won't be for everybody, though.


I have sort of a love-hate relationship with BGS games. I like the Elder Scrolls games a lot, but I can't stand their Fallout titles. Seems weird, since they have so much in common, but there it is. Loved Morrowind. Liked Oblivion a lot, hated Fallout 3. Loved Skyrim, loved New Vegas (not developed by BGS so it doesn't count.) Hated Fallout 4. Not going anywhere near 76. I guess something about the way they do post-apocalyptic just puts me off. 

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2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

Guys, the good news is that we'll still be able to play 7D2D in 2040 on a Windows 10 Emulator on our portable arm-pads' OS.

We just have to stay alive until then... com'on guys... yes... we can do it! :grouphug: :rip:

We should be on Alpha 37 by then, I should be closing in on 10k hours at that point

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9 minutes ago, CovertOrreo said:

We should be on Alpha 37 by then, I should be closing in on 10k hours at that point

To be honest I wasn't complaining about the pace of development... the time they have taken up until now (barring some hiccups) has been all used to develop a better game.

What I was joking about is that we like the game so much that we'll keep playing it even after Win10 will become obsolete. :heh:

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On 8/17/2020 at 11:06 AM, Roland said:

Meh....people have supposedly been leaving 7 Days in droves to play Rust instead for almost seven years now....

But the Rust players are leaving to play Empyrion. On the Empyrion forums they are leaving to play Space Engineers. On the Space Engineers forums they are leaving to play No Man's Sky. On the No Man's Sky forums they are leaving to play 7 Days To Die.

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1 minute ago, faatal said:

But the Rust players are leaving to play Empyrion. On the Empyrion forums they are leaving to play Space Engineers. On the Space Engineers forums they are leaving to play No Man's Sky. On the No Man's Sky forums they are leaving to play 7 Days To Die.

Awwww...poor Subnautica...

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18 hours ago, Annihilatorza said:

Good Morning All


@madmole @faatal


With what you guys know now with using both the unity engine and using the unreal engine to make both 7D2D and your new project.


Looking back do you think it would have been a better choice to use unreal from the start or do what you have done by sticking with unity?

I was not here then, but they did what they did. Back then it would of been Unreal 3 and I hated that engine.

9 minutes ago, Roland said:

Awwww...poor Subnautica...

The Subnautica players are so mad, they lost their minds and are leaving to play Subnautica.

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15 minutes ago, faatal said:

But the Rust players are leaving to play Empyrion. On the Empyrion forums they are leaving to play Space Engineers. On the Space Engineers forums they are leaving to play No Man's Sky. On the No Man's Sky forums they are leaving to play 7 Days To Die.

Wait, So where do the Rimworld players come from?

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23 minutes ago, faatal said:

But the Rust players are leaving to play Empyrion. On the Empyrion forums they are leaving to play Space Engineers. On the Space Engineers forums they are leaving to play No Man's Sky. On the No Man's Sky forums they are leaving to play 7 Days To Die.

It's like history...always repeating itself LOL...

2 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

so many people have missed that concept when the options were changed... now they are used to it and overlook it.

I like to see the game as a SP game...feels alot less depressing...LOL

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11 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

It's like history...always repeating itself LOL...

I like to see the game as a SP game...feels alot less depressing...LOL

best thing is... i dont have to worry about cheaters in my game.... and me, myself and i know... they dont have admin so they cant cheat.... or i dont think they can... oh sure they cant... hmmm best go to the admin file to see if they tampered with it. :)


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25 cents an hour eh? Lol. I love this game. And I love my community. But I definitely wouldn't pay a sub for it.




Would it be possible to have vehicles be locked when you place them? similar to placing a storage box? So that players don't have to remember to lock every time they have to pick it up and place it. 😊 pretty please

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Hello. in one of the latest updates, the sounds of the Auger were changed. The new sounds are extremely unpleasant for the ear, make the sound of the game dim during the extraction of resources, and also disorient the player when the zombie approaches. I want to ask, return the old sound that was before!

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3 minutes ago, Argentum said:

Hello. in one of the latest updates, the sounds of the Auger were changed. The new sounds are extremely unpleasant for the ear, make the sound of the game dim during the extraction of resources, and also disorient the player when the zombie approaches. I want to ask, return the old sound that was before!

Small correction: These are the OG sounds for the motor tools. Because of this fact, I have my doubts that they're going to change them back. 😕

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3 hours ago, mjimlay said:

One suggestion I'd like to throw out there in case it hasn't already, but a "mini-map" on the HUD would be great (like GTA V for example). It would be EXTREMELY helpful when traveling so I don't have to keep pulling up the entire full map every turn to make sure I'm going the correct way. To add on to this, perhaps a craftable GPS for, say, the 4x4 truck? You could select a POI on the map and the GPS will give you directions there. I know this is the zombie zombie apocalypse but GPS satellites should still be working since they are solar powered and out in orbit. Perhaps make them unusable while it's snowing (blocks signal) or raining, or in the wastelands/burnt forest due to the fog/haze.    

If I am remembering correctly, and I might not be, we had to stop and exit the vehicle to look at the map!  Imagine that...ya...imagine that... (and maybe I am lol) 

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1 hour ago, faatal said:

But the Rust players are leaving to play Empyrion. On the Empyrion forums they are leaving to play Space Engineers. On the Space Engineers forums they are leaving to play No Man's Sky. On the No Man's Sky forums they are leaving to play 7 Days To Die.

It's the circle of life!  Hakuna Matata with zombies.

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51 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

while you guys are all stroking your epeen seeing who has the most hours im gonna go have fun with my real peen, and 10 digits.

I thought of all the responses I could make ... tallied up how many of them would probably get me banned (pretty much all of them) ... and am gonna settle on "have fun and wear safety goggles..."

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4 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

Guess you didn't hear about the asteroid headed towards Earth... :flame:

They asked NASA an ETA but they just replied with a dry "We don't give dates."

"It's down when it's down"


3 hours ago, pregnable said:


Yeah, but the skill will probably still get changed, because it will be useless for most people, and also extremely OP in large groups. 


The last rank will probably get changed to give a small buff or something to the person who takes it... some reason to use it. 


The last rank later game can be as much as 15 levels worth of skill points to every person getting the buff... probably should not exist lel. 


Which SP player would be so dumb to buy all the ranks just to get a small buff?


1 hour ago, JCrook1028 said:

Wait, So where do the Rimworld players come from?

Factorio. It went out of EA.


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