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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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7 hours ago, Hyperbolt said:

Question! Will the pipe weapons have their own primitive ammo, like the blunderbuss, or will they use the standard ammo that the higher tiered guns use? 


All the pipe weapons will use their standard ammo types. The blunderbuss and blunderbuss ammo are being removed.

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11 hours ago, Hyperbolt said:

Question! Will the pipe weapons have their own primitive ammo, like the blunderbuss, or will they use the standard ammo that the higher tiered guns use? 


3 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


All the pipe weapons will use their standard ammo types. The blunderbuss and blunderbuss ammo are being removed.



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On 7/20/2021 at 10:28 AM, Matt115 said:

 well i have two questions

1. there is in A20 any changing of ballance of weapons and tools?

2. is road map for a21 ready?

1 Don't think so other that addition of primitive guns

2 No

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I hope in A20 they expand upon the weird noises at night. That deep pounding/fluttering sound is terrifying, and it's hard to describe what it is, which makes it even more disturbing.  I'd like to see more random noises at night that are difficult to make sense of. Maybe even some 20-23hz ambience. For some reason this sound frequency gives a really uneasy feeling. Here's a sample 


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2 hours ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

With the introduction of the newer Radiation Zombie, will the classic radiated zombie versions still be in game for a while? Is it still the plan to eventually replace them with specials?

My take away from the new radiation zombie is that it's a new special zombie type like the screamer or cop.  It reminds me of the Suicider zombie from Dead Island:

I'm wondering if the new radiation zombie will have a similar mechanic in that it will explode if shot or get close enough to the player.

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On 10/28/2020 at 9:49 PM, madmole said:




7) Feral Sense Game Option

  • When turned on Zombies can sense the player from much farther away and stay focused on the optimal path to where the player is
  • Stealth still works but zombie senses are heightened so stealth play is much more challenging
  • Settings are: Off, Day, Night, All



I noticed that the description just changed and has more info now. So wait, does this mean aside from the current game mode, there is only an option to make them more smarter and aggressive? I was really looking forward to making the zombies more dumb, kinda like The walking dead TV show style zombies. Please confirm. 


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5 minutes ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:


I noticed that the description just changed and has more info now. So wait, does this mean aside from the current game mode, there is only an option to make them more smarter and aggressive? I was really looking forward to making the zombies more dumb, kinda like The walking dead TV show style zombies. Please confirm. 



Confirmed. I changed the description to more accurately fit what will be released for A20 based on faatal's statement that there is unlikely to be any additional changes to the options menu before A20.  It's possible there will be more nuance added later as that was what was originally stated as the plan but at least for A20 the current description is the....current reality.

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I just now realized that in A20 we'll have "only" the new pipe weapons... but what about "pipe tools"?

Are there any plans to add (e.g.) pipe shovel, pipe pickaxe and pipe axe, as a new "step-age" between stone and iron?

It's just that it sounds like the logical next step to the addition of the new pipe weapons...



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