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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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2 hours ago, Spellslinger said:

Can someone please explain why there is so much hate when they have yet to release A20?  All most people have is videos they have watched as only a handful of people have first hand knowledge because they have played.  Will there be issues? Most likely.  Will there be people complaining? Hell yes.  I have been playing since 9.x and there have been so many changes that the game continues to be fun and interesting.  Do I like ALL the changes, no but I do see that they were the best for the long run.  I paid $10 for this game and have gotten more than my moneys worth and more enjoyment than most of AAA games I have played.   So please try to stay possitive or at least polite.

Thanks and  hell of a 1st post.  😅

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16 hours ago, Blake_ said:

Lol you are cute. Destiny had 500+ of veteran devs and around 140 million US  dollars at the very start (starting with that much people is very important for the programming department specifically). And they took around 4 years since 2010 to release the first one. The Fun Pimps had 3 guys (Madmole, Rick, Robert and the pet give it or take)  and less than 200.000 dollars when they  started developing (kickstarter), with 6-15 people most of the time since. They achieved 45 guys just a year ago and training takes months . Stop comparing Bill Gates with my cat plz. An indie game is not a AAA one. The difference is budget.


Star Citizen started with multiple times the funding and is currently 9 years in development / EA.

(to be fair - buying ingame items in the cash shop is working fine)

7 hours ago, Spellslinger said:

Can someone please explain why there is so much hate when they have yet to release A20?  All most people have is videos they have watched as only a handful of people have first hand knowledge because they have played.


Nope, no one can. It's a genuine mystery for future generations to solve. =P

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12 hours ago, Blue mame said:

You put forward a reason that I cannot refuse. I will solve these problems during the A20 test. At least I will leave if I am not satisfied. I won't give you any advice🙂

You simply bought the wrong game!


If you would have watched some of the trailers, some gameplay videos or read anything else in advance you should have noticed that this game was mainly designed for single player AND for coop playing. Nothing else. PvP is only a collateral effect.


So why do you blame the developers for you own fault of selecting the wrong game for your personal needs?


8 hours ago, Spellslinger said:

Can someone please explain why there is so much hate when they have yet to release A20?  All most people have is videos they have watched as only a handful of people have first hand knowledge because they have played.  Will there be issues? Most likely.  Will there be people complaining? Hell yes.  I have been playing since 9.x and there have been so many changes that the game continues to be fun and interesting.  Do I like ALL the changes, no but I do see that they were the best for the long run.  I paid $10 for this game and have gotten more than my moneys worth and more enjoyment than most of AAA games I have played.   So please try to stay possitive or at least polite.

His first post, and he nailed it!

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6 hours ago, Laz Man said:

Thanks and  hell of a 1st post.  😅


Weell, maybe its me, but I didn't see any "hate" here, we shouldn't put up strawman for the roasting. Bluemame for example was complaining very politely about a limitation that an earlier version didn't have and why shouldn't he get a chance to explain his view like everyone else here does. 


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On 10/28/2020 at 3:49 PM, madmole said:

City tile system randomly places city buildings into tiles so that they are aligned well with each other and city streets. Multilayered for sewer systems below groundlevel buildings and the ability for ends of one tile to match up with those of an adjacent tile so that everything generates looking consistent and aligned.


How would this work if someone wanted to have specific poi's match up with each other? Like for example someone makes police building 1, police substation 1, prison building 1. Would it be editable somehow via generation to have them spawn next to each other so it's interconnected in a way?

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2 hours ago, meganoth said:


Weell, maybe its me, but I didn't see any "hate" here, we shouldn't put up strawman for the roasting. Bluemame for example was complaining very politely about a limitation that an earlier version didn't have and why shouldn't he get a chance to explain his view like everyone else here does. 


Plus, his translation software is NOT good; we've been communicating with him for over a year now on my discord, and I've gotten to learn a little about what he means to say.  What shows on the screen usually isn't it.


Blue is very enthusiastic about the game and just wants to joke along and be part of the community like the rest of us do.

38 minutes ago, Weazelsun said:


How would this work if someone wanted to have specific poi's match up with each other? Like for example someone makes police building 1, police substation 1, prison building 1. Would it be editable somehow via generation to have them spawn next to each other so it's interconnected in a way?

Yes, from what I understand, you'd edit a tile list that has only those pois.

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11 hours ago, Aldranon said:

I'm a solo player, but as I have 8000 split personalities, I am (we are) MUCH more important than everyone else and deserve many more replies from moderators and devs!


