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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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Ya the destruction phases are cool, just wish that you could shoot or melee through them holes.


So we can get some licks in before this happens.




huh.. some years back I was working in the ER of a Tiny Village, and the familiar of the Patient did exactly that to a real wooden door because he thought his mom was About to die (she wasn't and she didn't)… he was something like 2m tall and a few hundred kg of muscle so I just let him… after he finish with the door he just stormed out and I asked the nurse, should we call the Police or something? and she was like... nahh, he lives a few Streets from here, he's a Carpenter. we just got ourselves a new door. that one was was old anyway. XD

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Some time ago I read here that new player characters are not priority because game is in first person and you dont see them the most time. But when you play with someone you see them a lot and now even mannequins looks better than players characters. I hope they get some care too :)


players look bad because they do not take the time to apply the correct makeup needed. :) besides... who wants to shoot good looking people, i mean everybody always shoots at me. :)

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Some time ago I read here that new player characters are not priority because game is in first person and you dont see them the most time. But when you play with someone you see them a lot and now even mannequins looks better than players characters. I hope they get some care too :)


Actually there has been quite a bit of work to player animations. With that said, is 3rd person playing on the roadmap? I recall seeing a 3rd person video from Kinyajuu many moons ago.

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huh.. some years back I was working in the ER of a Tiny Village, and the familiar of the Patient did exactly that to a real wooden door because he thought his mom was About to die (she wasn't and she didn't)… he was something like 2m tall and a few hundred kg of muscle so I just let him… after he finish with the door he just stormed out and I asked the nurse, should we call the Police or something? and she was like... nahh, he lives a few Streets from here, he's a Carpenter. we just got ourselves a new door. that one was was old anyway. XD


I wonder if he subconsciously went for the weak spots in his destruction process....?

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Faatal, that head looking thingy (technical term :) ) Will that extend to players characters? If I am standing on a wall and another player looks up at me will their head tilt up like a zombies will?

If it already does that in game sorry. I haven't played a MP game in a while.

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Oh, COME on... even more being taken away? What for?


...I can appreciate it when you add MORE zombies, but taking the ones you have away? Who's to say they didn't die during the initial attacks from the war during a game and rose up later as zombies? You can make lore fit them easily.


Guppy, you disappoint me.


They talk about removing zombies, and the hill you choose to die on is the football player and not the stripper?


Surely there are far more talking points to keep the stripper instead of the football player...lol!


Since she'll be converted to a girl in a dress, maybe she can at least be a zombie stripper in a dress? ;)



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Hi, guys, bring couple suggestions for a20.

Fire features.

1. Flamethrower turrets. You already got fire particles and some basic fire physics for Molotov. Just change the particles to cone, add some cone trigger shape for dmage ticks per sec. Ammo - fuel.

2. Variation of turrets - flame traps. Change water texture to oil texture. So we can fill some moats with oil, and then flame it with arrows.

3. If first two added - perk 'fireman' or smth like this. Zombies in radius 20/30/40/50m recieve 20/30/40/50% more dmage from fire ticks. Numbers just placeholders.

Balancing items modifications.

I think, that some mods are to op now(like bags, but i like them), some are useless. All of them could be balanced, just by adding negative effects.

For example, Triple Storage Pocket add 3 slots, so you dont need a packing mule perk at all. But, if we add some debuff, lets say 'Stamina drain increased by 0.xx' or 'Movement speed decreased by x%', then player has a choice - use this mod with debuffs or spend some skillpoints into perks.

Another example - plate mods. All of them almost the same, just +1, +2, +3. But, you can make each of them more intresting, buy adding second param. For example, some mods can increase your protection much more(+5), but decrease you bullet resistance. So AP bullets can kill such player in couple shots, but he will be well resisted against zombies(multiplayer feature, i know).

Or, boots armor mod, that increase your speed, but also increase chance to broke the leg. And so one.

The main idea - force player to think, what he(or she) should use for different stages of the game, not just rightclicking mods to the slots.

New mods.

Metal detector - decreases the search area of treasures( In reality people search treasure with some equipment, right?). Increase noice of the player by 100%.

Blood recycling system - decreases chance to be infected (alternatively - grants passive health per minute). Increase food/water needs. If possible - needs to be powered at accumulator station.

Burger pocket - increase player 'visibility' to zombies. Decrease food needs.

Fitness band - increase speed. Allows interact with electrical objects in wireless mode.

New electricity blocks.

Radar - electrical device. Need electricity. Shows zombies(and/or players) in radius 'n' meters from point it placed in the world. Can be placed only one of those in the tracked area(like landclaim).

4/8/16 buttons block - works like multyswitch. 1 button enable 1 wire out, 2 button enable 2 wire out, etc. So, if you got advanced base, you dont need 4/8/16 separate switches for house/outside light, electrical traps, blades and so one.

