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@Roland For the biome gamestage multiplier will there also be a flat bonus to biome gamestage as well. What i mean is, if you enter the wasteland on day 1 with gamestage 1, then the gamestage in the wasteland would only be 3 since it has 3x mutliplier. So i think it would make since to add a flat bonus like +15 or 20 gamestage and then add the multiplier. This way it would be a worthwhile challenge to enter other biomes on day 1. So if you have gamestage 1 and enter wasteland it would go like this: (Your gamestage x 3) + 15

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36 minutes ago, Maxley said:

@Roland For the biome gamestage multiplier will there also be a flat bonus to biome gamestage as well. What i mean is, if you enter the wasteland on day 1 with gamestage 1, then the gamestage in the wasteland would only be 3 since it has 3x mutliplier. So i think it would make since to add a flat bonus like +15 or 20 gamestage and then add the multiplier. This way it would be a worthwhile challenge to enter other biomes on day 1. So if you have gamestage 1 and enter wasteland it would go like this: (Your gamestage x 3) + 15

Where did you read the biome gamestage bonus would be a multiplier?


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37 minutes ago, Maxley said:

@Roland For the biome gamestage multiplier will there also be a flat bonus to biome gamestage as well. What i mean is, if you enter the wasteland on day 1 with gamestage 1, then the gamestage in the wasteland would only be 3 since it has 3x mutliplier. So i think it would make since to add a flat bonus like +15 or 20 gamestage and then add the multiplier. This way it would be a worthwhile challenge to enter other biomes on day 1. So if you have gamestage 1 and enter wasteland it would go like this: (Your gamestage x 3) + 15


3 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Where did you read the biome gamestage bonus would be a multiplier?


That’s true. Everything I’ve read has been an addition of gamestage and not a multiple. But maybe Gazz can give some specifics if he’s feeling unmysterious 

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23 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Where did you read the biome gamestage bonus would be a multiplier?


They said in the dev stream that the desert would be i think 2x base gamestage, snow would be x2.5 or 3, and wasteland x3 or 4. I don't remember exact numbers.


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2 hours ago, Maxley said:

They said in the dev stream that the desert would be i think 2x base gamestage, snow would be x2.5 or 3, and wasteland x3 or 4. I don't remember exact numbers.


Basically this “

Biome Difficulty

  • Snow and Desert will have gamestage boost creating tougher enemies and better loot
  • Wasteland will have a greater gamestage boost creating even tougher enemies and even better loot”
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41 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

Guys, that game stream is like five or six months old. Maybe that’s the way it will work and maybe it have been changed or for all we know delayed to Alpha 21

@DarlingCows took their quote directly from the first post in this thread. Stuff that has been moved to A21 is in orange and has "Pushed to A21" appended to it. @Roland has been pretty good at keeping that post up to date with changes that the devs let him know about.


For reference (was last updated on Fri the 30th of July) :



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1 hour ago, DarlingCows said:

Basically this “

Biome Difficulty

  • Snow and Desert will have gamestage boost creating tougher enemies and better loot
  • Wasteland will have a greater gamestage boost creating even tougher enemies and even better loot”


Ok, but this does not tell us whether the boost is added or a factor that is multiplied with the normal gamestage.


3 hours ago, Maxley said:

They said in the dev stream that the desert would be i think 2x base gamestage, snow would be x2.5 or 3, and wasteland x3 or 4. I don't remember exact numbers.



Thanks for this. He really talks about multiplikation but I doubt it is meant literally. He say "...like a multiplier..." and he speaks of the difficulty multiplying there, but that probably does not mean that internally the gamestage is simply multiplied


Because as you noted this would not at all multipy the difficulty if you are just a level 1 character.


No, I'm pretty sure that Gazz (who I assume will do the calculations) will either ADD hefty constants to the gamestage or use a more complicated formula if that doesn't feel right


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7 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

@Kinyajuu Do the coloured blocks in the video on the tiles means that they get a certain type of building on them and does this tiles system apply to normal land generation as well?


Each group gets a different color. It's mostly for visualization.

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Related to the discussion of Tiles, I'm thinking of Mods like the CompoPack where there are lots of contributed POIs of many wild sizes...


  1. Is there still a place where very large, non-standard sized POIs can be placed? The wilderness, perhaps? The edge of cities and towns?
  2. Can we define additional "standard sizes" via XML/XSLT in mods that include custom Tiles? Or, is that just a matter of how big the dimensions are drawn onto a Tile for POI Spawn Markers? (And the, by convention, TFP have just always drawn those standard sizes.)
  3. Interesting... as I look at the video at 0:57 the POI Markers don't appear to be square. The standard sizes were all square. It must be a work in progress.


