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  1. First glasses can let you craft faster and better. Of course they can, especially if they are magnifying glasses. Bandoliers absolutely make you reload faster over getting ammo out of your backbpack... that's precisely what they are designed to do. At the very least at least we have one piece of eyewear for each stat, which we should still get rid of (as it is unbalancing if you find it/don't find it). No eyewear should boost stats or XP but crafting times would be a fine bonus. There is no need to put out armor that gives you a huge bonus they crank up the difficulty. That just makes the game easy or difficulty based solely on RNG. If you find the armor the game is easy if you don't it's hard. Ergo, there is no reason for the armors, they serve no purpose, they solve no deficiency in the game. As for "not believing me" you can be whatever kind of ass you want, it doesn't add anything to the discussion.
  2. I have this problem too. I also have disappearing crates in my base not far away. I did finally figure out what was doing it to my base crates. I had 4 SMG turrets on the roof. When I place the turrets, crates and placed structures (forges) start disappearing inside the base. When I remove the turrets everything is fine. I haven't had trees disappearing either since I took the turrets down but I moved my planted trees so hard to say about that. I was able to recreate this 10 times in a row by placing and removing the turrets, each time they were placed certain crates and objects became invisible at certain angles the moment the turrets were removed they were fine. I am now playing with no placed turrets at my base and have had zero things disappear based on the angle I'm looking at them.
  3. That seems very nitpicky of you. eyewear (one piece) is not entire armor sets. The Bonuses are much lower and less consequential, and all glasses give you a bonus to a stat you might need. You could make the argument of needing to add +1 to your agility for something and +1 to your perception for others and swapping those glasses too. But the 10% xp extra on nerdy glasses has always seemed out of place. That's when you give feedback... so it isn't released. If they put the work into it, it will stay. I'd rather they put the time into other things based on what they have released so far. Perfectly valid feedback.
  4. Steel comes from various work benches and still from vending machines but I haven't seen a large new source of it from the wrench, what was added that gives steel?
  5. I see nothing wrong with current armor and clothes that some additional mods (for more choice) wouldn't solve. Not sure how the new armor sets are fleshing out but from the images that were pushed from A20 it looks like a very bad direction for the game to take and I'd like to put in my .02 against the change. Keep armor the way it is. First there is no need for the additional bonuses that the armor sets are slated to give. Resource gathering is already pretty easy and the bonuses will just make it too easy. In addition some (like +20%xp on Nerd armor) are just oddly unbalancing for no seemingly good reason. Why does wearing one set of armor make you level faster? Second they seem like they will reduce choice a ton. Right now you can wear heavy or light armor and you only spec into an armor skill if you want to wear that armor. But with armor sets it seems like you will be pigeon holed into wearing heavy or light armor based on the activity you want to do. If the loot bonus armor is light you can't raid high level POIs in heavy armor (or are incentivized not to). Third it's going to require armor switching for things like farming and mining that you can swap into armor that gives you a bonuses and then swap out again to go do other things which is pretty tedious. The game will need to balance around those armors so you'll pretty much have to wear them (or they will be OP giving your too much bonuses if it is balanced around not wearing them). Fourth, they are "magic" armor, which doesn't seem to fit the a survival game. Armor sets are thing of fantasy games not survival games. Wearing a special hat doesn't make you get more wood out of a tree or make you get more ore out of a rock, or make more seeds come out of your crops. It seems ill conceived. There doesn't seem to be a real problem with armor and clothing now. There doesn't seem to be a problem with resource gathering now, or the ability to loot things. We can already mix and match heavy and light armor and add mods, I just can't see any value in armor sets. Seems like all downsides when they come out unbalanced or there is a real meta or you can't find that armor set your entire play-through but do find it next time making the game wildly easier or harder based on RNG (never good design).
  6. Finding honey IS preparing for horde night. It's one of the tasks you need to do and can't ignore. Much like hunting for food. I mean you can say looking for animals to get meat is not preparing for horde, not fun,and you should just jump off a building when your hunger gets low....
  7. And if it was a stupid thing I'd agree, but it wasn't. I can't get over the number of people defending a game design that allows you to fat finger a suicide button. Literally, buddy got to the jeep (I was first and was unloading) and he started dropping useless things on the ground and fat fingered "USE" not "EAT". There is a use key for bandages, it does not mean "eat" In addition the "repair" button on some inventory items is the "use" button on others... so you can misclick on the wrong item and try to repair it and use the other other item. There is no universe in which someone attempts to drop glass on the ground and slips and eats it, or intends to repair an item and slips and eats glass, but that is what the devs have created here. There really is no reason to have a single keyboard press that its commonly used for many activities kill you. It's simply poor design and not necessary to solve any game issue.