Wireless switch - works in pair with fitness band. Allows you to interact with any switches( or electrical devices) from bigger distance.

Water pump station - need electricity. Power - 20W or more. After 1 min in online mode allows you to fill empty glasses with water. Need to be placed on ground. (maybe complicated mechanics)


P.S. Ty for attention, sorry for my english, i'm not a native speakes, so sometimes make grammar mistakes. I hope at least smth of those is reasonable and could be added.

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I discovered a random dumpster in Navezgane in one of the military camps with a white river flag out front that had little fly sprites flying around it and you could hear them buzzing. However, none of the other dumpsters in the game have this effect. This was a pleasant discovery and I hope whatever makes this dumpster unique gets applied to the others in the game. Little details like this are super important for enhancing the atmospherics of this game. Are there plans to incorporate similar nuances into A19? I really miss the frog noises you heard when near water.

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No man's sky apparently got good and just needed time to deliver on promises. Sounds a lot like a certain other ambitious project I could name...


No it didn't get good, unless they have done substantial updates in the 9 months or so. I bought if after supposed improvements and left my first and only negative review on steam. Why because you don't charge AAA money for a DDD product, and its a shit game with nothing to do after you figure out how to breath and make fuel. Everything was the same more or less. What is your purpose? NPCs are horrible pigs you can't even understand without some stupid mini game completed. Give me a star wars cantina with badass aliens I can do jobs for in a standard format and it would be shut up and take my money.

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Sounds very sensible to want to have believable zombies that are more generic and usable in many different settings, though does this mean that this is the situation in A19, as in is it on the road map that they will all be replaced with new skins by the time A19 becomes stable (19.4) or will you just remove them for now and leave a gap while they could just stay around until the replacement is ready? I am just wondering why they should be cut out when no replacement is available yet, is it because of the Linear Lightspace changes or something else?


Nothing is cut yet.

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Actually there has been quite a bit of work to player animations. With that said, is 3rd person playing on the roadmap? I recall seeing a 3rd person video from Kinyajuu many moons ago.


Third person has been in for a few alphas. Press ALT to activate it, with DM on though, its not officially supported and its not clear we ever will. Its mainly a tool for identifying bad looking animations in SP and viewing them.

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I discovered a random dumpster in Navezgane in one of the military camps with a white river flag out front that had little fly sprites flying around it and you could hear them buzzing. However, none of the other dumpsters in the game have this effect. This was a pleasant discovery and I hope whatever makes this dumpster unique gets applied to the others in the game. Little details like this are super important for enhancing the atmospherics of this game. Are there plans to incorporate similar nuances into A19? I really miss the frog noises you heard when near water.


The baby crying sound is back but managed by the new audio system instead of built into to a predictable loop. We're adding tons and I mean TONS of new environment art to make every class of poi feel fleshed out and proper. The new stores are amazing, shelves wth clutter, freezers with decayed food, new urinals that are disgusting, commercial sinks so you aren't getting a loot cabinet every time the designer needed to place a sink, etc. We'll continue adding little touches as time permits but we're still doing broad strokes on art and sound right now.

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The baby crying sound is back but managed by the new audio system instead of built into to a predictable loop. We're adding tons and I mean TONS of new environment art to make every class of poi feel fleshed out and proper. The new stores are amazing, shelves wth clutter, freezers with decayed food, new urinals that are disgusting, commercial sinks so you aren't getting a loot cabinet every time the designer needed to place a sink, etc. We'll continue adding little touches as time permits but we're still doing broad strokes on art and sound right now.


Nice i can't wait! however my NUMBER 1 thing i am Hoping for is the Unfrozen Lumberjack!


i am tired of seeing the Same frozen lumberjacks in the snow area!



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The baby crying sound is back but managed by the new audio system instead of built into to a predictable loop. We're adding tons and I mean TONS of new environment art to make every class of poi feel fleshed out and proper. The new stores are amazing, shelves wth clutter, freezers with decayed food, new urinals that are disgusting, commercial sinks so you aren't getting a loot cabinet every time the designer needed to place a sink, etc. We'll continue adding little touches as time permits but we're still doing broad strokes on art and sound right now.


Love this stuff. Great to hear improvements in these areas. Cant wait to see those urinals! Peeing sitting down was getting too feminine...jking...?

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I added that to the A20 roadmap.


Madmole, are there any changes made to weapon/armor mods in A19?


Do you guys plan on adding more than those in the creative menu? I love the current ones, but I feel there aren't enough mods to trigger us pack rats. Barring the future legendary items that is.

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Nice i can't wait! however my NUMBER 1 thing i am Hoping for is the Unfrozen Lumberjack!


i am tired of seeing the Same frozen lumberjacks in the snow area!



How about an infected lumberjack who hasn't turned into one of the zombies yet, but got crazy and now chases everyone with a chainsaw in his hands while screaming and laughing like a crazy sadist?

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