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  1. Sounds good, that's what an end-game mission should look like 🙂
  2. I'd even file a bug report if that wasn't so complicated and required whatever logs and 1000 way too much clicks. They even threaten to delete the report if I make a mistake. I mean, I pay for the game to playtest and report bugs for them for free and that's what they confront me with. There are also lots of translation flaws in German language. Let me make a topic where I can report them one by one with a screenshot and I'd do that for free. But create a bug report everytime I see a translation mistake... no thanks.
  3. I know about that but there certainly wasn't anything I didn't use. All main doors were unlocked and main loot looted. It was bugged, only question is if it is regularly bugged or just bad luck for me that time. God mode can be helpful as you can easily access all rooms and hidden corners or bunkers and make some noise there to trigger spawns.
  4. I'm doing a fetch / clear quest in NDC Checkpoint Two but can't find the last zombie(s). Is that a known issue? Searched the whole POI, even with god mode, but no success. Command "killall", if that is even a thing, doesn't do anything either. There is a yellow marker where there should be a Z but there is nothing.
  5. Spawn rate is much lower than it used to be, I agree with that. Usually I can still find 2 deer nearly every night I wander around in the pine forest a bit. Regarding survival aspect I think spawn rates are fine. Experienced players can deal with that, new players surely will have hard times finding enough meat. And the hunter perk finally is worth a few points. Regarding the FUN and arcade aspect of the game it is a pity to see only a few animals here and there. Hunting is fun, encountering wild animals and the danger it brings is fun (at least for me), seeing different wildlife is fun. In summary I think animal spawns are good currently. If you need more meat you should find plenty of snakes in the burnt forest or coyotes in the desert. Snow biome is full of meat but it fights back severely.
  6. Glad to see I am not the only one disliking the lack of darkness at night. An adjustable option seems best to me with "very dark" being so dark that you cannot see anything outside at night without a light source.
  7. I don't agree with that. Then the game should get rid of "full moon every night" or ignore the moon and have very dark nights regardless.
  8. @Slingblade2040 How many hours have you played 7D2D already?
  9. Even the modded screenshots are not dark enough at night. If there are no light sources I only want to see a zombie when it is standing right in front of me and beating me already, not earlier. There can be brighter nights when there is a shiny full moon but most nights should be pitch-dark.
  10. In the first few days there aren't more screamers than usual. Only in the mid-game, when you have several workstations and do extensive mining, extra screamers appear. But by then you also have the gear and power to deal with them. Personally, I like the extra challenge (and XP). Never just mine in a hole without an exit anymore.
  11. Lvl 6 steel sledgehammer, 99/100 armor magazines, forge, workbench and cement mixer crafted / bought from trader (where you got all the money from?) and plenty of ammo all on day 8? To me this doesn't sound like default settings at all and if so it is not a playstyle lots of players would have. Especially not newer players. Moreover, for new players nothing is easy in 7D2D. Wild animal? Dead. Beat a cop or fighter with melee weapon? Dead. Constant food / drink problems lead to stamina problems lead to next death. Regular POI with hidden sleepers more than 2 at once? Dead. Land mine? Dead. It is a constant struggle of play, die, learn, respawn and repeat until you have a good amount of hours played into the game. And even then you understand near to nothing about crafting, base building, skill tree, clothing and so on.
  12. @schwanz9000 1) Will ladder climbing be fixed eventually or is it the new status quo that you have to release space bar in order to attach to a ladder now? 2) Any plans to make the game, or at least nighttime, darker or add an adjustable slider for that? When in inventory or trader menu lots of stuff and especially text can't really be seen since the background is too bright. Same applies to storage box labeling. And as nights are so bright now there is no need for headlight mods or flashlights anymore.
  13. I'm sure these are all reasonable and cool changes so thank you for that. My two biggest concerns right now, however, have not been addressed it seems. 1. Ladders can't be climbed on like it was before 1.0 exp. 2. Nights should be much darker. A headlight mod used to be a great find but now it is completely unnecessary. Moreover, I often can't read texts in my inventory or in trader dialogues or on writeable storage chests since the game is too bright (standard settings ofc). Plus: The leather trunk that can be found in main loot rooms sometimes currently translates to "Leder-Kofferraum" in German version. That doesn't make sense, though. A "Kofferraum" is the trunk of a car. It should be "Lederkoffer" (= leather case).
  14. Loot bags are really powerful now compared to the old "food brass and ammo" situation. I like it, nice loot bag rewards at the end of a horde night.
  15. Thanks for clarification. The challenges are supposed to be a noob guide, I agree with that. But now imaging a real noob starts a new game: "Harvest honey from tree stumps with a stone axe". Noob harvests honey from a tree stump with a stone axe but challenge still says 0/5. What does noob do? Right, he doesn't understand, thinks either game is bugged or he is too stupid to understand. "Harvest some short iron pipes with a stone axe". Noob harvests iron pipes from different materials but challenge still says 0/10. What does noob do? He thinks he has not enough brain to play this game. "Harvest some scrap polymer with a stone axe". Noob harvests over 100 scrap polymer with a stone axe, even builds his dew collector with that polymer. Challenge still says 20/100, though. What does noob do? Correct, he eventually starts to cry and questions his whole existence. "Harvest some rotting flesh with a bone knife". Noob kills 10 zombie dogs and harvests their rotten flesh with a bone knife. Noob looks at this challenge and it still says 0 rotten flesh harvested. What does noob do? You got it, he goes to university to study 7D2D but even with a diploma he won't understand how those challenges work. Those challenge descriptions even say "you can harvest rotten flesh / leather / pipes / polymer from stuff like bla bla bla but most of the bla bla bla they mention don't actually work. It is just horrific game design and should have never been implemented like that. If this makes it into 1.0 stable I'm running out of words.
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