  8. Huh? You craft in massive batchs of ammo (and later boxes of ammo). Who crafts single rounds of ammo?
  9. Why is this here? My buddy tried to drop glass on the ground the other day and simply misclicked "use" instead of drop and died. How is "using glass" eating it and dying? there is really no excuse for a game making you kill yourself over a misclick. Nor is labelling it "use" appropriate (although that wasn't the issue in this case I'm sure many people do click that to see what use is). You can not "accidentally" eat glass, so there really shouldn't be a way to accidentally eat it in the game, at least without a "this will kill you are you sure" check. We rolled the game back to our last backup (lost a couple days) since we are trying to see how long we can go without dying.
  10. I can see no valid argument against a checkbox for sharing all XP... vs only combat xp. Nobody has to check it off. It is justified to get part of the kill because the XP system is so ridiculously unbalanced towards building, selling, and mining vs farming, cooking crafting, looting, questing, unloading, organizing, and actually building etc. There are a TON of tasks that a group does but XP is awarded for only a small fraction of them. I mean lets face it. Smelting and crafting nets you virtually zero xp but it is one of the most valuable things to a group: Ammo, food, mods, farming... way less XP. I can design an awesome horde base from scratch that works awesome, reason out how all the traps go, wire up all the banks and switches and turrets so we can turn on and off the various things easily, and who gets the XP? The guy who placed the traps where I told them to (INT), and they guy who pushes the button on the nail gun to upgrade the blocks I placed down (our PER / questing/looting guy because he's always behind in XP). If our PER guy goes on T5 quest kills all the zeds and gets everything by himself (we have 100M xp range right now) and shares his killing XP with nobody. If I spend the exact same amount of time (safely) mining I get WAY more XP. If our INT guy sells (safely) all the crap he brings home she gets more xp than he did doing the quest (if you add in whatever tasks she did while he was gone... maybe some upgrading, maybe some wood chopping, whatever). I see no reason for it to be hard coded to 10m. Why would that be necessary? You can always set it to 10m in your game why limit someone else? I just don't think selling things to the trader should be the #1 pool of XP in a game based on the dukes you get, which is how it turns out in a loot heavy group that gives it all to the INT guy to sell. Nor do I think that traps that I designed and wired up should give me zippo xp while it gives the INT guy a ton on horde night. There is simply no reason not to give this as an OPTION to groups that want it. It is simply a FAR less fun game with people looking around for ways to equalize XP (letting someone use the nail gun on the structure I designed and built so they get all the XP for simply upgrading it). Now keep in mind... we ONLY play together. There is no one person playing more or less. So we are always playing, always helping each other, always questing together, etc. The XP differential based on who does what jobs to keep our group going is wide, and that's wonky.
  11. I disagree. It is a fine solution because the implementation of XP is so wonky. Builders get a ton, but only upgrading, making and placing made blocks gets you a fraction of that (which is nuts), and essential tasks get no xp (cooking, farming, crafting mods, smelting, even unloading our jeep and putting things away). I see the sharing option as just compensating for the xp that my friends should be getting from doing those tasks but aren't. They aren't doing nothing. In addition we can do whatever and not care who upgrades the blocks on the base, whoever has time can do it instead of waiting for the lower level guy to do it. It would be WAY more fun. Which is the point of the game.
  12. Put a "sheet" next to the last block, on top of the soil to get rid of the divot between a sunken block and the land.
  13. Gotta agree seems like they are looking at how people are getting around horde night and trying to stop it (wood spikes, barbed wire and other things went unmentioned). Which actually is viable, you want challenge, but I think it is the LAST thing that should be done as balance passes after all content is added. Fixes for zombies may differ from bandits or things might change when all the content is added.
  14. Yeah but they craft multiple things and sitting in a work bench watching things craft is a nonstarter. We did that at first, then realized that it was worse. If the miner skipped a quest run (the INT and PEr guy went and shared a quest) because we need ore and had to spend a day mining because we were short on stuff, he sucked away XP from their kills, while he got 100% XP from his mining. So we reduced the kill XP range down again to 100M or so to help out the PER quest guy who killed more zeds or quested alone more than anyone else. If it was all shared than yeah, 10K range and nobody has to worry about what they are doing we can all just play and contribute.
  15. That's not a work around. It just moves the day and night cycle. Things still happen. hunger and thirst progress, zeds move, things on benches build, crops grow, and most importantly game stage progresses. Moving the time doesn't really do anything. It may shift the current hours to give you daylight but then the next night comes that much earlier. In addition playing with time can have wonky affects on time trigger events. Once it got the trader stuck from resetting his quest offerings.
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