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Maharin last won the day on February 12

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About Maharin

  • Birthday January 14

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    Virginia, USA

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  1. If I wanted to play reality I'd... damn. Reality is too hard. NERF REALITY!
  2. Or you could just mod in the ability to drink glue. Just sayin'.
  3. For every person that loved the wasps there were others that hated them, just like the vultures. UMA zombies were removed for the sake of performance and optimization. It was a good move for this game whether you want to believe it or not. The larger zombie models (announced and unannounced) were scrapped because the code to make them work with everything else in a fully voxel game was too costly for what you'd get in return. Also a good move for this game. Zip lines... yeah, well, you got me there. I was voting for feral zip lines. Anyway, you forgot a few: sharp sticks, crafting grid, fatigue or whatever that was called, gun parts, S&M chambers, etc. If you want it added in either mod it in yourself or go to the mod forums and ask if someone else was planning to do it.
  4. Just enjoy the simple fact that they allow (and encourage) you to change the game into whatever makes you happy. No, really, try to think on that for a while.
  5. Phantasmagoria Remember that one from 1995? The horror part was the disk swapping.
  6. In rwgmixer.xml there is a "citybig" entry (28 x 40 tiles) in all map sizes that will only be created in the Wasteland biome.
  7. Either that was a very big car or a black hole suddenly exploded in a passive sort of way.
  8. Of course, they will have to add a clown car and an undead clown.
  9. Unlocking some vehicles caused a small horde to appear next to the car. Like you're freeing the zombies that were locked inside.
  10. Bring back the bees. And make sure they knees. Please?
  11. We need feral and irradiated rabbits. Now.
  12. All that talk about a Trojan horse and it was a goat this whole time?!
  13. Yeah! Giant goats! Wait, that's ruminants.
  14. If they could add a "biome selector" to the random map generation then there would be little reason not to have more available. Who would get offended by that option?
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