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About gpcstargate

  • Birthday August 10

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    Virginia, USA

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  1. GIVE ALL MODDERS a Break ... They have Real Life's and to most this is a Hobby that they care about. AND with Stable Just dropping as A FULL Version .. there Might or should say Issues that WILL come up ... SO Give them time to do their thing and Live their Lifes.๐Ÿ˜Œ Enjoy your Day, The OldGamer
  2. Sam .. Do you need to Update anything for Stable v1.0 ?? .. I don't see any notes referring to Stable Thank you I do Know there was a Version issue with exper. and Hope it doesn't happen with stable
  3. Good Day to TFP's The only issue with b326 ... I started back on Tier 1 Quest and I was on Tier 4 quest. Just thought I would Let you Know. Have a Great Weekend, The OldGamer๐Ÿ˜Œ
  4. I was running another speed mod for vehicles and it was *WORKING* Fine ... But thought I would try this one after removing the other (THAT was a Bad Ideal on my part _ Game went Total Red Line ERROR after installing it) ... and don't Try and Me about Mods .... I KNOW How to run them and Have been gaming for over 25+ years. So be it ... just a Bad Mod in my opinion.
  5. WELL ... YOUR SPEED MOD CRASHED My Game after installing ... Game HAD BEEN RUNNING JUST FINE, Until I put your Mod in and Had to START a New Game TODAY. I Downloaded it yesterday and thought I would give it a try .... BIG MISTAKE. Not Just the Speed Limit
  6. Telric Hoping you will be Updating the Sleeping Bag Mod for V 1.0 ... I miss it and it was the Only good one made. Thank you and Hoping you are doing well, The OldGamer ๐Ÿ˜Œ
  7. Question ... Does the Horde Nights count in the Challenge Quest??? ๐Ÿค” I've killed so many big Mama's that my count isn't right _ say's 23/50 and it should be much higher than that. Big Mama and the spider count doesn't seem to be correct and that is why I'm asking about Horde Night counts. I Just did Horde Night 4 on V b312 with blood moon at 16 which is what I normally run it at. Thank you, The OldGamer๐Ÿ˜Œ
  8. JEN and all traders have Been fixed on my games. NOW ... the only real issue I have is the animal are a hit and miss item _ As in ... they are Few to none for the most part ... in 25 game day set at 120 minutes, I have only seen maybe a half a dozen deer ... more chickens than rabbits ... but nothing like the old A21 version of game. Just a thought from ... The OldGamer Maybe I can find a mod that has an increased for the animal count. Anyway, Have a good one all.
  9. Sam You Need to Update the XML to current version of game ... I'm getting a "yellow" caution under F1 when you check to make sure files are correct. "Saying ... XML - Does not define a Valid Version." This is on the Building Stuff mod you just put out. But I'm guessing they will All have it at the moment, if only ported over to V1.0 I just added a screenshot, thought that might help ... Have a good weekend
  10. I would prefer a Random Trader setting as it Has Been for last several YEARS and having them fixed to as they are Now.
  11. Good Day Khaine Will you be Updating the Wandering Horde Frequency Mod for V1.0 .. or .. should it work as is?? Thank you, The OldGamer
  12. I Still want my "JEN" back in the forest, Lol I would prefer looking at her than A-Hole Rekt ... Just my thoughts on the subject
  13. Good Day to TFP's Can we Have Back the Random Traders location as Before ... Personally, I think it was a bad move to stick them in certain Biomes only. I would Like to have my "JEN" back in the Forest Please. ๐Ÿ™ Thank You and Hoping you are Having a Great week. ๐Ÿ‘
  14. Good Day to TFP's Can we Have Back the Random Traders location as Before ... Personally, I think it was a bad move to stick them in certain Biomes only. I would Like to have my "JEN" back in the Forest Please. Thank You and Hoping you are Having a Great week.
  15. It is in Experimental if you must, on the Mod Launcher. (EXPERIMENTAL) saw it yesterday ... But I would give it some time to cook. Just a Suggestion.
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