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We really need a bigger inventory, this is WAY to small.


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Topic, I can't even half loot a t1 poi due to just how much stuff there is. we seriously need to get a bigger inventory, or a ton of clutter needs to be removed from the game. yes I am aware I can mod it, but I am trying to play vanilla for a bit. So far i've pretty much hated vanilla mostly due to the poor skill system and the extremly small inventory. I carry 1 thing fo food 1 thing of water, a bit of ammo, and 2-3 other items, and I literally have no space for loot after 2 minutes in a t1 small poi. Its very frustrating to say the least, and really turning me away from the game. I am trying to stay vanilla but its getting harder and harder too with the rampant inventory issues and such. I feel the inventory should be at least 60 spaces in size minimum, this would be enough space to carry essentals and also a decent amount of space to hold loot. I don't know about you but going in and out of a poi 4 times for a t1-2 poi is kinda silly to box the loot outside of it. I dobut it'll get looked at in a20.x but maybe for a21, especially as the gear system is being dumbed down and gutted for what sounds to me like just more inventory bloat and junk you need to carry around.


IMO when your spending more time managing inventory than it takes to clear the poi there is an issue with inventory size, this is also btw with me throwing away A TON of stuff because I just lack the room for it.

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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Agreed, the number of different things to loot has grown, but the backpack hasn't really grown with it. My friends and I all use a 60 slot backpack mod and 30k stack size mod which solves the issue. I don't know if mods are tracked by their telemetry data, but if they are, I suspect it will show that a lot of people do. If there was steam workshop integration to make it simpler for the non technical gamer, I'd bet a whole lot more people would be doing so as well. Hope the Pimps look at that data, 

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Heh, I won't disagree, but I've gotten so used to dropping a stash at every POI that I don't really notice an issue. Sure, I'm leaving half the stuff behind, but it's the same useless-for-now bits that I've learned to ditch, now there just seems to be more of them .. :)

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I massively disagree on this.
- Packmule and pocket mods expand your inventory.
- scrapping all the stuff you loot increases your inventory by about 1.5x
- you can still walk while overloaded

I have looted whole T4s without having to leave anything behind (except rocks sand and so on).
I might have been overloaded by the end, but it does work.

If you suddenly increase inventory slots, all the thought behind "is it really worth it or can I scrap it?" goes out the window and another survival aspect is gone.
Don't get me wrong, I am a hoarder as much as the next guy. I keep stuff even if I know I already have enough for the next 10 weeks.
And jet... I don't need bottles. I don't need cans, I don't need pipes. I dont need iron ingots. I don't need brass items (scrap), lead is easily farmable or if you don't want to waste it just scrap it...

There are SO many possibilities to loot everything in one go.
I always go 1-2 Packmule and the rest with pocket mods.
This is always enough so that I can still adequately walk when I am completely full.

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I am fine with it. Bigger inventory would mean a lot faster progression. And for me the progression is too fast already. (even if T5 POI´s are freaking deathtraps now beeing level 50. That crack a book skyscraper is insane.) 


We got the drone now for later on, 18 additional slots, 27 with the mod and we have vehicles.


Early on you need to make decisions or come back for the loot. Quests are all pretty near now, really don´t see a problem there.


Also inventory managment is a part of survival. Choosing what you need and what you can leave behind is kind of a challenge as it needs good planning. It would make things way easier to have a huge backpack. 


Modding isn´t for you? There is already a 60 slot backpack modlet for A20.


Also i couldn´t play with that. I have seen Darkness Falls videos with the 60 slots and everything becomes way too tiny in the backpack.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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Yeah...I'm using a 120 slot backpack mod (the one I normally use is 78, but it's not updated for A20 yet), and I still had to make a couple trips out of a new T5 (the Pop 'N' Pills Factory) to get everything out.  But I admittedly refuse to throw anything away or scrap things that can be smelted directly.  Sure I may end up with thousands of things that just sit in a box forever...but you never know when I'll need 1000 empty cans.


(And yes, I'm also one of those people who finishes RPGs with an inventory full of consumables because I never use them because I might need them later.)

Edited by Vaeliorin (see edit history)
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I'd actually prefer they moved away from slot based systems and moved to a weight based system... Let's see, I can carry 500 ingots of iron, a V8 from an old Camaro I disassembled, a 5 x 2 work bench - gee, that sticks out of my pocket a bit... Or one sheet of paper. All with the same effect.


