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  1. hmmmm. I only felt compelled to do that until I had the bicycle quest complete and THAT gave me the freedom to move further and faster which allowed me to explore more areas/POI's It doesn't matter what the devs do people will always find the fastest way to get to the end, without a care in the world for how much content they blew past and never got to see. I don't think that is going to disappear, particularly in younger gamers. Over the decades of online gaming I have had many conversations with myself over what drives me and everyone else to get to the end ASAP. Somewhat ironic when we take into account that , in most cases, were the only one on the server (at least in this games case) We need to understand that game devs cant POSSIBLY create a game where there is no "most efficient way" So, maybe it's on us. You want to get to the endgame ASAP? There is a way (or maybe a couple of ways) to do that. you want to experience all that you can? There is a way (or a couple of ways) to do that. Overtime I am more and more of the opinion that it's less on the devs and more on us I think we have to realize that "we cant have our cake and eat it to. How many games have tried and failed miserably. we all have to decide: are we about the destination or the journey.
  2. I am constantly mystified by comments like the ones from the OP Perhaps with the changing of definitions over the past 25 years, a new generation of console gamers who are so used to games that are "DONE" when you buy them off the shelf.. who knows what the reasons are.... but IMO a game like this should never be complete. It should always have expansions, changes to how things are done etc. Granted, there seems to be some back-and-forth regarding some of the game's core mechanics which arguably should have been set in stone by now but I really don't see how anyone can call this a skeleton of a game. Hardcore gamers out there have logged thousands of hours over the past 10 years. That doesn't happen with games that only have the bare bones. I would be very very happy if they earmarked an upcoming expansion as the completion of the basic game. Future expansions will come out at irregular intervals of approximately 12 - 15 months. Themes for future expansions may include: - addition of mercenaries (make this its own thing - people have waited a long time and at this late stage it deserves to have its own circus built around it. - other expansions might include "The fight for New York City", "Alaskan chapter" where the last organized community of people in the western hemisphere defend against the inevitable..... whatever the @%$#, right? I agree that the core gameplay has maybe gone on a bit too long but come on...... why do we ever use terms like "complete" in modern day survival games, MMO's, etc. oh yeah, and future expansions will have a cost attached to them. Imagine that? A company with a sustainability plan going into the future. And before anyone attacks me for suggesting additional; costs for expansions and DLC's, I say this: If you can't afford $20 USD every 12 - 15 months for a game expansion that will bring you hundreds or thousands of hours of entertainment then go sell your computer and build a better life for yourself before you come back. ....the price of a few chocolate bars and a bottle of coke...... That last part may sounds mean but it is excellent advice for anyone. Something your parents should have taught you before you were 12.
  3. He was clearly looking for a pile of people to validate his opinion. Bitter and hateful is usually the reflex reaction when that doesn't happen Oh damn. I guess my old man pain killers are too good. I didn't notice the dates on this thread. Thoroughly entertaining read though
  4. Imagine there being a challenge to overcome...... Serosly though, this can be overcome with a little thought. I always have dedicated mines.
  5. it's great that they have it in the tutorial but I definitely dont want to see it past that.
  6. I see this request a lot but honestly, once you learned the controls and how they work it's kinda fun to fly a gyrocopter. Good luck
  7. Thanks for that. I had to go back to the original trader, do another tier1 quest then he started to give me T2 quests. A bit weird but there it is. All fixed. Thanks for replying
  8. So I have played this game for years and never had a problem with this. I completed 6 tier 1 quests , got my bicycle as a reward then chose the quest to expand my network. When i went to the next trader i completed the quest however i am still only getting tier 1 quests at all of my traders. My quest log shows that I have completed the advancement quest. Shouldnt i now be doing tier 2 quests? I DID go to the correct trader for my quest. My Q log shows that I have done it. Is this a known issue?
  9. This is why I rebound my scrap key from 's' to 'p'. Solved the problem nicely. The 'use' and 'scrap' keys being so close together were my problem i found.
  10. Meh. Not sure what metric you're using but I doubt that most people hate the change. Just the people you see complaining about it on these forums. The way it was before the mechanic was so easy that there wasn't even much point in having hunger and thirst in the game at all. Food was too easy after day 10. I would say that most people are happier with this change than the way it was Glad you found a mod to change it back for you though
  11. I LOOOVE that it is more difficult. I have a real dog problem in all the games that I have started, wolves, dire wolves, packs of coyotes. It's been a real stress. My head is on a swivel constantly now. I do not give dogs a chance to attack me unless I have something between us like a hatch or some such and even then I have it reinforced. Otherwise I just avoid. If there is one in a house I just move to a different house until i am better able to handle it. My first 2 nights i just hunker down and turn all the lights off. Nothing bothers me in crouch mode then. I have also found when I am exploring poi's in early game that I have to go a lot slower and check corners. I used to just barge around them and not worry what was there but Z's hit a lot harder now and caution is the new word of the day. Especially in the first 10 days or so. Don't rage, just survive. There are ways to do it. Just not the way we used to.
  12. Found this on day one!! SO much for pipe weapons this game lol
  13. This kind of interaction impresses me. It always amazes me when game devs never appear on their forums to chime in with suggestions or instructions on what to do with a real problem,
  14. SO my friend just got the opportunity to purchase an augur in the first week of play from a trader. The cost was only around 8.5K dukes so of course he sold everything and got it Why is this late game item even for sale that early and why is it so cheap? In comparison, a mining helmet T3 is $8.5K as well. This an oversight?
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