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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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Looking at the updates, snippets here and there, the idea of a hybrid system is far more appealing.


Learn by doing for running and mining etc, and loot based magazine progression for guns and armour.


The idea that everything is gated behind ludicrous numbers of magazines is; I will repeat, in my opinion a cheap and artificial slowdown, and forces people into looting.


When the gane had a sense of 'do as you please and make your own way' about it, it was cool. Now the game is becoming an extrapolation of poi design, that is to say, play in a way decided by the developers and no other. That's sad, more options are always better than less, especially in accomodating thr varying playstyles of an entire player base.


The tractor fluff annoyed me somewhat, perfectly fit for driving - and that alone would have made me excited for one new vehicle. Instead what is it for? Nought but decor.

Edited by Beelzebubs Ghost (see edit history)
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I am hoping to see more work on sound in this Alpha.  More different voices as most of them sound the same. At times it almost sounds like listening to an old song that I hear over and over.

I would not mind different sounds by different voices and not in the same pattern. 

Also distancing sound would be great.  

Sometimes I will hear a zombie and it would sound like it's next to me when it is down/upstairs or farther away. 

Other times while riding my bicycle I will pass by one and it would like it is still next to me screaming in my ear. Most likely because my camera is still passing the zombie. 


Thanks.  :)

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On 6/16/2022 at 8:47 PM, wdnmd123456 said:

Let me ask, will the A21 version optimize the game? When I go to places with a lot of zombies, the frame will drop and become unstable😂

No. Lots of zombie will still need similar CPU/GPU resources.

9 hours ago, NukemDed said:

heres a brave stance. why not remove farming altogether and free up the bandwidth for more fun stuff. like shooting whilst a passenger in a vehicle. i have no idea if they are linked of course, but would be thrilled to be enlightened on what limits things like only 5 vehicles, 15 or so zombies, 4 or 5 weapons per class etc. godamn it i want a katana.

They are not linked. You can delete farming all day long and it does nothing to help me or any other programmer with working on anything to do with vehicles or most other things for that matter.

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On 6/19/2022 at 8:25 AM, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

Instead what is it for? Nought but decor.


All future shown vehicles are going to be for decor just to help your expectations. The only exceptions to that might be a possible raft, possible helicopter, and possible joke blimp that doubles as a possible joke submarine depending on where you drive it...



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34 minutes ago, faatal said:

No. Lots of zombie will still need similar CPU/GPU resources.

They are not linked. You can delete farming all day long and it does nothing to help me or any other programmer with working on anything to do with vehicles or most other things for that matter.

And can you tell us in general about the optimization in the new version of the game? In addition to optimizing window frames, will there be additional innovations? For example CPU threads, reduced framerate on remote LOD models, batching/instancing, or anything else?
(by the way, I conducted an experiment and knocked out about 400 window frames in one of the skyscrapers, replacing them with bulletproof glass plates. As a result, the FPS has grown from 44 to 60 in ultra quality. I think there would be more, but window frames are now in almost all houses in large numbers, and I playing with vsync)

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1 hour ago, vergilsparda said:

any chance on navezgane getting an update for a20 or a21 (or has it already?)? i know a lot of people have asked so i probably missed the answer but it doesnt hurt to ask lol

Navezgane was updated in A 20, several new POIs were added throughout the map and a new town in the Wastelands
In A21, a larger processing is planned, as the developers wrote



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13 hours ago, Roland said:


All future shown vehicles are going to be for decor just to help your expectations. The only exceptions to that might be a possible raft, possible helicopter, and possible joke blimp that doubles as a possible joke submarine depending on where you drive it...




I don't have expectations, I have hopes. @faatal said he'd like more when he mentiomed the police car, which I am 100% in with.


Are you stating; as a matter of fact, stated by the devs themselves, that they are not adding any more vehicles in the game from hereon out; other than the 'possibility' of the raft and helicopter? Full stop? (Idk what to make of your blimp comment.)



4 hours ago, BobbyLee298 said:

I used to farm when fertilizer was in the game, but thats no more.

Also now you HAVE to use "farm plots" to do anything, so no more having your own corn field!

I like farm plots but the removal of planting in the DIRT was odd 


Farming is just super dull now with little reward, at this point if it was removed i wouldn't notice or care. Sucks because it was a fun part of the game when i had nothing better to do id just go out and make a farm. 


I think many people share this sentiment, me included. I adored nomadic farming, why it was removed instead of fixing underlying issues is beyond me, especially given cornfields are in the game anyway.


Just another example of how the game has lost some of the magic and charm that really did set it so far aside other games, even with relatively minor things like this.


I don't want to recite the list of other amazing features that they lost, again. I'd be here until the heat death of the universe, not that I'm one to exaggerate.


While the farming topic is open, @faatal - do you know if are we getting the reworked crop models for A21? If not A21 you have any idea on the status of the reworking as per discussed changes by your co-devs?