1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

He answered that already, replying to someone who made a bunch of different questions.

Not to quibble, but I think he was asking about the colors being shown for the POI Spawn Markers, not the sizes. Or maybe I read it wrong.


Huh, for some reason it is appending this to my other comment. Neat forum feature. Not what I intended.

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3 minutes ago, zztong said:

Related to the discussion of Tiles, I'm thinking of Mods like the CompoPack where there are lots of contributed POIs of many wild sizes...


  1. Is there still a place where very large, non-standard sized POIs can be placed? The wilderness, perhaps? The edge of cities and towns?
  2. Can we define additional "standard sizes" via XML/XSLT in mods that include custom Tiles? Or, is that just a matter of how big the dimensions are drawn onto a Tile for POI Spawn Markers? (And the, by convention, TFP have just always drawn those standard sizes.)

Not to quibble, but I think he was asking about the colors being shown for the POI Spawn Markers, not the sizes. Or maybe I read it wrong.

Pretty much, for instance if red square = housing and grey = industrial ect

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35 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

Would it be possible for you to tell us what they are?


Thanks for answering so quickly :)

A group is just a string you enter to have multiple markers related in some way. Making them different colors just helps differentiate between groups visually and makes for a nice look overall.

1 hour ago, zztong said:

Related to the discussion of Tiles, I'm thinking of Mods like the CompoPack where there are lots of contributed POIs of many wild sizes...


  1. Is there still a place where very large, non-standard sized POIs can be placed? The wilderness, perhaps? The edge of cities and towns?
  2. Can we define additional "standard sizes" via XML/XSLT in mods that include custom Tiles? Or, is that just a matter of how big the dimensions are drawn onto a Tile for POI Spawn Markers? (And the, by convention, TFP have just always drawn those standard sizes.)
  3. Interesting... as I look at the video at 0:57 the POI Markers don't appear to be square. The standard sizes were all square. It must be a work in progress.


Not to quibble, but I think he was asking about the colors being shown for the POI Spawn Markers, not the sizes. Or maybe I read it wrong.


Huh, for some reason it is appending this to my other comment. Neat forum feature. Not what I intended.

1. Yes, wilderness. anything above 100 probably won't fit the largest and the hard rule is nothing bigger than the poi marker size. The code for smaller Prefabs to get centered when a smaller one is chosen is already in place, it's simply turned off while we get things finished up as we don't want non standards popping up in test generations.
2. It isn't planned as there is one more size type for POI Markers, Custom. It'll allow you to simply define a size on a tile and it'll use that as the max constraint.
3. It's a trick of the eye, they are square. Custom sizes are supported but our team is using standard sizes only for various reasons.

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Regarding Custom Sizes... oh, so it sounds like you draw the Marker onto the Tile. By convention the TFP uses standard sizes, but you could draw any size that fits onto the Tile.


Regarding the file names of Tiles, you mentioned "simply add a number to the end and you can have any number of variants." Can it be more than a number so that modders can keep from colliding with each other and with future TFP Tiles?



zztong_rwg_tile_residential_cap_08.ins ?

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Just now, zztong said:

Regarding Custom Sizes... oh, so it sounds like you draw the Marker onto the Tile. By convention the TFP uses standard sizes, but you could draw any size that fits onto the Tile.


Regarding the file names of Tiles, you mentioned "simply add a number to the end and you can have any number of variants." Can it be more than a number so that modders can keep from colliding with each other and with future TFP Tiles?



zztong_rwg_tile_residential_cap_08.ins ?

haha, asking the potent questions, technically yes. the number is just a simple way for us to define them. You can add _whatever to the end and it'll still go in the list.

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4 minutes ago, zztong said:

Yes, hehe. My ignorance knows no limits. :) Thanks again for the responses.

Excellent f'en questions, the lot of them. 


Thank you. 

7 minutes ago, Kinyajuu said:

haha, asking the potent questions, technically yes. the number is just a simple way for us to define them. You can add _whatever to the end and it'll still go in the list.

_guppy, etc then.  Nice, will make playing nicely together easier. 

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32 minutes ago, Kinyajuu said:

haha, asking the potent questions, technically yes. the number is just a simple way for us to define them. You can add _whatever to the end and it'll still go in the list.

well i lot of  good stuff with city generator  but maybe  will be small newsstand somewhere? 😅 😸


and @unholyjoe i will write , fight and beg for newsstand until it will be added! my glourious newstands. they are so perfect

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