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Urban Blackbear

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Everything posted by Urban Blackbear

  1. Whatever it was, it's probably better than the lead we used to make jars from.
  2. To jar? Or not to jar? That is the question. Whether tis nobler in the game to suffer the thirst and dysentery of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of mods And by opposing offend them. To jar—to drink, No more
  3. You don't need water in Valheim, only food. Technically you don't even need to eat but good luck with 15hp and 10 stamina.
  4. So you guys are saying mods are the answer. Interesting.
  5. Can we talk about shell casing and how they disappear when I fire off bullets? A lot of survival games out there let you pick them back up. Free the brass!
  6. I don't care about the removal of jars and I don't care to argue about it. Find someone else.
  7. My condolences to his friends and family.
  8. Ever play The Long Dark? When I boil water in that game it just assumes I gathered snow. It doesn't make me run outside, gather snow in my pot and bring it back to set on the stove. Then the boiled water goes into a milk jug in the inventory. How large is this milk jug? As large as it needs to be. I can also place the water I've boiled down in the environment and it magically creates a plastic .5 liter water bottle filled with water from my milk jug of holding. I've ended snow storms in that game with probably 50 plastic water bottles stacked on a shelf. None of that bothers me. Neither does not having empty glass jars. I understand the choices in both situations were made for simplicities sake and to smooth gameplay.
  9. This isn't Jar Simulator. People really need to get over this.
  10. Set the number of players to 1 in the options for the game you're starting or loading. That will make it single player.
  11. I'm sure it deserved it for something. Dodgy old trees. Always leaping out at motorists.
  12. I haven't played A21 more than an hour or two yet but the game got another texture facelift so they probably look different now. 😅
  13. I know it works on the medicine cabinets. You're probably better off wrenching green acid barrels and sinks though. I haven't gotten the book in A21 yet.
  14. Not gonna lie, the knifes power attack is pretty good. It just requires you to be really close. I still prefer machetes because I like cutting off heads instead of popping them.
  15. The very reason why the game has all those loot and difficulty options are so that you can use them. Don't be lazy.
  16. Not a single one. Humans can't run that fast. I did manage to catch a look at the culprit who ate my peony bushes though.
  17. I agree. I wake up every morning to find 6 or more deer in my backyard. Oh, you mean ingame....
  18. 88% to boom in a single collision may be a bit much, but the real problem is the vehicle didn't drop a loot bag. It looks like each hit against the pole by the props made it take damage. Over-tuned just a tiny bit...
  19. I wonder if I'm the only one who is waiting on the first stable version of A21? I also find the complaints hilarious. Reminds me of when my dad used to threaten to give me something to really complain about.
  20. I don't really look at loot tables. I can never afford anything on them or they're piled with junk. And people who pile all of their loot onto tables have issues.
  21. I know the big discussion is all about A21 and jars or the lack thereof but there is something in this game that really bothers more. Where do all the rocks in the garbage come from? Who is out there collecting rocks and putting them in the trash? Were they crazy or just infected? Is this a thing in regions of the world that I don't know of? I work for a construction company so just to make sure I knew what I was talking about I went through all the garbage in our office, our yard, and our shop. I found a lot of mechanical parts and electric parts, paper, some bottles of acid, some junk iron, a lot of polymers in the form of bottles and the usual straight up waste garbage but not a single rock in any of them. I know we have rocks, there's five stockpiles of them in the yard graded to various sizes but I have no idea how they'd make it into the trash and it doesn't seem to be happening. Why are rocks in the garbage a thing in this game? I'm not even gonna get started on wood being in garbage, I know households that throw that stuff away but we have a scrap pile for that stuff and we set fire to it on the weekends and drink beer. This has just always bothered me. The rocks, not the beer I mean.
  22. It would certainly be a nice option to have. I've been playing games with auto walk/run toggle keys since the late 90's. Certain games are unplayable without them, like The Long Dark.
  23. There is no VHS copy of Fast Times at Ridgemont High that isn't wear damaged during a certain Phoebe Cates scene.
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