I have to say the current inventory system is one of the more frustrating aspects of the game. I do keep a box by the door of the base, so I can repack my inventory depending on whether I'm looting a POI, mining, building, or preparing for horde night, but that fiddliness doesn't feel like it adds to the playability or the survival aspects of the game for me.

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1 hour ago, Viktoriusiii said:

I massively disagree on this.
- Packmule and pocket mods expand your inventory.
- scrapping all the stuff you loot increases your inventory by about 1.5x
- you can still walk while overloaded

I have looted whole T4s without having to leave anything behind (except rocks sand and so on).
I might have been overloaded by the end, but it does work.

If you suddenly increase inventory slots, all the thought behind "is it really worth it or can I scrap it?" goes out the window and another survival aspect is gone.
Don't get me wrong, I am a hoarder as much as the next guy. I keep stuff even if I know I already have enough for the next 10 weeks.
And jet... I don't need bottles. I don't need cans, I don't need pipes. I dont need iron ingots. I don't need brass items (scrap), lead is easily farmable or if you don't want to waste it just scrap it...

There are SO many possibilities to loot everything in one go.
I always go 1-2 Packmule and the rest with pocket mods.
This is always enough so that I can still adequately walk when I am completely full.


You seem to miss the point entirely, I am not complaining about the encumbrance penalty, I am talking about the physical number of inventory slots being to low. I never get the pack mule perk its not needed, can get almost full slots just via mods. Once you get a vehicle inventory encumbrance on your char basically becomes a non-issue for travel. Since your char can be 20 slots encumbered it doesn't slow down a vehicle any.

17 minutes ago, Pernicious said:

I'd actually prefer they moved away from slot based systems and moved to a weight based system... Let's see, I can carry 500 ingots of iron, a V8 from an old Camaro I disassembled, a 5 x 2 work bench - gee, that sticks out of my pocket a bit... Or one sheet of paper. All with the same effect.


I have to say the current inventory system is one of the more frustrating aspects of the game. I do keep a box by the door of the base, so I can repack my inventory depending on whether I'm looting a POI, mining, building, or preparing for horde night, but that fiddliness doesn't feel like it adds to the playability or the survival aspects of the game for me.


Undead legacy has a weight based inv system and it works really well. you can hit about 250-260 weight via mods with no perks, with perks you can hit 500-600. In terms of actual slots, your gonna hit the weight limit before you'd fill up every inv slot I'd think.

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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Yeah... I didn't get it... because I literally never encountered this problem.
The only time this happens is with LOADS of non-stackable items like blueprints, batteries, weapons and so forth. But that rarely happens.

Are you not scrapping all the stuff you don't need?
Sure in a T5 factory, I can understand there being too much, but that is, I think, by design.
T4s were not a problem so far.

Keep in mind: I always have the bar in the bottom filled and another line of inventory with ammo, repairkits and food.
So I already only use 3 lines... and I STILL don't have a problem...

What am I doing wrong?
Everything that can easily be smelted or crafted gets scrapped, food gets eaten, singular plants or other stuckk that can be easily obtained gets left behind, Weapons worth less than 200 get scrapped.

All this while I only have 3 lines AND I don't use vehicles, the drone or an outside chest to store stuff.
HOW can this possibly be too little? o_o
I am serious and do not want to be condescending. Do you have itemmods that adds various items or something?

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Wait why do you carry so much junk into a PoI?  The only items needed when going out looting is a Melle weapon, pickaxe, fireaxe, shovel and wrench. 


Food and drink you find while looting, most of the junk you find you can scrap and for the rest be more selective..I've dropped paper or lead even if it was a pile of 50 or more since it's so easily obtained.


Also if this is a multi-player thing then even more reason to prioritize what is more worth taking. Adds a layer of importance to the loot instead of oh I want to carry every piece of loot that's in a 2 story PoI. 

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the game sorta (or tries to at least) make the player make his/her own choice. if you do not manage your inventory as you go, then a larger bag will not help as you will apparently just pack it full and come back to the forum begging for bigger or more.


but this is the reason we have the modding community.... damn... another choice to make :)

have fun

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I agree with the issue. Multi-player alleviates the problem quite a bit and we often end up crafting a temporary chest to stack all of our loot during runs. 


