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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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I already posted something similar to this in the pimp dreams section but Roland are there plans for more damage visuals on zombies (possibly even players) meaning simple things such as slashes from knives or machetes as well as bullet wounds such as holes or flesh wounds of different types?

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A question for faatal: Would it be possible that trigger area for POI rooms is extended to the wall blocks and then breaking such a block also triggers the zombies in that area? (to clarify: the extending part is obviously already possible, but lots of work for poi designers. The question is about the latter part).


I think this might fix a possible exploit where breaking through walls makes zombies not wake up.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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I hope we get more late game content too. just building a Base and waiting for BM is not enough. adding bandits and later on, a storyline, is goign to be the greatest addition in this game :D How about the animations, cutting off hands, arms, heads and so on (Also shooting off parts off the face)? Will this be further upgraded as well. Cause Zombie Tom Clark got the parts of Reanimated Corpse when cutting it off. it looks so funny xD

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personally I am hoping for 2-3 more t5's. we have plenty of lower tier, but once the trade post quests get up there, just the same 7 high level prefabs gets a bit redundant. I understand we have some good talent out there and we have brought many into the CP, but I would like to see something from tfp in that regards. Perhaps the bandit bases and camps will range from 1-5 as well adding to the quest locations.

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4 hours ago, wolfbain5 said:

personally I am hoping for 2-3 more t5's. we have plenty of lower tier, but once the trade post quests get up there, just the same 7 high level prefabs gets a bit redundant. I understand we have some good talent out there and we have brought many into the CP, but I would like to see something from tfp in that regards. Perhaps the bandit bases and camps will range from 1-5 as well adding to the quest locations.

Since we have restore power, how about a power plant?  Coal and Gas would provide great resources.  Maybe even a T5 Nuclear power plant?  Or maybe even T6?  Most if not all zombies irradiated, and requires radiation suit in some areas.  Drop the control rods into the reactor to dramatically reduce irradiated spawns in the area which would make the White River clan very happy (and very generous)

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On 3/17/2022 at 1:26 PM, meilodasreh said:

Definitely doesn't count as a confirmation.

You know how to play the game 😄


Really I love and hate you,

having the guts to come here as a dev, to make a vague assumption right into the heart of the "dev-confirmed feature" discussion!😂

Well, the only feature I can confirm about a21 right now is, we won't release it until it has some new features.

On 3/17/2022 at 2:22 PM, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

Faatal, any chance we can get these new vehicles driveable? They look way too good to be just decorative.


Roland posted what he can but since you're a developer, maybe you could give us some hope? 

I would like to have more vehicle choices. I saw a picture of a sweet new police car model today that made me want to drive it, but I'm currently not allotting time to it for a21. In the end it could happen if I find some time and the art is setup for it.

Edited by faatal (see edit history)
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On 3/17/2022 at 2:50 PM, Matt115 said:

1. There is change to add waterfalls - i mean by this  something like flowing water in canals 

2. Do you plans to add new models of cars into old POI like gas station or new cars will be only in new POI/outside?

3. Well there is a chance to add skeletons please? 🙏

4. About farming - is there any plan about change this now?

5. Will bandits spawn radomly outside or POI only?

1 Depends on performance. Currently water is not infinite, so it would drain the higher portion.

2 I'd would guess they will add some as they improve POIs.

3 There is always a chance.

4 Not that I know

5 Should be wandering and inside POIs

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On 3/20/2022 at 10:00 AM, meganoth said:

A question for faatal: Would it be possible that trigger area for POI rooms is extended to the wall blocks and then breaking such a block also triggers the zombies in that area? (to clarify: the extending part is obviously already possible, but lots of work for poi designers. The question is about the latter part).


I think this might fix a possible exploit where breaking through walls makes zombies not wake up.


I don't know what the average POI designer typically does for rooms, but they should already be able to include the wall inside the volume. Now volumes are not meant to include the full 1m wall thickness plus all of where you can stand beyond them (just a little) as we don't usually want you beating on walls and waking up the volume.

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30 minutes ago, faatal said:

I don't know what the average POI designer typically does for rooms, but they should already be able to include the wall inside the volume. Now volumes are not meant to include the full 1m wall thickness plus all of where you can stand beyond them (just a little) as we don't usually want you beating on walls and waking up the volume.


When zombies get only triggered when a wall block is **destroyed**, then beating on walls does not wake up the volume. But it wouldn't work anymore that someone can destroy a wall block and just shoot at unwakeable zombies through it.



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17 hours ago, faatal said:

Well, the only feature I can confirm about a21 right now is, we won't release it until it has some new features.

I would like to have more vehicle choices. I saw a picture of a sweet new police car model today that made me want to drive it, but I'm currently not allotting time to it for a21. In the end it could happen if I find some time and the art is setup for it.


That's a great response and optimistic, I'm sure the playerbase wouldn't mind waiting another 2 or 3 alphas if it means getting something like that in.


You make me curious as to this police car, as an aside would you mind linking us to it 🙈


I appreciate the response.


Cheers Faatal 👍🏻

Edited by Beelzebubs Ghost (see edit history)
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13 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

That's a great response and optimistic, I'm sure the playerbase wouldn't mind waiting another 2 or 3 alphas if it means getting something like that in.

You make me curious as to this police car, as an aside would you mind linking us to it 🙈

I appreciate the response.

Cheers Faatal 👍🏻


6 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

@faatal for A21 will we see Microsoft’s direct storage support?

To my admittedly amateur reading sounds like faster loading of game assets would help performance in 7D2D.

Is support for direct storage a Unity thing or something you all can do?

Not likely. That would probably have to go through Unity and I have not seen Unity mention it.


More time seems to be spent processing data than loading it. I was just saying today, we need more improvements on processing data, because if we had infinite data read speeds, load times would probably still not be much faster.

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On 3/22/2022 at 9:54 PM, faatal said:


Not likely. That would probably have to go through Unity and I have not seen Unity mention it.


More time seems to be spent processing data than loading it. I was just saying today, we need more improvements on processing data, because if we had infinite data read speeds, load times would probably still not be much faster.

Bummer but I understand 

Keep up the relies @faatal

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I'm sorry if it has already been posted somewhere, but how exactly will the bandits/raiders work? 

Will they have melee weapons and/or ranged weapons?

Are they naturally hostile to players? If they see a player build base, will they loot it/Destroy it?

Do they have a purpose or are they just "Zombies with weapons"?

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