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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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7 hours ago, Blake_ said:

May I ask if you have tasted those charred entities, dear sir @Roland ? Are you allowed to tell us about how those two entities"feel" texture-wise while playing  ? (Idk if the puppy is in and working yet though).

The burnt zombie is in and super creepy. Scary enough looking and behaving to be a higher tier zombie like maybe the soldier but it is just as weak as the old model. I wouldn’t be opposed to them beefing it up a bit. Almost reminds me of the skinless terminator so you kind of expect it to be a beast but then it turns out to be wimpy. 


The dogs are still the same so the new model hasn’t been implemented yet.

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23 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:

Hey Faatal.  Any performance improvements that stem from “Working directly with Unity Devs”?  

Not yet, but we do have some stuff in the works.


I've been doing a lot of cleanup in the chunk system, so some moderate gains there and fixed some mesh/material leaks, but there is plenty more to do. Today I worked on improving the chunk mesh LOD update (really just hides meshes). Chunk decals/models now dither out, so I can reduce the ranges they get hidden at while having no popping.

21 hours ago, Roland said:

The burnt zombie is in and super creepy. Scary enough looking and behaving to be a higher tier zombie like maybe the soldier but it is just as weak as the old model. I wouldn’t be opposed to them beefing it up a bit. Almost reminds me of the skinless terminator so you kind of expect it to be a beast but then it turns out to be wimpy.

Yesterday I added the xml for the burnt feral zombie, which has the flames. He is tougher and faster than the normal one.

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1 hour ago, faatal said:

I've been doing a lot of cleanup in the chunk system, so some moderate gains there and fixed some mesh/material leaks

Later this week I have a new computer arriving. I'm going from a 960 4gb Ram card, 12 gb system RAM, and regular HDD to a 1660 6gb card, 32 gb system RAM, and a SSD. But I'm going to give you sole credit for any performance gains I see when I boot up the game again on my new rig... 😉 


1 hour ago, faatal said:

Yesterday I added the xml for the burnt feral zombie, which has the flames. He is tougher and faster than the normal one.

Awesome! I still think the basic version could be on par with the soldier zombies as far as toughness goes instead of like the other basic zombies. Then the ferals would be that much more badass.

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1 hour ago, faatal said:

Not yet, but we do have some stuff in the works.


I've been doing a lot of cleanup in the chunk system, so some moderate gains there and fixed some mesh/material leaks, but there is plenty more to do. Today I worked on improving the chunk mesh LOD update (really just hides meshes). Chunk decals/models now dither out, so I can reduce the ranges they get hidden at while having no popping.

Yesterday I added the xml for the burnt feral zombie, which has the flames. He is tougher and faster than the normal one.

You guys are doing an amazing job. You make the LOD stuff sound simple, while in reality it might prove quite a time hole due to the sheer amount of models involved and I believe it's not as easy as to tick a box in the editor.


+1 to the new feral burning guy.

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@faatal, I don't remember the name of the young dev who's taking care of the drone (sorry) so I'm asking you... how is development of the drone going along?

In the first stream I remember the basics (flying, following, healing and attacking) were working, but you mentioned some problems with pathing on "rough" terrain... did he get around those problems yet?


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On 2/8/2021 at 7:24 AM, Roland said:

The burnt zombie is in and super creepy. Scary enough looking and behaving to be a higher tier zombie like maybe the soldier but it is just as weak as the old model. I wouldn’t be opposed to them beefing it up a bit. Almost reminds me of the skinless terminator so you kind of expect it to be a beast but then it turns out to be wimpy. 


The dogs are still the same so the new model hasn’t been implemented yet.


According to the first page, Cop Z and Screamer HD are planned. Nice 😎

Hope we see more of them soon, especially Screamer because I think she represents real terrific potential.


NB : no concept art / A20 screens on the first page anymore. Is there any reason ?

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9 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

@faatal, I don't remember the name of the young dev who's taking care of the drone (sorry) so I'm asking you... how is development of the drone going along?

In the first stream I remember the basics (flying, following, healing and attacking) were working, but you mentioned some problems with pathing on "rough" terrain... did he get around those problems yet?


Steve. He says it is mostly done, but probably a few bugs lurking as is typical in new stuff, but I've not looked at it recently. He actually has a new task improving dismemberment features that one of our artists asked for.

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1 hour ago, faatal said:

Steve. He says it is mostly done, but probably a few bugs lurking as is typical in new stuff, but I've not looked at it recently. He actually has a new task improving dismemberment features that one of our artists asked for.

