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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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4 hours ago, madmole said:

No we don't knee jerk over hyperbole. I use my steel tools just fine. Eat some stew and drink some coffee before use, and get the perks if you want to be a big boy. I multi task by doing some crafting when I catch my breath, or upgrade some frames nearby in my mine, but it isn't that bad. Keep an eye on the stamina rating too, that has variety, some steel variants use less stamina than others, 1 less is huge.


Mining with an auger and chainsaw will suck your stamina soul out when we get around to it, enjoy the free pass for now. News flash augers weigh about 60 pounds and take serious muscle to use and chainsaws take a fair bit too, plus the vibrations, so before any realism police come at me get your facts checked.

1% of that effort could have solved their problem. That is why I can't stand "natural born belly achers" as my dad used to call them. They complain about everything and take hours doing so, yet a fraction of that effort would solve what they complain about 99% of the time.

i will remmeber to be a big boy next time. I just don't see the reason for steel tools. heck if iron tools can break blocks as fast, take less resources to craft and end up using less stamina than steel tools what makes the steel tool such a huge upgrade? like seriously if I breaking a block takes 2 shots with either a iron or steel tool then why bother with a steel tool?


maybe it's just me and my dumb reasoning for not being a big boy for thinking a upgrade in tier should show obvious benefits compared to a lower tier item. 

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1 hour ago, Gazz said:

A lot of modern rifles look like the tac rifle. You just choose to imagine that it is one that commoly fires 5.56. =P

The new sniper rifle is definitely modeled after something else.

@Gazz : sorry to bother you on this, but Madmole told me you're the one to ask...

Someone told me that zombies on fire by standing on a Campfire don't take any damage.

Can you confirm this? If that's so, is it intended or a bug? Thanks a bunch!

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1 minute ago, STyK_ said:

@Gazz @everyone

Can anyone name the gun that the Tactical is modeled after? Gazz says it shoots 7.62mm so it has to be that caliber and look like the tactical to be looked up on google.

Also name the two snipers.

It's modeled after the M4 with the carry handle removed, a custom stock put on, and some tape wrapped around it. AR-15 style rifles can be chambered in 7.62x39, but I don't think that level of detail is a main focus here. IRL, the M60 and AK-47 do not fire the same ammunition.

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17 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

@Gazz : sorry to bother you on this, but Madmole told me you're the one to ask...

Someone told me that zombies on fire by standing on a Campfire don't take any damage.

Can you confirm this? If that's so, is it intended or a bug? Thanks a bunch!

Why don't you submit a bug report?

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54 minutes ago, Lum4r said:

It's modeled after the M4 with the carry handle removed, a custom stock put on, and some tape wrapped around it. AR-15 style rifles can be chambered in 7.62x39, but I don't think that level of detail is a main focus here. IRL, the M60 and AK-47 do not fire the same ammunition.

reading and article from 2017 searching M4 7.62mm


'The M4, however, would require a new barrel, bolt carrier group, and buffer system in addition to a new lower receiver to shoot 7.62mm ammo, experts maintain.'

then later that year

The Army’s Powerful New 7.62mm Service Rifle Is Officially Dead


I can't find anything newer saying that the military actually ended up doing this just that they wanted something that would shoot 7.62mm full auto for the new armor piecing round that was developed. Making it so custom and uncommon. Also as you said thats 7.62mmX39 which wouldn't match the ammo for the other rifles.


For the sake of fantasy it works.

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9 hours ago, appenius said:

Hey guys, any of you experiencing massive fps drop in comparison to b169? I am talking about 20 fps in average....I had 45fps on average on b169, after b173 came out I am getting at most average 25fps....


PC specs:




game installed on m2 ssd


I play on custom settings which are between low and medium. As I said, I had average fps in b169 somewhere around 45fps, now I cannot get past 30fps

b169 did not load block entities up front, so less VRAM use, but added lot of loading lag, so that change was reverted in b173. One of our artists lowered texture sizes on many textures last Friday, so texture memory use will be somewhat less in the next release.

It is probably a memory issue on that GPU. How much VRAM does it have? Wiki says 2 GB or 4 GB. If yours is 2 GB, then that not much and you would need to put all texture quality settings to the lower choices.

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5 hours ago, madmole said:

No, the best strategy is to stare at the plant until you see the id text pop up.

I've tried that and have had it not work. It says the ID and I still end up punching the farm plot or the wall or another plant or whatever. And it also takes more time looking for it than just standing over it and moving on.

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3 hours ago, Blake_ said:

Vram usage has improved steadily since a17 and, while still not in the range the steam page claims, it at least can be under 5 GB cumulative usage in minimum specs at all times (no chance for it to stay at 3,9gb for long, sadly) . The tough problem is a number of factors that damage the fps : the "one second" pile of warnings , music starting, transitioning and stopping instruction clogging (one of the biggest lately), entities spawning in the same second, various same-second instructions/notifications ... etc

Console messages are not as bad as you make them sound. For years the game has logged plenty of console messages as you play. It takes dozens/hundreds in a short time period to start lagging unless you have some weird issue with it writing to the file.


Now the code that is logging the message might be running slow, but that is not from the message itself.

1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

@Gazz : sorry to bother you on this, but Madmole told me you're the one to ask...

Someone told me that zombies on fire by standing on a Campfire don't take any damage.

Can you confirm this? If that's so, is it intended or a bug? Thanks a bunch!

