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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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You are so arrogant. Where in the world do you find the space for your ego???


Now, silly, if you truly followed the forum, you would know Aldy has a thing for (yuge) airships. (Granted, it's a massive lucky thing for him that the weight is not proportional to size.)


(Could be why I 'need' trains...) :smile-new:

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Well .... who looks the bar by manual when you just need to code a watcher in a few minutes?


using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp1
   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)

           Task.Run(() => findAndRemind(@"https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?74084-Developer-Diary-Alpha-17!!!/page1", "<font color=\"#ff0000\">", 30, "7days"));


       private static async Task findAndRemind(string urlToWatch, string searchThis, int watchCycle, string special = "")
           Console.WriteLine("Search started...\nSearching:"+searchThis+"\nAt:"+urlToWatch );
           WebGrab webGrab = new WebGrab();
           webGrab.UrlToWatch = urlToWatch;
           webGrab.searchThis = searchThis;
           webGrab.watchCycle = watchCycle;
           webGrab.special = special;


   class WebGrab
       private string htmlCode { set; get; } 
       public string UrlToWatch { set; get; }
       public string searchThis { set; get; }
       public string special { set; get; }
       public int watchCycle { set; get; }

       public int temp♥♥♥♥ { set; get; }

       public async Task setHtmlCode()
           using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                   Uri uri = new Uri(UrlToWatch);
                   client.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(client_DownloadStringCompleted);
               catch (Exception e)
                   htmlCode = "";

       void client_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
           htmlCode = e.Result;

       public async Task searchString()
           DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

           string time = now.Hour + ":" + now.Minute +":" + now.Second + " - ";
           if (htmlCode == "")
               Console.WriteLine(time + "HTML not found or could not be grabbed!");
           bool found = htmlCode.Contains(searchThis);
           if (found && special == "")
               Console.WriteLine(time + searchThis + " found !");
               System.IO.Stream str = Properties.Resources.Steel_Bell_C6;
               System.Media.SoundPlayer snd = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(str);
           else if(found && special != "")
               switch (special)
                   case "7days":
                       int iStart = htmlCode.IndexOf("<font size=\"6\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">");
                       int iEnd = htmlCode.IndexOf("</font>", iStart);
                       string contentbetween = htmlCode.Substring(iStart, iEnd - iStart);
                       int countBar = contentbetween.Split(';').Count() - 1;
                       temp♥♥♥♥ = countBar; // go and improve to remind changes only !
                       Console.WriteLine(time + "The A17 bar has " + countBar + " elements left!");
                       Console.WriteLine(time + special + " case not defined!");
               Console.WriteLine(time + searchThis + " not found");

       public void watcher()
           while (true)


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What are we arguing about and who's side should I be on? :)


Well, I would like a limited release of A17 to a few hypothetically worthy individuals.


Sills thinks I'm arrogant because he's sure I am worthy and hates me for hypothetically getting the game early.


Flat0ut is threatening to kill people with the A17 jeep which has everyone reaching for their A16 Ak-47's and a few stacks of ammo.


...and was there a request for Water Buffalo in A17? Something with water to satisfy people that want more work with water. Someone heard Water Buffalo work in water, they'll have a request line up Soon.


There! You've now been Heintz'ed up. :)

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I'm really disappointed in the forum group. I thought my hexidecimal hp bar equation/joke was good. Either it went over heads, or I'm just not as clever as I think I am...


Telling jokes in a forum is like fishing, you never know if the fish are biting.

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I'm really disappointed in the forum group. I thought my hexidecimal hp bar equation/joke was good. Either it went over heads, or I'm just not as clever as I think I am...


Telling jokes in a forum is like fishing, you never know if the fish are biting.


Well here u can find more sharks than fish :)

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I'm really disappointed in the forum group. I thought my hexidecimal hp bar equation/joke was good. Either it went over heads, or I'm just not as clever as I think I am...


This forum is mostly a bunch of individuals having conversations with themselves instead of conversations with each other. Even the word conversation is a stretch for this place.

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I'm really disappointed in the forum group. I thought my hexidecimal hp bar equation/joke was good. Either it went over heads, or I'm just not as clever as I think I am...


I saw it and actually laughed out loud.

Forgot to comment about it :)

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I have lost my temper I can't tell you how many times at people trying to get a release date for my update, or at taking every single thing I have said and analyzing it. I recently said we would be releasing sometime around Feb 29th and I swear to god people thought I was serious, they assumed March 1st etc.


For all the crap I give you guys on changes or features I just want to reaffirm that no matter what I love and respect what you guys do. I have always said I'm a nobody modder who messes with values and nothing more. You guys do major work, and I understand how things pop up, delays happen and you literally can NOT give a date until you KNOW you have something working (which usually means 20 minutes before releasing it) .


I'm pretty confident in saying that there is NO way they can give even a slight estimate at a release date. And whether you believe this or not you should be HAPPY they do not. If they DID give one it would only cause a major uprising if they were to delay it. And that is WORSE. Expecting a date to come, and then a week out it gets moved a month. The anger would be REAL. Especially with such a major overhaul coming. Just chill guys, enjoy the fun. Restart a world. Play a new mod ( I hear there's one coming VERY shortly) mess with the fun of the HP bar.


Also let me take this opportunity to say I am learning the ropes on how to have playful fun with dates from Roland and Gazz. The HP bar is brilliant. I may have to do something similar, just for the LULZ.


Then GTFBTW! ;) J/K!


- - - Updated - - -


It's actually not that hard to just do everything step by step! You also said some things need to be done, to start others. But that does not mean that things they are already done, can't be released or does it?


Also I don't think it's unneeded man hours to give your players and also potential customers at Steam the chance to see, that something is still going on and that the game is not just a dead project!


Because that's what the 5 friends I play with already argued a few weeks ago!


("The last update was a Bugfix update and it was months ago! So it's just another dead early access game!")


I'm just happy, that I found this update post by accident and could convince them!


I also never meant to say, that TFP aren't good developers! They have proven already, that they are amazing devs!


I just think there is a reason why bigger companies do small but frequent updates and that everyone (no matter how good he is) can learn something new!


In my opinion this few hours of "extra" work shouldn't be too much for the devs to not let us wait months or years and to also show potential customers that there is still progress going on!


LOL, ok.

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This forum is mostly a bunch of individuals having conversations with themselves instead of conversations with each other. Even the word conversation is a stretch for this place.


This pretty much sums up the forums when it come to jokes:unconscious:



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All I can say is I am happy that A17 is finally upon us, it is going to be great and I cannot wait to play it and hopefully not find as many bugs as there could be, i have a feeling it will be a lot cleaner if an experimental than what A16 was lol, I have faith in the developers

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I'm so very sorry... that you have no sense of humor. You've already been punished enough.


But to answer your question, I usually build a chest or two, anything that cant fit is just too much.


lol. Nah I was just joking with you. :)


- - - Updated - - -


It could also go up at any time.


Oh. So you fixed what you broke? That's great man! ;)

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What ever happened to the Perlin Worm system for underground caves?? That was talked about like 5 alphas ago and then nothing??





Coughs * VIDEO * Coughs


If I remember correctly, they had trouble with it messing with structural integrity of any thing above the caves.

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Just as a scientific experiment, TFP should release A17 to only mature, responsible people. Now, if that only means me, so be it. I accept that heavy burden without complaint.


When you get right down to it, the lack of a reliable way of determining who the mature, responsible people are is the main driver for much of all human endeavor. :)

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