Of course, I (we) have only paid for one game, this would be much more than 5000 people who just pirated the game.  Some countries pirate MUCH MUCH more than others..


So, my list of demands (for now):

-Vending machines that sell Coke Classic for 10 dukes (Giving you max stats for three days).

-A full sized airport with a 747 that I can fly, after fixing it completely with some duck tape (I like challenges) .

-Ziplines.  Ziplines everywhere!



I think ziplines would be a fun addition.

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I have over 1800 hours and have bought many copies of this game for people (maybe my favorite game of all time), I have one small request..... can you make it so I can cut the arms and legs off a striper zombie and keep it in my base......  for um weapon testing (yeah I'll stick to that reason).

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4 hours ago, JamesKirk said:

His first post, and he nailed it!




44 minutes ago, nielm269 said:

I have over 1800 hours and have bought many copies of this game for people (maybe my favorite game of all time), I have one small request..... can you make it so I can cut the arms and legs off a striper zombie and keep it in my base......  for um weapon testing (yeah I'll stick to that reason).


This guy nailed it. 😉

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2 hours ago, nielm269 said:

cut the arms and legs off a striper zombie and keep it in my base......  for um weapon testing

Im playing D2 while I wait and had to think of what to do with her leg... 🐄



Devs I reinstalled the game recently and reminded of one issue with big modded Pois: game loading the "distant" version of the Poi when Im inside it, creating those air blocks with a placeholder texture.

While I know modded content is not supported, I wonder if changing the way custom Pois are rendered from afar had a side effect on this. Does anyone know? 😁

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3 hours ago, Guppycur said:

Blue is very enthusiastic about the game and just wants to joke along and be part of the community like the rest of us do.


Sure he is...unless he can't get his server to support 50-100 players at the same time and then he's ready to ditch us all for Minecraft. (Oh, and take his 5000 followers with him...)




/staying to joke around and be part of the community since 2017 when ziplines and random gen caves were dropped.

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22 hours ago, Blue mame said:

It feels uncomfortable that the suggestions I made in multiple major branches have never been taken seriously. They don't seem to care much about the issue of multi-person online. I have a community of more than 5,000 people, I will transfer


@Roland  -- How are the TFP gonna survive without the ongoing recurring monthly charge from those 5,000 people?

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3 hours ago, nielm269 said:

I have over 1800 hours and have bought many copies of this game for people (maybe my favorite game of all time), I have one small request..... can you make it so I can cut the arms and legs off a striper zombie and keep it in my base......  for um weapon testing (yeah I'll stick to that reason).


So I suppose we are 7D2D thumpers now, converting people to dedicate their lives to this game? "The power of The Fun Pimps compels you! The power of The Fun Pimps compels you!" 😜

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3 hours ago, nielm269 said:

... can you make it so I can cut the arms and legs off a striper zombie and keep it in my base......  for um weapon testing (yeah I'll stick to that reason).


PROTIP: Never forget the double-bag rule.



Arch-Necromancer Morloc

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3 hours ago, nielm269 said:

can you make it so I can cut the arms and legs off a striper zombie and keep it in my base...... 

urrr uhmm the stripper was fired and the "Party Girl" is now employed. so "no" would be answer to that question... BUT... will see if "Big Mamma" can be your substitute for that. :) no promises tho

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2 hours ago, danielspoa said:

Im playing D2 while I wait and had to think of what to do with her leg... 🐄



Devs I reinstalled the game recently and reminded of one issue with big modded Pois: game loading the "distant" version of the Poi when Im inside it, creating those air blocks with a placeholder texture.

While I know modded content is not supported, I wonder if changing the way custom Pois are rendered from afar had a side effect on this. Does anyone know? 😁

Tfp fixed that issue in 19.5. 



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3 hours ago, Roland said:


Sure he is...unless he can't get his server to support 50-100 players at the same time and then he's ready to ditch us all for Minecraft. (Oh, and take his 5000 followers with him...)

/staying to joke around and be part of the community since 2017 when ziplines and random gen caves were dropped.

Your comments are offensive. I hereby retire my 2 followers and ban them from playing this game forever. See now how you and the evil TFP Corporation is going to earn money without my top notch ideas about Manhua Cultivation. You treated my players as less than rubbish, now I am reincarnated and I will take my revenge in the form of unexpected poisoned cookie waffles. 

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Welp, the longer it takes for A20 to go experimental/stable the more gore effects we will have for zombies, right?


also, will the biome your are in during horde night  affect the difficulty/rewards/gamestage progression?

(i.e would doing a hordenight in a irradiated zone be more rewarding than in a forest, assuming you could handle it )

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