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Outlaw_187 last won the day on October 18 2018

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    Here for the party!!
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    Navezgane, Ohio
  • Interests
    7 Days to Die, Women, Food, & making money!!

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  1. I'll say 14.7 will always be a soft spot for me. That's where it was when it released on console (PS4) & I've been hooked ever since. 18.4 (I think) is where I came in on PC. I have to agree with many others as I liked the progression system better back then. Learn by doing just makes more sense. But I do love the current version too. I respect where the Pimps are taking the game. Don't like this current trader specific biome thing that will tie in with the story but maybe I'll change my tune when it's fully realized. Can't wait to see what's on the horizon!
  2. This may be a dumb question but is there gonna be a "Q4 Dev Diary"?
  3. Back in the 90's & early 2000's you would have. Magazines were the thing! You could learn about Good Housekeeping, tips from Readers Digest, mod ideas from Lowrider magazine, hygiene ideas from Maxim, clothing options from the well written articles of Playboy......I think those magazines had articles 🤔
  4. True. He would be an odd fit but one could make that argument for the spider zombie and mutated zombie as well. I agree though, Behemoth does look straight out of Resident Evil...but that's not a bad thing. They could give us tar man from Return of the Living Dead, or that sewer zombie from Return of the Living Dead 2, he always creeped me out as a kid. Hell lots of inspiration could be taken from Return of the Living Dead zombies. The series definitely gets a little (lot) ridiculous as it went on but they definitely had some creative zombies!
  5. Absolutely!! I think the more zombie variants, the better. More boss type zombies too. Like the Behemoth mentioned above, or others similar to Grace. I can definitely respect that. You have a great point. I just want more zombies period. The variant outfits was a great step forward and much appreciated. Whether it's bosses or just more variety, I'm fine with either. Nice reference to Return of the Living Dead 3. So should they add his coin to the game as well? As long as you're holding it, he won't attack you, lol. Julie would be a hot/scary zombie to run into!!
  6. Man I wish the devs would reconsider the Behemoth! I have the mod that adds him (or her) back into the game. Was terrifying seeing it show up on horde night. Definitely a "holy sh*t moment! I also have the thick44 large radiated Boe. Scary seeing that thing running towards me too! I see him out in the wild & in poi's.
  7. I was thinking somebody got confused and put a damn anvil in the campfire. That goes in the forge boys!!!
  8. Oh I don't need a clear picture my friend, I know exactly what that is, 😜
  9. Not to get gross (don't wanna get yelled at by Roland) but you might wanna be careful with saying some is DP'd......I assure you this is already a "thing" 😂
  10. It was blueberry pies to be exact. Yes hope she is doing well these days. Maybe she'll pop in one day to say "hey".
  11. Previous to 1.1, I had decent performance in 1.0 b333. Like almost steady 60 fps. Upon the update, I had terrible stuttering issues and barely 20 fps. I turned off vsync and this helped tremendously. Now getting 70 fps
  12. This may be a dumb question or already answered one....but in 1.0 b333, I was mining and decided to dig down to bedrock and make a pillar to prevent collapse. Now my mine was already maybe 20 blocks deep, give or take a few. I only went down maybe another 10 blocks or so before hitting bedrock. I remember bedrock being WAY deeper than 30-40 blocks (meters) down. Of course I haven't dug to bedrock probably since A19 or earlier so this "issue" may be way outdated. Does anyone know when this changed?
  13. No you're not the only one. I get bombarded while mining. Of course I'm at the auger stage now so I can't hear crap until the screamer & her crew are on top of me. She obviously screamed without seeing me 1st. That's not such a huge deal I guess but I do agree with others that while questing, the screamers can be a pain. Constant interruptions if using just a little bit of gun fire. Of course, doing tier 5 & 6's, gunfire is almost a necessity at the "oh sh*t moments". These screamers also magically see & scream while not even seeing me in the poi's. They definitely need tweaked in my opinion.
  14. That's what I thought the plow was for, to reduce the damage. So one can have a little fun & just smash into crap. I'd hate to see the damage to the 4x4 without the plow 😲
  15. I'm not a fan. I like the balance before with finding the books to unlock certain perks but I guess not so much the skill points investing system. It does feel more balanced now but just wish there was another way than by finding magazines. I'll still always be a "learn by doing" fan but I understand how it was exploited. Be nice to have a mix of that with the magazine system.
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