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17 minutes ago, Promethean Winchester said:

I found a leveling system that I kind of like. I'm on Warrior, 60 minute days. First 4 points go into strength and sex rex level 2, that covers my melee with the club and makes me able to fight effectively. Then for the first in-game week I invest only in intellect; 3 points into intellect, then 2 points into advanced engineering, 1 point into physician, and 2 points into grease monkey. All workstations and the minibike available. Then I just use whatever pipe bombs and molotovs I got from quests to do horde night while running around, typically after popping a skull crusher for bonus melee damage for my power attacks. This run I got the minibike by dawn of day 7, but I got bounded on by a pack of dogs while digging up a buried treasure, tried to drive away, got away, then thought "I need their rotten meat for farm plots". Long story short I died and now have to start over because I do permadeath, damn shame, but I enjoyed my experience and 10/10 will do it again on a different seed. After that first week of investing in intellect I don't know what to do next, any suggestions? I was thinking continuing in strength investment, getting level 4 pummel pete for extra melee proficiency, then investing in Miner 69er and Motherlode. I tried fists and spears but I find that they, like the knife, don't have enough staggering power to chain headshots without fear of being bounded on by a rage mode activation. I can control the fight better with the club than any other weapon, I find, even against multiple zombies in an enclosed space. Btw, can you buy steel tools and drum magazine mods from the Trader? Wondering if I should read those books, or just sell them and wait until I see them at the trader. Finding the parts for steel tools is kind of a drag, buying them is expensive too. Magazine drums are obviously awesome especially when paired with Magazine Extender, just wondering if I can get drum mods from traders instead of having to craft them myself to see them.

At what point in leveling do u put a point in paragraphs?



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10 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

At what point in leveling do u put a point in paragraphs?



Points are spread too thin bro that's a late-game investment too many necessary perks to get first. I changed it to paragraph format. I just never remember to because I view paragraphs as a superficial thing; We're all taught that paragraph format is necessary to read, that's why people demand it, when really, I have no problem reading and following walls of text with full comprehension. But I was a 90 student in academic/university level english, it was my only strong subject, so maybe that's just a reflection of me and not everybody else. I just view it the same way I view SJW crap where people - through social conditioning - demand something trivial of you that's only significant to their perspective, and isn't necessarily necessary or even important to yours. Maybe some people need paragraphs to read, but I don't, so I can never comprehend why some people see it as required and as a result can never remember to format my submissions that way. Wracks my brain. But I'm happy to change it afterward if someone else needs it.

Edited by Promethean Winchester (see edit history)
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23 minutes ago, Promethean Winchester said:

Points are spread too thin bro that's a late-game investment too many necessary perks to get first. I changed it to paragraph format. I just never remember to because I view paragraphs as a superficial thing; We're all taught that paragraph format is necessary to read, that's why people demand it, when really, I have no problem reading and following walls of text with full comprehension. But I was a 90 student in academic/university level english, it was my only strong subject, so maybe that's just a reflection of me and not everybody else. I just view it the same way I view SJW crap where people - through social conditioning - demand something trivial of you that's only significant to their perspective, and isn't necessarily necessary or even important to yours. Maybe some people need paragraphs to read, but I don't, so I can never comprehend why some people see it as required and as a result can never remember to format my submissions that way. Wracks my brain. But I'm happy to change it afterward if someone else needs it.

I don't think anyone *needs* for there to be paragraphs to read and understand a post.   It's just easier on the eyes to not have to read a wall of text.... therefore it's common courtesy to use them.   



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I know the devs have complained quite a few times about walls of text as they prefer posts to be as quick and easy to read as possible. Since more often then not they are in a hurry or taking a quick break and just skim the thread for things relevant to them.


In other words big posts with multiple points and walls of text is the easiest way for it to get ignored.

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1 hour ago, Promethean Winchester said:

Btw, can you buy steel tools and drum magazine mods from the Trader? Wondering if I should read those books, or just sell them and wait until I see them at the trader. Finding the parts for steel tools is kind of a drag, buying them is expensive too. Magazine drums are obviously awesome especially when paired with Magazine Extender, just wondering if I can get drum mods from traders instead of having to craft them myself to see them.