If they don't take any damage then it is probably a bug, but I would not want them taking much damage even if we fix it, because people would make low resources corridors full of campfires to kill zombies. Yes we should fix it, but it would be way down the list of things we need to worry about.

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9 minutes ago, faatal said:

Console messages are not as bad as you make them sound. For years the game has logged plenty of console messages as you play. It takes dozens/hundreds in a short time period to start lagging unless you have some weird issue with it writing to the file.


Now the code that is logging the message might be running slow, but that is not from the message itself.

If they don't take any damage then it is probably a bug, but I would not want them taking much damage even if we fix it, because people would make low resources corridors full of campfires to kill zombies. Yes we should fix it, but it would be way down the list of things we need to worry about.

Of course, I always meant that. First comes the issue then the log. And in the middle, a baked potato.

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1 hour ago, jorbascrumps said:

Why don't you submit a bug report?

Because I don't know how to prove it... the one who told me this on Steam said that a streamer found a way to activate the health bars (which I don't know how to do) and that he noticed that while on fire (because of stepping on a Campfire) the zombies' health bars stayed the same.


@faatal: thanks for the reply, I understand.

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1 hour ago, STyK_ said:

Can anyone name the gun that the Tactical is modeled after? Gazz says it shoots 7.62mm so it has to be that caliber shoot full auto and look like the tactical to be looked up on google.

Edit: If nobody answers then I'd have to assume this gun is a work of fiction or it actually is a M4 Tactical that shoots 5.56mm.

There are tons of automatic rifles in 7.62. Just don't fixate on American ones.

1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

@Gazz : sorry to bother you on this, but Madmole told me you're the one to ask...

Someone told me that zombies on fire by standing on a Campfire don't take any damage.

Can you confirm this? If that's so, is it intended or a bug? Thanks a bunch!

No, I can not. Also, this is the dev log, not the bug forum.

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1 minute ago, Gazz said:

There are tons of automatic rifles in 7.62. Just don't fixate on American ones.

That's where the game takes place though. You win though, your M4 exists its just custom and uncommon.

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I don't know if this has been suggested already, but one QOL thing I would love is an add to stack button on storage containers. I've been playing a lot of Stardew Valley in between alphas and that's something they've either added recently or something one of my mods has. So if I go to my ammo box and I click the add to stack button, all ammo in my inventory that already exist in that box gets added to that box. It saves so much time on inventory management! You can go box to box clicking add to stack and only have to manually add things if they are unique or you don't have any of them in storage yet. 

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3 minutes ago, frozenoj said:

I don't know if this has been suggested already, but one QOL thing I would love is an add to stack button on storage containers. I've been playing a lot of Stardew Valley in between alphas and that's something they've either added recently or something one of my mods has. So if I go to my ammo box and I click the add to stack button, all ammo in my inventory that already exist in that box gets added to that box. It saves so much time on inventory management! You can go box to box clicking add to stack and only have to manually add things if they are unique or you don't have any of them in storage yet. 

There is mod for that. https://7daystodiemods.com/backpack-buttons/

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Loving the HD bodies that scatter the world.





They really tell a story and would love more of them in different situations.. Any thoughts on including fully decayed skeletons etc. in some POI's to flesh out the atmosphere ? - we need more gruesome aftermath basically.. :)


 ---> Quick question, if I apply a claim block and or Sleeping Bag in a POI will this then exempt that POI from the quest spawn ?

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12 minutes ago, Jay_ombie said:

Loving the HD bodies that scatter the world.





They really tell a story and would love more of them in different situations.. Any thoughts on including fully decayed skeletons etc. in some POI's to flesh out the atmosphere ? - we need more gruesome aftermath basically.. :)


 ---> Quick question, if I apply a claim block and or Sleeping Bag in a POI will this then exempt that POI from the quest spawn ?

i would prefer if they where skeletons with flesh still attached but they work! 

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18 minutes ago, Jay_ombie said:

They really tell a story and would love more of them in different situations.. Any thoughts on including fully decayed skeletons etc. in some POI's to flesh out the atmosphere ? - we need more gruesome aftermath basically.. :)

Agreed! They really make the world feel more immersive. It feels like an actual tragic apocalypse happened, which is really cool.

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3 minutes ago, Xtrakicking said:

Agreed! They really make the world feel more immersive. It feels like an actual tragic apocalypse happened, which is really cool.

I like how they look like sleepers which make you do a double take...great tool for POI designers....*evil grin*

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@madmole Some questions if some quality of life changes are being worked on:


- Option to change toggling/holding ADS? (I know they are both implemented, but the response for the holding ADS is super slow compared to any other shooter)


- Buyable/Craftable in-game lights for the players to use (some were removed since A16 for some reason, and i keep getting teased by the construction lights in PoIs)?


- New honk sounds for the motorcycle and truck?


- Actually shifting sounds for the vehicles instead of the boring loop one? (You have the gear shift sound when you start moving after being still, then it goes into a monotone loop)


- Make burst fire actual burst fire? Right now it's just better to spam tap shoot with burst fire weapons, i thought burst fire was supposed to be a really fast burst but with a lower fire rate per burst.


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So I was just watching JaWoodle's latest video and he was using a pump shotgun with a sawed off mod attached to it, and it was still using the conventional pump shotgun sound instead of the alternative one with said mod attached. Has that alternative firing sound been removed or...?

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