Not only would it be comfortable having more slots but I have been advocating for 3 tiers of backpacks for quite a while. Would make it thrilling upgrading from a basic satchel to a backpack and then a military backpack or something along those lines. Basically a convenience issue becoming a feature. 

Edited by beHypE (see edit history)
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120 slot backpack here. Same mod been using for ages. (bigger storage boxes too)

luckily, didn't have to make any changes for A20.

Khaine knows which one I use. (he won't make the mod that large)  😜


I've also tweaked some stack sizes to be more consistent.


Wrenching everything you do end up with a buncha ton of parts that you're going to need at some point.


Sure, could drop storage boxes (I do that when clearing towers on a quest, as you can't leave it until done)


I dislike micro-managing inventory (hate it), so I mod it.  Even with a pack that big, I can fill it up.


Oh yeah, I'm a packrate.  :D


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Since this topic comes up a lot, I want to put my $0.02 in on the inventory system; it is what has kept me playing this game for years and 1000+ hours!  I hate inventory systems that work with puzzle-like fitting of items into your inventory, or weight limits, or other gimmicks.


The fun-factor of not having to jack around with my inventory to get stuff to fit or having to worry about weight limits has kept me playing this game for years as opposed to other survival games that I have started and almost immediately stopped due to the inventory system.


So, FunPimps, one vote here for keeping it as-is!


As a related topic - food not spoiling is the other thing I like!  Keep that as-is as well.  Drove me crazy in Subnautica to have food spoil so rapidly!  That combined with the inventory system had me play until day 2 or so before shelving it!

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Secure Storage Chests are your friends, I carry a ton of wood all the time and you can track my path through the poi by the chests, then I go back the next day and clear it out, sure you add 1 day to the amount of time until you can next loot it, but unless it's a really stellar POI, I'm probably going to just move on to the next one.


I number the front area with a rating 1- 5 on how much I needed the loot in the POI, so I'll know if it's worth my time.

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There's a simple solution... place a container somewhere outside or inside the POI and dump your stuff in there as you go.  When you're done, grab the most important stuff first and come back later for the other stuff.  If it's a quest POI that could get reset then put the chest somewhere nearby, like out on the side of the road.

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10 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

I am fine with it. Bigger inventory would mean a lot faster progression. And for me the progression is too fast already. (even if T5 POI´s are freaking deathtraps now beeing level 50. That crack a book skyscraper is insane.) 



I like the occasional tier 5 quest challenge, but they can be a pain when that is the only ones you can do. So glad, with the change in A20 that you can go to previous tier quests now :)

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I've played this game for awhile and I prefer a bit more "realism" or at least "painful" inventory management, just so you know what angle I'm coming from...

1. I feel the "default" inventory size is ok/decent.

2. I feel the default "encumbrance slots" is a bit generous but only at the start of the game. I like being punished at the beginning and unlocking slots until the end.

3. I like the concept of "pocket mods" as well as perking to carry a bit more (though its a bit weird to perk into anything to magically get a buff... but oh well)

4. I feel the stack sizes of some things are insanely too big (example: iron/clay), and some way too small (example:  radiators). But I don't *really* care as it works I guess.


Having stated that, I use mods to "fix" it for my preferences.  However:

- I see a LOT of people playing with mega large backpacks (60+ slots). Like, most streamers are making backpacks really big

- I've heard of a few mods that add "weight" considerations

- I've heard of mods that add "backpacks" you can find and equip to increase inventory size.


Take all of the above into account, there's obviously a need/want to adjust inventory size or "ability to carry".  The vanilla UI settings for manipulating inventory size are lacking today, which I hope are remedied in some fashion when the game goers gold (so we don't have to use mods for a majority of players). I've played overhaul mods with large backpacks and (when I want to have "fun fun" vs "hardcore survival fun") it feels really nice with a massive backpack.  I know why people want this for some game styles.