I'd be reading that Drum mod schematic...you can get them from the trader but they're fairly rare in my experience...and since they fit onto a lot of the weapons (pretty sure TAR's, M60's, AK's, Auto Shotties and Junk Turrets, (maybe even the SMG)) being able to craft them would be invaluable.  But, that's me...depends on your preferred weapons and how many you'd need.


The steel tools too.  They're only worth what 160 Dukes?  Not that profitable for the inventory slot they take up.  Plus you get a little XP (100 I think) every time you read them.




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42 minutes ago, Promethean Winchester said:

I'm going to do my best to remember for next time. I have a question about archery. My bow says 25 damage, stone arrows say 20 damage; Is the total damage of the shot 45 in that case? So with the multiplier of 3.5x from sneak, it would be 45 x 3.5 for approximately 150 damage? 


The damage stat on the bow shows the damage for the arrow that is loaded into it plus the bows damage bonus. So it is 25 damage total and sneak attacks are around 87damage. If you slot in a iron arrow that number will go up to reflect the added damage that they do.



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Thank you. I'm gonna work on a new base design to share here, where it's designed to keep bears and direwolves out at night but where you can "Safespot" them so to speak. I was in a trailer and I fought off both on separate occasions by placing a wood frame in front of the door to keep them out while I dealt the damage required to kill them, repairing the frame as needed. So I'm thinking a square-shaped hunter's blind type thing where I have hatch frames as the outermost blocks on ground level, open the hatch frames at night, keeps enemies out while I dispatch them with a club or blunderbuss, or a spear in the event that I'm fighting a bear, since it has the longer reach required. Then maybe digging a ladder down into a cave where I'll have all my necessary workstations and storage. Gonna see if I can create something cool and easy to use and share it with you guys.

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7 hours ago, gpcstargate said:

I Tried to post on Bug Report, but it seems to have closed: 

Have posted in General Discussion .. Under .. Disappearing Building Parts as you turn .. 


There is an ISSUE With SMG Turrets after placing them.






Thanks for the heads up.  Please submit a bug report page linked below.  Also, you will need to be more specific in what you mean by "popping."  I am assuming you are talking about occulsion?  A video would be ideal since what you are describing seems very specific.




Edit:  I found your original post and noticed you mentioned some console errors.  When visiting the bug report forum link above, please make sure to read all of the items required for the report listed in the red banner so the issue can be further investigated.  (e.g. outputlog file, etc.)  Thanks.


Edited by Laz Man (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, Promethean Winchester said:

Thank you. I'm gonna work on a new base design to share here, where it's designed to keep bears and direwolves out at night but where you can "Safespot" them so to speak. I was in a trailer and I fought off both on separate occasions by placing a wood frame in front of the door to keep them out while I dealt the damage required to kill them, repairing the frame as needed. So I'm thinking a square-shaped hunter's blind type thing where I have hatch frames as the outermost blocks on ground level, open the hatch frames at night, keeps enemies out while I dispatch them with a club or blunderbuss, or a spear in the event that I'm fighting a bear, since it has the longer reach required. Then maybe digging a ladder down into a cave where I'll have all my necessary workstations and storage. Gonna see if I can create something cool and easy to use and share it with you guys.

Sounds sorta similar to my go-to A19 horde base.  It's worked very well in all of my worlds so far with one exception.  In all but that one world I made the foundation completely solid, the exception being the time I built over my mine.  I had a ladder going down though the foundation and it failed when the zombies broke through the foundation, climbed up the ladder and got me. 


I can't say for sure the zombies 'detected' the ladder path but it sure seemed like it and after that, I went back to the solid foundation. 









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Well .. it is there one minute .. turn you head and it gone .. A Ghosting .. The Block disappears as in the 2 photos .. many players and Youtubers have seen this effect.

And I have found it is Linked to SMG Turrets .. After you put down a couple .. it will start happening Vanilla  .. about 7 SMG and it should start and in a Modded game you might get 3 SGM down before it starts .... Shotgun Turrets are Fine and it does not happen .. For some unknown reason .. JUST with the SMG.

I'm not doing another bug report per say .. I'm Running Win 10 Pro version 2004 .. 64 Ram (4 sticks of 16 each) .. GTX-1080 with 3 SSD and 1 HD .. Tower "Cooler Master 942" 

I've watched this Youtuber with same problem .. He is running War3zuk modded game .. But it will happen on a Vanilla Game Also:



3rd photo shows windows - door and workbench gone crates will also go in time .. they do pop back in (come back into view) when you turn the other direction.