Thanks, that's great news... I guess it's very likely we'll see the drone in action in A20 then! :photo:

Dismemberment improvements? CooCooCoool! :whoo:

If ya'll keep working like this you could even add something like the finish kill-moves from Skyrim to combat. :smokin:

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On 2/8/2021 at 11:10 PM, faatal said:


Yesterday I added the xml for the burnt feral zombie, which has the flames. He is tougher and faster than the normal one.

So will the burned zombie spawn in other biomes? cuz it fits in Nicely with alot of biomes as a Very decayed zombie how has been through hell and back!

And will the bases one set you on fire? cuz for a player who never played 7DTD and if they look at a burned zombie that has no fire on it, it may make them go,  What?
with the old ones they looked goofy but at least when you see them you can go, "Oh that thing is smoking better not let that thing touch me"
will the feral have fire on it so it can deal the fire damage? 

i think it would be cool if there was two types (not real names)
burned (bases acts like a Normal zombie but the fire is out) (Can spawn anywhere but mostly in the wasteland and brunt forest) can act as a generic zombie 
Burned lit (Has some more flesh on it (mostly fat) and has fire all over it, its slower but each hit deals fire damage) 

Just a though :D been getting back into the game 


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Hi @madmole, sorry to bother you for this, but there's people on Steam claiming you don't give a @%$# about building.


I told 'em it's ridiculous and that you're actually into building. In fact you both build cool BM bases and very nice "weekday" bases that you showcase here.


This guy is pointing to one of your comments some time ago, here:

I told him that he's reading to much into it and that comment was mainly about performance. Can you please clear this out once and for all?

Do you support building, crafting, etc... or do you just want to convert 7D2D to a "dumb FPS"?

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On 2/9/2021 at 12:01 PM, faatal said:

Steve. He says it is mostly done, but probably a few bugs lurking as is typical in new stuff, but I've not looked at it recently. He actually has a new task improving dismemberment features...







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Hello all, 


Sounds like alpha 20 is goin to be amazing! I am glad to see what is getting worked on and that the structure and systems put into A18 and A19 are enduring. I was wondering if in A20 we could get a small addition to the code.


I think it would be awesome if we could repair broken cabinets. This would take them from useless to having some storage. It would be just like repairing a see through/ broken block on the outside of a house. I figure it could require some nails and wood. To take it from broken with no storage to fixed with 12 storage or so, or however much normal cabinets have.


This is easy enough code that anyone can do it, but I think it would be a nice feature in the base game. Especially when picking a house to squat in for those first 7 days or more.


Thank you,


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6 hours ago, Cazmyr said:

Hello all, 


Sounds like alpha 20 is goin to be amazing! I am glad to see what is getting worked on and that the structure and systems put into A18 and A19 are enduring. I was wondering if in A20 we could get a small addition to the code.


I think it would be awesome if we could repair broken cabinets. This would take them from useless to having some storage. It would be just like repairing a see through/ broken block on the outside of a house. I figure it could require some nails and wood. To take it from broken with no storage to fixed with 12 storage or so, or however much normal cabinets have.


This is easy enough code that anyone can do it, but I think it would be a nice feature in the base game. Especially when picking a house to squat in for those first 7 days or more.


Thank you,



You can already craft cabinets and cupboards in the wood furniture helper menu.

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The thing says zombies can crawl through 1 meter holes.  Is that all zombies?  Cause I thought the crawlers already can. 


Is there going to still be speed clothing, or a speed set? 


Started playing this again while still playing cyberpunk.  Testing out insane, nightmare run speed at all times, horde every night and 64 zombies, but this time starting strength first.  Seems viable so far.  I am able to hold off the horde until I get into fortitude to where I can run all night and just melee or whatever I feel like to the horde. 


Curious about my options in playing this way in alpha 20. 


Oh, and what all does the drone do now?  The stun attack seemed interesting, but not sure if it is worth swapping out a melee turret.  Those are the tops. 

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1 hour ago, Bertinator said:

Just a thought...>>> I would love to see an Airport POI in this game.  I think that would look awesome!


I remember I asked in the dev stream what POI the designers would make if performance wasn't a concern, and an Airport was one of the answers.

Apparently it's just WAY too performance-heavy right now with the blocks, sleepers, AI calcs, etc.

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2 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

I remember I asked in the dev stream what POI the designers would make if performance wasn't a concern, and an Airport was one of the answers.

Apparently it's just WAY too performance-heavy right now with the blocks, sleepers, AI calcs, etc.


Not to mention it would just be a colossal waste of space.

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