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Eating glass is ridiculous.


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Why is this here? My buddy tried to drop glass on the ground the other day and simply misclicked "use" instead of drop and died. How is "using glass" eating it and dying? there is really no excuse for a game making you kill yourself over a misclick. Nor is labelling it "use" appropriate (although that wasn't the issue in this case I'm sure many people do click that to see what use is).


You can not "accidentally" eat glass, so there really shouldn't be a way to accidentally eat it in the game, at least without a "this will kill you are you sure" check.  We rolled the game back to our last backup (lost a couple days) since we are trying to see how long we can go without dying.

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5 minutes ago, Shockwave1 said:

Why is this here?

Probably for the same reason your buddy accidentally ate glass.  Simply watch what your doing. Have you ever accidentally scrapped an item you didn't mean too? I know I have. Works the same way.


Besides, I've eaten glass when I know I'm surrounded and about to die because screw those zombies....I would rather bleed from the mouth and die a slow and agonizing death than to give them the pleasure of eating me alive!

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Eating glass is the games version of killing yourself because you couldn't handle the apocalypse anymore, but most likely just because you are stuck somewhere and can't get out.  The description even says that it will kill you, albeit in a round about way.  If the item has a "Use" function and you hit the Use button then your character will use it no matter if you meant to hit it or not.  Food and drinks also will be used if you hit that button without asking if you meant to use it or not.  Maybe be more careful with items that will kill you next time.  Instead of hitting a button to drop it instead manually pull it out of your inventory and drop it that way.  Then you can't accidently ingest a substance that will kill you without any hope of surviving.  

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54 minutes ago, Shockwave1 said:

You can not "accidentally" eat glass, so there really shouldn't be a way to accidentally eat it in the game, at least without a "this will kill you are you sure" check.

It's not accidental when you literally have to perform an action to do it.


We'd also need a LOT of "this will kill you are you sure" prompts to baby-proof this game.

Stepping off of high places, throwing explosives, fighting zombies, not eating when you have food in your inventory, missing a head shot...


No worries, though. You can add mods to make sure that actions like that are perfectly safe. 😃



54 minutes ago, Shockwave1 said:

We rolled the game back to our last backup (lost a couple days) since we are trying to see how long we can go without dying.

Well, that's a great way to play long permadeath games! 👍

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          Damn! TFP must have thought they were free and clear after so long.

Then outta the blue a party of glassblowers union reps inadvertantly eat some glass. The lawsuit will be huuuuuge. " No mlud he deffo werent drunk when he ate half a pane o the bulletproof stuff! "

   Next thing ya know dem dead peeps be trying to eat ya face! The undertakers union will have a field day!

  Can you imagine how many signs and warnings would be needed to babyproof the game? Talk about your development hell.

  There are literally hundreds of ways to die in this game, and your own stupidity ranks pretty highly in most of them. Surprises me its not sponsored by the Darwin Awards.

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4 hours ago, Sal said:

Probably for the same reason your buddy accidentally ate glass.  Simply watch what your doing. Have you ever accidentally scrapped an item you didn't mean too? I know I have. Works the same way.


Besides, I've eaten glass when I know I'm surrounded and about to die because screw those zombies....I would rather bleed from the mouth and die a slow and agonizing death than to give them the pleasure of eating me alive!

GrandSpartan did that once he scrapped an auger schematic which he desperately needed XD

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This kind of stuff always reminds me of my friend that would constantly fat-finger "E" in ARK while on a flyer dino. This obviously resulted in him dying numerous times and losing his stuff a few times when his bag got camped by a bunch of dinos. Even had a 30+ minute "rescue" mission where I kept grabbing him with my pteranodon and dropping him into the swamp where his bag was, along with the 10 or so boas that kept killing him. We still laugh about that now, a few years later. He ultimately changed his keybind for dismount to "R" or something a little less likely to be hit.


Moral of the story? Hell, I don't know. Lol. Maybe don't be so uptight about it, and laugh about it instead? Although the fact you actually rolled the save back, losing time, just to keep that death counter pristine tells me all I need to know there. Haha. Hope none of you call BS the next time you die. Might be the longest "no death" run ever. ;)

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9 hours ago, Gazz said:

We'd also need a LOT of "this will kill you are you sure" prompts to baby-proof this game.

It would probably help if W,A,S,D was not used for actions in the menu. I don't know how many times I accidentally crafted, repaired, used or scraped something because I wanted to use the motion controls even though the menu was still open. Luckily I never ate glass by accident.



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4 hours ago, RipClaw said:

It would probably help if W,A,S,D was not used for actions in the menu.

You can re-bind those, in case you didn't already know; while I bind my movement to w-e-r-d AND then bind those use-buttons into the same, some other defaults wouldn't hurt either. Toolbelt buttons as default?

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Play the game long enough and you WILL eat glass by accident.  I have done it twice.  Once from being tired and hitting A instead of D and another time with a crappy mouse that double clicked constantly instead of single clicking.


Maybe don't play with dead is dead unless you can handle the "stupid deaths",  nobody will  look down on you for playing "normal".

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