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10 hours ago, beerfly said:

Better, we will have drones rounding around us, capable of many things depending on setup we choose. A20 dev diary is near, so not long till we see.


We have bicycle, minibike, motorbike and a precious gyrocopter, better than horse. (sorry horses). And a 4x4 that is gonna get some love as all others in the future. 


And sadly, a dog companion have been discussed and rejected, probably because the complexity of the worlds (generated or pregenerated), things as path finding can`t be as in Minecraft you know. 



Sorry NOT better. Not interested in Fallout Lite

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This is what I came up with. It's just Wood Frames, Wood Frame Wedge Full Corner Tops, and Wood Frame Wedges, with four centered Poles. It's extremely cheap to make, upgradeable to cobblestone then to cement, and the hatches can be upgraded to Iron. Should keep out bears and direwolves giving you the chance to kill them, just repair hatches as needed. Close 'em all up at night time, you can attack the zeds and beasts through the gap. Lastly, use wood bars as the ceiling, just in case any zeds manage to jump up there by jumping on top of one another, you can shoot them. But since the roof expands over the hatches, that is extremely unlikely. You'll probably never see it happen. Or just cover the roof with wooden spikes, that'll show 'em.



Edited by Promethean Winchester (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, gpcstargate said:

Well .. it is there one minute .. turn you head and it gone .. A Ghosting .. The Block disappears as in the 2 photos .. many players and Youtubers have seen this effect.

And I have found it is Linked to SMG Turrets .. After you put down a couple .. it will start happening Vanilla  .. about 7 SMG and it should start and in a Modded game you might get 3 SGM down before it starts .... Shotgun Turrets are Fine and it does not happen .. For some unknown reason .. JUST with the SMG.

I'm not doing another bug report per say .. I'm Running Win 10 Pro version 2004 .. 64 Ram (4 sticks of 16 each) .. GTX-1080 with 3 SSD and 1 HD .. Tower "Cooler Master 942" 

I've watched this Youtuber with same problem .. He is running War3zuk modded game .. But it will happen on a Vanilla Game Also:



3rd photo shows windows - door and workbench gone crates will also go in time .. they do pop back in (come back into view) when you turn the other direction.




Yeah its all part of the block culling for optimization. Its similar to what minecraft does now but more aggressive. It will only load what you are directly looking at I have also noticed connected textures will sometimes disappear too when upgrading. Its all part of that balance for video performance and it actually looking nice. What annoys me is the graphic blur as soon as your FPS tanks.... Like I can hit when I cant see anything. Sad part is it tanks on a 1080 ti.

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30 minutes ago, kidmo31 said:

Yeah its all part of the block culling for optimization. Its similar to what minecraft does now but more aggressive. It will only load what you are directly looking at I have also noticed connected textures will sometimes disappear too when upgrading. Its all part of that balance for video performance and it actually looking nice. What annoys me is the graphic blur as soon as your FPS tanks.... Like I can hit when I cant see anything. Sad part is it tanks on a 1080 ti.

You should deactivate dynamic resolution then. Blur solved. And... do you really need occluder with 1080ti? Some postprocessing stuff that actually worsens the feel sure,  but ambient occlusion on that card? Amiright? . 1080p resolution is ok with that beauty of a GPU on ultra (my guess).

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Hey I have a bug to report: since the bug report thread appears to be down I'll say it hear and so when you quit out of the game on your vehicles it sometimes teleportes them to the location you Last got on them or sometimes it will glitch you on them like you are walking but at the same time your on your vehicle and the only way to fix it is to quit out which for some reason makes you lose your toolbelt

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8 hours ago, kidmo31 said:

Yeah its all part of the block culling for optimization. Its similar to what minecraft does now but more aggressive. It will only load what you are directly looking at I have also noticed connected textures will sometimes disappear too when upgrading. Its all part of that balance for video performance and it actually looking nice. What annoys me is the graphic blur as soon as your FPS tanks.... Like I can hit when I cant see anything. Sad part is it tanks on a 1080 ti.