Edited by Beelzebubs Ghost (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

Are you stating; as a matter of fact, stated by the devs themselves, that they are not adding any more vehicles in the game from hereon out; other than the 'possibility' of the raft and helicopter? Full stop?

Yes!! The game has its full complement of vehicles. The possibility of a raft is pretty good since they already have the model for it and now the new water simulation is in. The possibility of a helicopter is more remote. 

But, truthfully, the developers are willing and indeed planning to ship this game with the vehicles we have right now.


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3 minutes ago, Roland said:

Yes!! The game has its full complement of vehicles. The possibility of a raft is pretty good since they already have the model for it and now the new water simulation is in. The possibility of a helicopter is more remote. 

But, truthfully, the developers are willing and indeed planning to ship this game with the vehicles we have right now.



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7 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

I don't have expectations, I have hopes. @faatal said he'd like more when he mentiomed the police car, which I am 100% in with


Keep in mind that faatal is a single dev who does not dictate the design of the game. Just because they personally would like to see more added to the game is in no way a guarantee and I would not hang my hopes on it.


41 minutes ago, Roland said:

the new water simulation is in


This does not mean complete. Could you elaborate on if this means a working prototype is in game or can we expect a showcase Soon™?

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3 minutes ago, jorbascrumps said:

This does not mean complete. Could you elaborate on if this means a working prototype is in game or can we expect a showcase Soon™?


I believe faatal mentioned earlier in the thread that it was in. It isn't complete in the sense that it is currently being tested and bug tickets are being made. 

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Just now, Roland said:

But, truthfully, the developers are willing and indeed planning to ship this game with the vehicles we have right now.

Are vehicle mods actually planned that change the appearance of the vehicle as is sometimes the case with the weapon mods ?


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3 hours ago, RipClaw said:

Are vehicle mods actually planned that change the appearance of the vehicle as is sometimes the case with the weapon mods ?


Yes, that is the plan, but it may be a while before we do it.

10 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:

I don't have expectations, I have hopes. @faatal said he'd like more when he mentiomed the police car, which I am 100% in with.


Are you stating; as a matter of fact, stated by the devs themselves, that they are not adding any more vehicles in the game from hereon out; other than the 'possibility' of the raft and helicopter? Full stop? (Idk what to make of your blimp comment.)


I think many people share this sentiment, me included. I adored nomadic farming, why it was removed instead of fixing underlying issues is beyond me, especially given cornfields are in the game anyway.


Just another example of how the game has lost some of the magic and charm that really did set it so far aside other games, even with relatively minor things like this.


I don't want to recite the list of other amazing features that they lost, again. I'd be here until the heat death of the universe, not that I'm one to exaggerate.


While the farming topic is open, @faatal - do you know if are we getting the reworked crop models for A21? If not A21 you have any idea on the status of the reworking as per discussed changes by your co-devs?

I thought it would be cool to have a driveable police car, but it is not setup for that.

The blimp was a joke vehicle I did years ago.


Don't know what art is planning for crops.

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5 hours ago, Roland said:

Yes!! The game has its full complement of vehicles. The possibility of a raft is pretty good since they already have the model for it and now the new water simulation is in. The possibility of a helicopter is more remote. 

But, truthfully, the developers are willing and indeed planning to ship this game with the vehicles we have right now.


Ahoy there matey! Have yee being saying... ship? 


Raft and water is done???

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32 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

With the new Iron Armor showcased on twitter...



...is this with the current UMA system or is it with the new, in-house system TFP were talking about back in A19/A20 dev thread?

Well everything is good except this  crest on helmet.

So... this is...









Edited by Matt115 (see edit history)
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oooo, the use of the rebar on the right arm really makes me wish it could be used a melee weapon... imagine bashing a zombie's face with that arm and all the rebar goes through a la Doom style or something. wishful thinking, but yeah... anyway the armor looks incredible! definitely honed in the heavy part, lol, i can't imagine how much that would weigh irl to wear. two questions for the devs:

  1. are any of the other armor models going to go through an update and if they are, how far along are the artists on that, if you're allowed to say?
  2. will these new models update to reflect armor modifications and color dye, similar to the new weapons models? (i.e, pocket mods add more pockets, armor padding mods add extra pieces, that one water filtration mod adds two beer koozies with a silly straw connecting them ;), etc)?

btw, just like the POI designers and the new shape designers, your 3D modeling artists have been knocking it out of the park with these updates!

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Interesting we're getting new models that follow the existing armour tiers.  The 'class specific' armours model has obviously had a rethink, as I doubt resources would be spent on an iron armour model if iron armour itself was getting binned next alpha.  


That said, the new iron armour does not look like it's designed to layer with clothing at all.  Was it designed with the proposed 'only four wearable slots' model in mind?

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