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Anyone else hate vultures?


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First of all:  I don't want to hear any "get good" or "it's supposed to be hard" excuses.  I hate that if I'm using a minibike; which sucks way too much gas, but that's a separate issue, I will be swarmed by vultures that are faster than me.  I have to periodically stop, wait for them to start to attack, pick them off, get back on the bike, rinse, and repeat. 


They also @%$*#! up horde night; if I'm leading a conga line of zombies; picking them off while running and trying to lure them over spikes, it breaks the flow to stop, circle the sky, kill the vulture, and go back to fighting the horde.  I fought over a dozen of the @%$*#!s on the day 21 horde and all they do is disrupt the flow of combat and make it so I'm looking for a mod to remove them.

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Waiting on stable so A18 is the limit of my experience with them right now but yes. I despise the flying luddites. A18 = crap hit boxes, fly the same way that blow flies do, actively avoid your crosshairs even when you haven't aggroed them and there is no way they would be aware you were aiming at them... Hopefully the hitboxes, flight style and prescient level of awareness got adjusted to be less bs or I'm going to hate them even more when A19 stable drops.

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Yes I really hate them,  I preffered the bees we used to have.


I try to avoid travelling through the burned area at much as possible in Alpha 18 cause I don't find them any fun to fight and just an absolute chore to deal with, it's like constantly having to swat an annoying fly that keeps coming straight back.  As you say they are very derpy and all over the place and on death have found it's not uncommon for their body to disappear or clip through the ground and not get any feathers.    


It wouldn't be as annoying if you could kill them from the seat of your vehicle without having to make you stop and get out constantly but I think they're too common and get aggroe'd too easily anyway.  


I'd rather fight a group of ten vultures once in the space of a day or two then fight one vulture after another every 30 seconds if im in the wrong biome. 


I would welcome them being reworked and wouldn't miss them if they were changed for something else.  


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Never really had a problem with them to be fair, on horde nights ill have 2-4 turrets(the only thing i use turrets for) aimed into the air they usually just drop down from the sky dead before attacking me. Rarely have to reload them aslong as you stop them from targeting zombies.


I do agree its abit @%$*#!ed that you cant outrun them on a motorbike but i get why its like that way, before the realism vs game-play dialogue fires up again

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they bug to me mostly when i get infected but i like them.


I love there idea! and they are not that hard to kill! while riding in a bike and they attack you does suck! they only attack you if you are hurt! IE, if you have 100 hp and you lost 1. they will attack!



that or just Play Baseball with a Flying bird!

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1 hour ago, Maharin said:

They're easier to kill with a stone axe than a stone spear in the beginning... for what it's worth.  :p

i learned that the hard way after trying to kill them with sledge 😄 i think best way to kill them is a knife

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I hate vultures but I also love them because they add an additional and different threat you have to keep in mind.  Just did a day 34 horde night and had a few vultures break through my scrap iron roof (unupgraded) and attack me mid horde.  I read the patch notes that they would attack blocks now but I've gotten so used to roofing making you safe :P.  I'll have to put a pet junk turret nearby to help fend them off in the future.

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Absolutely despise them and with the A19 changes to animals and such they provide me with nothing but annoyance.  They will be modded out of all my games with each stable build released until something MAJOR changes with them.

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I miss the hornets and their nests.


I hate them damn buzzards with a passion in A18. It didn't make any sense to draw 10 vultures to you just because you're on a bicycle. They weren't hard at all to deal with, all they did was annoy me.


They've been worked on in alpha 19 though and they're better. I hate them still but now they're a greater threat.

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They are a pain but we do need an air threat. The bees certainly were not that so I'm ok with them. 

I agree they do need nerfed as they automatically attack when on a vehicle of any kind, this is just annoying. 

But whatever, I'm loving the game. 

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I don't see how they are any better or worse than the hornets honestly. The AI on them is still @%$*#!. They'll circle for hours and abort attacks before they even get within 30 meters. The one weapon that should be most suited to killing them is a Shotgun, but of course because of the game mechanics it is actually the worst firearm for it. I don't mind them so much on horde nights as like others have said setting up a roof and installing a turret on it is simple enough. I only kill vultures on horde night if they happen to come into my line of fire. So far as biomes with more of them, the only one worth visiting is the desert. I'll hit up a desert once or twice in a play through to gather Oil Shale but that is it. Wasteland and Burnt might as well not even exist in the world gen list of biomes.

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11 hours ago, Dracula said:

I didn't mind them in A18, but now that they're ridiculously aggressive, beat holes in my roof, totaled my motorcycle, etc. they've become the cliff racers of 7 Days To Die.

I place spikes on top of the roof. It works pretty well.

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