The problem I have is it ONLY happens when you ( I ) start putting down SMG's Turrets and after a certain amount of them (5-7) after that I will start getting Ghosting effect of _ windows, doors, workbenches, etc ......... Does NOT happen with Shotgun Turrets.

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32 minutes ago, gpcstargate said:

The problem I have is it ONLY happens when you ( I ) start putting down SMG's Turrets and after a certain amount of them (5-7) after that I will start getting Ghosting effect of _ windows, doors, workbenches, etc ......... Does NOT happen with Shotgun Turrets.

Submit a bug report BUT you need to reproduce the steps exactly first. If you can guarantee a fairly good repro  then it will be fixed. A video is best. Screenshots are also good enough most of the time.

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2 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:

Hey I have a bug to report: since the bug report thread appears to be down I'll say it hear and so when you quit out of the game on your vehicles it sometimes teleportes them to the location you Last got on them or sometimes it will glitch you on them like you are walking but at the same time your on your vehicle and the only way to fix it is to quit out which for some reason makes you lose your toolbelt

Wdym down, this should be it :


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15 minutes ago, Danidas said:

I've been playing a lot with the Stun Baton as of late and it's amazing how over looked it is. As it's boarder line OP, especially with Tech Junkie Volume 6 to get a 25% chance to charge it on each hit and 50% on power attacks. Which makes it trivial to stun lock your target and even keep multiple targets stun locked as you beat them to death. As for damage and time to kill it is actually really good despite its low stated damage due to the shock dps.


However it is plainly obvious why it is so over looked as its listed damage is so low and the games electric shock special effect is way over the top to a boarder line annoying level. Which both effectively drive people away from the weapon to more comfortable options with bigger numbers like the Club or even Axe. 


It would be awesome if the electric effect was toned down a bit and even better if the electric dps was listed in the weapon description to show it's true damage.

I kinda disagree with the Shock effect being annoying. it makes me feel like i GOT the POWER!!!!!!!!!! but i can see what you mean!

The Main turn off for me is "For now" theres is no other tiers, Hell for intellect there is only One Range weapon! 


What i hope they do is for each baton they add a unique effect for each

  • Junk/pipe/Scrap/Whatever its called Baton: could have just a Shock that does damage over time and Slightly slow down the Target. (the shock effect is smaller though)
  • Stun baton: Does More Shock damage overtime, a Very slight increases of Damage and Can Stun! (the shock effect is less then the One we have now)
  • Tesla/Plasma/Lightning/Whatever they will call it Baton: it Does much more damage, the Stun Can set targets on FIRE! and can break/cripple Limbs! (the shock effect would be the same as the baton we have now!)



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About animation.


This impudent movement of throwing out a magazine from a sniper rifle - it doesn't look cool in the current situation. It seems that the shooter is a moron.

He's not afraid to wreck anything? Or, maybe, he doesn't know that weapon magazines are not a single-time item and they are reused?

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23 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

I kinda disagree with the Shock effect being annoying. it makes me feel like i GOT the POWER!!!!!!!!!! but i can see what you mean!

The Main turn off for me is "For now" theres is no other tiers, Hell for intellect there is only One Range weapon! 


What i hope they do is for each baton they add a unique effect for each

  • Junk/pipe/Scrap/Whatever its called Baton: could have just a Shock that does damage over time and Slightly slow down the Target. (the shock effect is smaller though)
  • Stun baton: Does More Shock damage overtime, a Very slight increases of Damage and Can Stun! (the shock effect is less then the One we have now)
  • Tesla/Plasma/Lightning/Whatever they will call it Baton: it Does much more damage, the Stun Can set targets on FIRE! and can break/cripple Limbs! (the shock effect would be the same as the baton we have now!)
      Reveal hidden contents



Fully agree that Intellect needs a good two or three more weapons in its arsenal to fully round it out compared to the rest of the attributes. Which hopefully the Junk Drone will help quite a lot on that front but in addition we need a T0 melee and another ranged weapon option. As for the T0 melee I love the idea of a Shock Baton that works like the Stun Baton but with no shock/stun duration to just give a short jolt of power every few hits. While keeping the Stun Baton the same with its much longer shock duration to stun the target. Now for ranged I would love a iron dart air gun that works like a hand held dart trap.



Now to get back to meleeing Zombie Bears while naked in the rain with my Stun Baton.

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