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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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If the future water includes a somewhat sufficient flowing behavior,

I would love to see some kind of pump system introduced into the game.


I can imagine some nice use cases of this,

starting with just decorative handpump water fountains for my living base,

over water filled traps to emergency-flushaway zombie hordes, or water jet defense turrets,

til just idle sandbox fun in creative mode when I want to set a complete POI under water with a massive setup of high-power electric water turbines.

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1 hour ago, faatal said:

Water is making good progress, so there is a good chance it will be in A21.


Faatal, any chance we can get these new vehicles driveable? They look way too good to be just decorative.


Roland posted what he can but since you're a developer, maybe you could give us some hope? 

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14 hours ago, Crater Creator said:


How awesome would it be, if each section of that bandit's armor was randomly present or not on each bandit?

... definitely my first thought when I saw that ... It'd be trivial to have them spawn in hiding/showing those mesh pieces (I know because I've done it), so yes I think they purposely have it set up that way for that specific purpose. 

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47 minutes ago, Roland said:


Just so everyone knows, faatal always finds a beaker... LOL



hmmm...maybe I'll just post


  • Wa...

HOW??????????????????????????????????????????????? THIS MOST CURSED ITEM IN THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!



And few question to Devs: 

1. There is change to add waterfalls - i mean by this  something like flowing water in canals 

2. Do you plans to add new models of cars into old POI like gas station or new cars will be only in new POI/outside?

3. Well there is a chance to add skeletons please? 🙏

4. About farming - is there any plan about change this now?

5. Will bandits spawn radomly outside or POI only?

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7 hours ago, Matt115 said:

2. Do you plans to add new models of cars into old POI like gas station or new cars will be only in new POI/outside?


Time permitting, we will do multiple passes on existing POIs as new block entities are added to the game.  The new decorative vehicles should be no different.  The old junkyard POIs especially would benefit from them.  :)

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3 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

Apologies if this has been asked before, but is A20.4 still going to happen or does this mean changes planned for 20.4 will go into A21 instead? :confused2:

Do new alphas and bugfixes for current alphas happen in parallel?

a20.4b# will still happen and is on the operating table having delicate surgery.




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1 hour ago, NekoPawtato said:

Apologies if this has been asked before, but is A20.4 still going to happen or does this mean changes planned for 20.4 will go into A21 instead? :confused2:

Do new alphas and bugfixes for current alphas happen in parallel?

Bugfixes and optimizations and changes are all done for A21. Of those, the ones that are determined to be safe enough for Alpha 20 are updated to whatever the current experimental branch is. 

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3 hours ago, Guppycur said:

Do we even know if those vehicles will be made driveable or are they just new block decorations? 


Roland says "decorative", so I assume the latter.  If so... Then uh... Big whoop?  There are better free models on the unity store. 


Hey Guppy, already asked Faatal but as of yet no response. Hope they are though 😌

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8 hours ago, Roland said:

Bugfixes and optimizations and changes are all done for A21. Of those, the ones that are determined to be safe enough for Alpha 20 are updated to whatever the current experimental branch is. 

There is no current experimental branch

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Hope that along with bandits there will be improvements to gunfights. More combat elements like strafe, lean right & left and lie down actions would be nice too. Don't get me wrong, bandits are my absolute favorite feature, but I just don't see gunfights with bandits or players being that fair and interesting without more combat elements. 

Edited by Dosu Kinuta (see edit history)
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Things I would like to see in A21.


Random gen wilderness and highway improvements.


For wilderness: sheer cliffs, nicer rivers and wilderness shelter style cave stamps. For highways:something like nitrogen's highways, tree lined highways, highway POIs like rest stops and gas stations and a mountain underpass and more detailed intersections. The trader also needs a different piece of road to spawn on other than the same T junction.

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Wonder how the bandits/npc will work in A21.

will the melee ones just charge at you like a zombies and do nothing to protect themselves, are they going too do moves that we can't like Blocking and dodging
and i really hope the ranged bandits aren't going to be some 360 No scope level of aim 

I know some things madmole said they will not do, like drive cars and such and thats good... no need to be level 1 then a truck hits you 

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Please let this be the Alpha where bandits or at least some kind of end game content is added. No matter how better the game got overall, these past alphas really felt like more (or a better version) of the same, and the mid/end game still gets stale fast. 

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I am curious as to how the armor sets are coming along.  Pretty sure you guys are going to lean away from anything that encourages clothes swapping. 


Anything cool like multi-shot arrows, or maybe a legendary that does that? 


When all else fails, rip off stuff that works in other games.  Especially rip off skills and gear from diablo2, lel. 


Or at least do that with the next game, which is probably more fantasy horde. 


Imagine revives, skeletons, fireballs, summons, hammerdins... in a fantasy horde building game.  😉

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reposting here since this is where the devs will be spending more time from now on.


Wasteland Biome needs revamping


now that the burnt forest has been incorporated into wasteland, it no longer makes sense that the entire wasteland ground is composed of "terrDestroyedStone". this block is understandable around prefabs, in towns, and in cities, but for the wilderness, it makes no sense. never really did. The wilderness sections of wasteland should be "terrBurntForestGround" to make more sense. I mean the trees and grass and what little brush there is grew out of soil. Dropping nukes and burning the ground would not have converted soil to stone and then destroyed the stone.

You incorporated the 2 biomes, Please use them creatively in a way that makes sense and is fun.

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