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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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18 hours ago, Blake_ said:

Yes, raycasts on their own are cheap. Talking to the main thread is not, hence my crazy performance estimation . I believe anything block related has to go through the main thread, does it not? better 1 block than 100.

Raycasts are on the main thread, but all the code doing them are also on the main thread, so there is no issue with waiting.

7 hours ago, Burrfly said:


@faatal, do you maybe know if (as noted in the dev diary) the 'animation improvements' also mean like: updated or new zombie/player animations?

Other than a new bear run anim, it appears all the primary animation changes are for player weapons and tools usage (attack/aim/holding/reload/etc).

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3 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:


Sense you work with AI (I think i don't remember) 

Will any of the special zombies get any changes in terms of ability's 

I do. No special ability changes and very little in terms of general AI changes other than feral sense and crouching.

1 hour ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

@faatal I know this could change so I accept your answer now may not the the “correct” answer.

what Will hordes look like in A20? 

IMO the best hordes were A16 give or take. Just feels like the horde time is really tight and without mods they can be anticlimactic.

currently in A19 they aren’t bad I just remember them being more intense.


Also will A20 have more zombies roaming around the biom’s vs A19 un-modded?


**When I say Tight above I mean the time duration. Feels like older alphas the zombies came all night and you were cleaning them up in the morning. More current alphas feel like an intense but short duration. Like all zombies are cleaned up by 4am now you stand around and wait.

Blood moons should be the same.


Biomes the same. Would like to do some changes with cities, but may not happen in A20.

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41 minutes ago, LordCorellon said:


Her long gown and jet black hair made her iconic to 7D2D!!!

Now shes nothing but a run of the mill "demon-zombie"
Its absolutely HORRIBLE!

I disagree, I love the new look of the screamer.


The old model, she was nothing different from an ordinary zombie with the exception of her special ability.  Now she looks close to a normal zombie, but has just enough mutations to her look to justify how she is different.  She looks more Alpha than just the basic cannon fodder.

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6 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

I disagree, I love the new look of the screamer.


The old model, she was nothing different from an ordinary zombie with the exception of her special ability.  Now she looks close to a normal zombie, but has just enough mutations to her look to justify how she is different.  She looks more Alpha than just the basic cannon fodder.

while i do kinda like the new look as she isnt suppose to be a glamour model.. i do have to wonder about your statement..

"Now she looks close to a normal zombie" ... what part of the world do you live in?  as in my 63 years (outside of a game or tv/movies) have never seen a real zombie so i question the "normal zombie". just curious.


(makes note to self stay away from  where BFT2020 lives) :)

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35 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

I disagree, I love the new look of the screamer.


The old model, she was nothing different from an ordinary zombie with the exception of her special ability.  Now she looks close to a normal zombie, but has just enough mutations to her look to justify how she is different.  She looks more Alpha than just the basic cannon fodder.

well she looks good but damn i want to be blood on her hands and mud on feet

22 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

while i do kinda like the new look as she isnt suppose to be a glamour model.. i do have to wonder about your statement..

"Now she looks close to a normal zombie" ... what part of the world do you live in?  as in my 63 years (outside of a game or tv/movies) have never seen a real zombie so i question the "normal zombie". just curious.


(makes note to self stay away from  where BFT2020 lives) :)

well... gypsy  guy on drugs count as zombie? 

1 minute ago, SnowDog1942 said:


I like the large mouth :)

she will bit off your best friends doggy

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2 hours ago, LordCorellon said:


Her long gown and jet black hair made her iconic to 7D2D!!!

Now shes nothing but a run of the mill "demon-zombie"
Its absolutely HORRIBLE!

Nah, she was a Samara copycat. Now she is truly a 7 Days to Die unique zombie.

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1 hour ago, unholyjoe said:

while i do kinda like the new look as she isnt suppose to be a glamour model.. i do have to wonder about your statement..

"Now she looks close to a normal zombie" ... what part of the world do you live in?  as in my 63 years (outside of a game or tv/movies) have never seen a real zombie so i question the "normal zombie". just curious.


