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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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Thank you for the answer.

The reason I asked is because the particle effects that you worked on
previously, stopped the huge fps drop from previous alphas. The fog overlay
adds atmosphere to my playthroughs. I do wish it were closer to the camera.


Visually fog\sky\atmospheric-weather seemed or felt like separate systems

created by unlike thinking individuals, not one cohesive.


Your answer explained why for me.

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Just an idea, but how about having 1 or more electrical traps. ik you guys said your mostly done, but i think a really good t3, or t2 electrical trap would be a high voltage tesla coil. that functions like an area denial system. if something walks in range it strikes them with a lightning bolt, and rebuild charge to strike again, the bolt could do significant single shot damage, and also stun or even knock zombies down, perhaps even make them smoke/smoulder a bit from the direct strike for a while after. upside is it would need a bunch of fancy animations, the electrical attack animation already exist. the tower itself would be a simple 2 or 3 block tall design. it would be an easy, but excellent choice of a new electrical trap. As for the second idea. How about a punji plate/wall it would look similar to a dart trap, but would instead shoot out 5 or 6 spears. stabbing targets 1 to 2 blocks in front or above it. also easy, and unique.

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I understand that RWG for A20 is probably in very early stages of development, but will a toggleable option be added where the player could spawn in the middle of the wilderness as we used to? Spawning on a road next to a town is great for new players, but I personally enjoy the journey of locating my first town on day 1. I would present the same "argument" if the player was guaranteed to always spawn 10 meters away from a trader.

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I'm new to the forum but have been playing the game since 2015 and read here about new updates regularly. I have a question. Do you guys ever plan on improving blood and gore mechanics? I know the game has dismemberment on death but there is no blood spilling on the environments at all. Can we see proper blood spilling added to the game at some point kind of like Dead Rising or Killing Floor 2? Can you imagine how cool it'd be to kill zombies or bandits eventually and its just a absolute blood bath? This could technically add gameplay mechanics to if you wanted to go deep with it because if you let blood sit it could technically attract more zombies. However I don't care about that to much I'd just love to see more proper blood spilling and possible dismemberment activating outside of death.

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Newbie here, hi!


Started playing cos I joined a community server, been also playing a solo game in creative mode. The only real request i have atm is for a higher character limit when creating waypoints.


Also, hoping that more content gets added for building, crafting, painting, etc cos that's the part of the game I love.


Oh, actually, one other request, though I may be the only person who cares, but finding tidbits of lore while exploring would be great. Journals/diaries left by people that tell of their struggle before during and after the apocalypose, newspapers that tell the story of events leading up to the apocalypse, that sort of thing.

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From experience on A19

Are there going to be any adjustment in tools. I feel like Impact driver is kinda worthless. It take too much stamina for automatic tool and animation (though is good) but appears to be taking more time to do job. 


Similarly I used a Ak47 Quality 6 and M60 Q1, the aiming and hit ratio of M60 is way better than AK47. 


Sometime, I hate animation when I aim on Zombie Body (chest) when in bunch of 3-4  and fire a bullet and can see bullet been missed and hitting at my AIM pointer on ground [through zombie body] and zombie get no hit. I mean either the bullet goes in different angle, but if projectile is through body why it doesn't hit.. Aim in this game is just random number. Often hitting a distance zombie (at 12-15block away) is more accurate then hitting one in 3-4 m/block distance.

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12 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

Any one smell BBQ again?Image

this is better... i didn't like "glowing speederman"

Now i like three new models. Stripper, dog, and burnt.

Gaser/gazer ... or whatever his name is - it looks bad. The old "guy in the Hawaiian shirt" is nicer.


Why do these screenshots appear on the forum after the "social networks"? The developers do not consider the forum to be the main platform anymore?

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12 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

Any one smell BBQ again?Image

FINALLY, a model with great quality and thought invested in all aspects.  Great texture, proportions seem ok, straightforward animation-ready with no apparent clipping issues (will wait to see it moving) , and even the poly count seems as low as possible which will result in a great downscaled model and texture on lower settings.  Joint textures seem very well done . Colouring is good and the sculpting is great. No need for a Normal nor a Specular texture if the details are THAT good, though they never hurt the eyecandyness, specially under light.


The eyes could be an issue if they are not feral, but then again... burned ones don't have feral version do they ?

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Can any of the devs comment on what ever happened to the "spawn next to each other when starting a game" thing that was mentioned during the A19 pre-release streams? I can't remember if it was Lathan or Mad Mole who talked about it, but basically the point was that you guys wanted to make it easier for new players to play with a friend and just start a game and not have to do the 3KM death sprint to find each other.


Would be a really cool feature to have if it's still on the table / in the works!


16 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

The amount of people spreading the false rumor online that Alpha 20 will be releasing within the next month or two is insane. Could any member of TFP staff confirm this is not true? Concrete evidence is needed if I'm going to clear this up with anybody so a direct quote would be nice.


I mean, the original time line for A20 was before Christmas, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's getting close now

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4 hours ago, Arma Rex said:

The eyes should be changed to something more blood-shot, as you would get from too much smoke around you.

Nope. Eyes are consistent with the hyperthermal decay of a corpse. They are the correct colour. There's no bloodshot because that only happens when irritation occurs in a living being due to fumes -as you said- like smoke. Once dead, bloodshot would dissappear if it was there previously, leaving a greyish yellowish outline behind (gravity+ no heart pumping+heat). Ocular burns would remain when reanimated leaving the result with greyish iris and the rest in white plus the mild outline.


Edit: double post, my bad.





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1 hour ago, faatal said:

I have several months of work left for A20 exp, so it is not soon.

 Take your time . Summer is ok, but the later you guys release it the more features squeezed in until feature lock.


Important ones like more beards and prettier eyebrows are the crutial ones. For Christ's sake we can't flirt in PvP without those perks. 

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