I personally prefer finding/crafting pockets or larger backpacks vs "having a fixed inventory to start out", as its a crafting and looting game and there's "tiers" of everything else to give a sense of 'progression'. and you can craft clothing (and books etc) so why not craft your backpacks.  Or maybe add mods to your backpack to add space or handle stamina loss/weight considerations if these were a thing.  It DOES feel weird picking up a 4x4/engines/etc big stuff and put it in your pocket, but if you can do that... weight considerations are kinda out the window.  I don't know how fun it would really be to limit the building block carry capacity in a game like this... but anyway...(maybe we shouldn't start a new game with a backpack/inventory at all ;)


I DO feel (and I've posted this before) that IF TFP aren't interested in changing the backpack slot count or adding any new options, what I wish they would do is IF you mod or (in any fashion) increase the slots past the vanilla settings, the UI will "expand" properly to handle it.  Given the default icon sizes and how the UI works, I feel that the inventory window would benefit to having a "slider" or "paging" and search feature built into it that shown only when inventory is increased past some value (these sliders/paging are already used for existing UI windows... just not the inventory and recipe lists/windows.  This way all the people wanting a "massive" backpack (like 1000 slots? pick a big number!) can have that and the UI will not warp and do weird things, you'll just have to scroll or search a bit to find your items

Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, Scyris said:

Topic, I can't even half loot a t1 poi due to just how much stuff there is. we seriously need to get a bigger inventory, or a ton of clutter needs to be removed from the game. yes I am aware I can mod it, but I am trying to play vanilla for a bit. So far i've pretty much hated vanilla mostly due to the poor skill system and the extremly small inventory. I carry 1 thing fo food 1 thing of water, a bit of ammo, and 2-3 other items, and I literally have no space for loot after 2 minutes in a t1 small poi. Its very frustrating to say the least, and really turning me away from the game. I am trying to stay vanilla but its getting harder and harder too with the rampant inventory issues and such. I feel the inventory should be at least 60 spaces in size minimum, this would be enough space to carry essentals and also a decent amount of space to hold loot. I don't know about you but going in and out of a poi 4 times for a t1-2 poi is kinda silly to box the loot outside of it. I dobut it'll get looked at in a20.x but maybe for a21, especially as the gear system is being dumbed down and gutted for what sounds to me like just more inventory bloat and junk you need to carry around.


IMO when your spending more time managing inventory than it takes to clear the poi there is an issue with inventory size, this is also btw with me throwing away A TON of stuff because I just lack the room for it.


Well, you can see that many people disagree with you while some agree with you.


I think someone above answered your concern perfectly.

You want more inventory then mod it in. 

Everyone is happy

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19 hours ago, Scyris said:

Yeah I feel 60 slots would be just perfect as I said, would let you carry essentals and have enough space to actually get thru a poi without having to deposit loot multiple times.


I've been playing with a 60 slot backpack since A17 and I can confirm it does save you making dump chests... Like, period.

18 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

Yeah...I'm using a 120 slot backpack mod (the one I normally use is 78, but it's not updated for A20 yet), and I still had to make a couple trips out of a new T5 (the Pop 'N' Pills Factory) to get everything out.  But I admittedly refuse to throw anything away or scrap things that can be smelted directly.  Sure I may end up with thousands of things that just sit in a box forever...but you never know when I'll need 1000 empty cans.


(And yes, I'm also one of those people who finishes RPGs with an inventory full of consumables because I never use them because I might need them later.)


Heh... Reminds me of the time back in A17 when I had a 700-something slot backpack. I legitimately never had to throw anything out. 😛

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19 hours ago, Scyris said:

Topic, I can't even half loot a t1 poi due to just how much stuff there is. we seriously need to get a bigger inventory, or a ton of clutter needs to be removed from the game. yes I am aware I can mod it, but I am trying to play vanilla for a bit. So far i've pretty much hated vanilla mostly due to the poor skill system and the extremly small inventory. I carry 1 thing fo food 1 thing of water, a bit of ammo, and 2-3 other items, and I literally have no space for loot after 2 minutes in a t1 small poi. Its very frustrating to say the least, and really turning me away from the game. I am trying to stay vanilla but its getting harder and harder too with the rampant inventory issues and such. I feel the inventory should be at least 60 spaces in size minimum, this would be enough space to carry essentals and also a decent amount of space to hold loot. I don't know about you but going in and out of a poi 4 times for a t1-2 poi is kinda silly to box the loot outside of it. I dobut it'll get looked at in a20.x but maybe for a21, especially as the gear system is being dumbed down and gutted for what sounds to me like just more inventory bloat and junk you need to carry around.


IMO when your spending more time managing inventory than it takes to clear the poi there is an issue with inventory size, this is also btw with me throwing away A TON of stuff because I just lack the room for it.

while i do partly agree with you what you could do is pick and choose what you take and leave behind :)

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