(makes note to self stay away from  where BFT2020 lives) :)

Indiana / Kentucky / Michigan


Take your pick on which area you think a normal zombie lives in   😆

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6 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

while i do kinda like the new look as she isnt suppose to be a glamour model.. i do have to wonder about your statement..

"Now she looks close to a normal zombie" ... what part of the world do you live in?  as in my 63 years (outside of a game or tv/movies) have never seen a real zombie so i question the "normal zombie". just curious.


(makes note to self stay away from  where BFT2020 lives) :)

I lived in Las Vegas for 18 years and let me tell you...zombies are out there...from the run of the mill blue hair bingo zombies...to the cellphone zombies...to the downtown crack zombies and actual trolls! they live under the bridges...

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7 hours ago, faatal said:

I do. No special ability changes and very little in terms of general AI changes other than feral sense and crouching.

Blood moons should be the same.


Biomes the same. Would like to do some changes with cities, but may not happen in A20.


Small disappointment otherwise I am exited for A20

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18 hours ago, faatal said:

Other than a new bear run anim, it appears all the primary animation changes are for player weapons and tools usage (attack/aim/holding/reload/etc).


Niceee!!! That sounds epic, thank you for answering :)

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On 6/17/2021 at 8:10 PM, madmole said:

Plus we nuked 1000's of blocks and replaced them with the new shape menu. A ton of work though.

How will this affect existing prefabs? I've also heard talk of certain type of blocks being removed altogether. I'm sure other prefabbers would like to know which blocks to avoid.

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@faatal, I have a few questions for you. How well does TAA work? Does it consume a lot of resources compared to what it is now? And what kind of smoothing does the game use now? FXAA and SMAA?

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Related to Tiles and POIs...


  1. If we create a non-square POI Marker on a Tile, say with a width of 24 blocks and a depth (heading away from the front) of 50 blocks, will the RWG be able to correctly select POIs of the appropriate dimension _and_ orientation?
  2. Are there various TFP POI design considerations that you can share? For instance, is it common practice not to fill the outer ring of blocks on a standard size POI for fear of some Tile becoming a long solid wall? Or, are you leaving that entirely up to the Tile designer?
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On 8/6/2021 at 10:57 PM, faatal said:

Today I decided to finish my temporal anti aliasing testing and get it in the game. Mostly done but going to finish testing on Monday before I commit.


Keep in mind that most of us won't have quantum computing for a long time. So the graphics card will be both anti-aliased and aliased until you open the box.


(EDIT: that was actually supposed to be a response to Roland's quote. So, yeah. Jokes that you have to explain are always funnier.)

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@Madmole / faatal 

1. Can you tell us please, how many alphas there are still to gold? Is A20 possibly A21 the last or are A22,23,24.. coming??

I love the game, but I would like to build something big again, since I built 2 castles with 250K and 300K blocks in over 500 hours in A11 and they didn't work after a big update, since then I don't dare to build big spacer.png



2. Or can you insert a function that creates a blueprint of buildings?


3. With A11 you added beautiful caves, which unfortunately were changed in one of the later alphas, i think it was a15 or a16, and from then on they are unfortunately no longer so beautiful. It used to be a real labyrinths, but now are small and unspectacular. Any chance we can get the old caves back? 


4. In the past, every animal dropped different meat, resulting in different recipes with different buff, you were proud to have killed a bear and cooked excellent stew from bear meat, or I chased half a map of a chicken with a stone ax to make a roast leg, which I got today you always get the same meat, whether chicken, bear, rabbit, pork, why should you take the risk of chasing a bear when you can kill a rabbit with a bazooka? Can we have different types of meat again, so that it is also worthwhile to hunt a bear, for example? Can you perhaps add old recipes again, so that it is worthwhile to hunt dangerous animals again?


5. In the past you could crawl through 1 block, it would be possible to insert this again, e.g. that you can turn it on or off in settings (if it has been made away because of pvp)?


I would be happy if you could answer some questions, especially if all of them😊.  (everything translated by google translate, no liability for errors 😃 )

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