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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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9 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

same here im more than sure its a bug with occlusion that was never fully fixed but compared to a19 from 20 its definitely less common for me at least  and i got a gtx 1050ti not that i dont think that matters but i could be wrong

You may be right, in fact I turned it off because I had the bug after turning it on, but I didn't connect the dots until now.

After turning it off, apparently the bug is not there anymore.

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Somewhere between Alpha 20 Stable and Alpha 20.2 Stable there was a change to the random gen preview that I did not see in the release notes:
1. The preview now starts zoomed out to show the whole map.
2. Prefabs are no longer rendered. Instead, they are displayed as boxes.

(edit) 3. A terrain legend was added(?). It would be better if it wasn't on top of the map, but it will help people.

As a result we now have a decent thumbnail for the map when the generation finishes. Thank you, TFP!


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16 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:

lo mismo aquí, estoy más que seguro de que es un error con la oclusión que nunca se solucionó por completo, pero en comparación con a19 de 20, definitivamente es menos común para mí al menos y obtuve una gtx 1050ti, no es que no crea que importa, pero podría estar equivocado

I have the same problem and I have the same board...

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23 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

Can't file a bug report since I'm using a sound mod... but I just wanted to let you know that A20.2 has some serious "disappearing trees" issue right now...


This one was taken looking in one direction:

  Reveal hidden contents



And this one was taken by just looking a few degrees to the left (same spot, all trees on the right have disappeared):

  Reveal hidden contents



Second example, this is the first screenshot:

  Reveal hidden contents



This is the second screenshot, just a few steps forward (notice how the two trees left and right disappear):

  Reveal hidden contents



 I have this problem too. I also have disappearing crates in my base not far away. I did finally figure out what was doing it to my base crates. I had 4 SMG turrets on the roof. When I place the turrets, crates and placed structures (forges) start disappearing inside the base. When I remove the turrets everything is fine. I haven't had trees disappearing either since I took the turrets down but I moved my planted trees so hard to say about that. I was able to recreate this 10 times in a row by placing and removing the turrets, each time they were placed certain crates and objects became invisible at certain angles the moment the turrets were removed they were fine. I am now playing with no placed turrets at my base and have had zero things disappear based on the angle I'm looking at them.


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On 2/13/2022 at 11:26 AM, The Gronk said:

I'll let you into a secret.  Every AI you have played against has had its abilities crippled to make you feel better.  Players have an easier time losing to another player than an unfettered AI.  Some of the main advantages are listed below, allowing the AI to fully use any of these will instantly lead to screams of "unfair" and "implayable" by the players.


Perfect aim : An AI can work out exactly where to aim with a simple matrix rotation, in unity that even has a little helper-function.  Depending on the system the programmer may have to randomize the aiming point a little before the shot to give the player a chance.


Perfect radar : The AI does not perceive the game world as you do, it knows where everything is and its weaknesses.  If you think wall-hacks are cheating please be aware that to the AI the walls simply don't exist.


Perfect pathfinding : It takes time for a player to memorize the routes on a map, for the AI all routes are known and the default is to choose the shortest route regardless of how obvious it is or whether it can even be seen from where they are.


There are more but these should give an example of why we cripple AI for the players, programmers are only human and we like to win every now and again as well.

Hey man thanks for your explanation on this and thanks for providing a different  perspective obout AIs.  Just curious though- what you would rather see and play on in 7d2d: a server full of AIs or a server full of real people? I know what my answer is REAL PEOPLE!

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14 minutes ago, Grandpa Minion said:

what you would rather see and play on in 7d2d: a server full of AIs or a server full of real people?

Oh that's a really simply answer. A server full of AI's. Every day and all day. People are a**holes. AI's are not vindictive a**'s. AI's don't destroy your stuff while you're offline either.

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1 hour ago, JCrook1028 said:

Oh that's a really simply answer. A server full of AI's. Every day and all day. People are a**holes. AI's are not vindictive a**'s. AI's don't destroy your stuff while you're offline either.

Except metal gear survival and icarius XD

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11 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

metal gear survive.....oh boy oh wow that game was awful 

i think it the best concept for "some time after outbreake " zombie game but.. is was made bad.

Focusing on harvesting food and water + medicne was good idea , and forcing to scavenging a lot of time basic materials was  so good... but story, small number of enemy types, map, portals etc were just bad 

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On 10/28/2020 at 6:49 PM, madmole said:

19) AI and Sleeper Improvements

  • Zombies can duck and crawl through areas that are less than 2-meters but more than 1-meter
  • Zombies include 1-meter holes in their paths and can crawl through them - pushed to A21
  • Wandering Sleepers - pushed to A21


20) Character Overhaul - Pushed to A21

  • Replace UMA system with in-house custom system
  • Thematic outfits will work like books. Wear the complete outfit and get a completion perk
  • Current 10 armor/clothing slots reduced to 4 slots for outfits that will merge both clothing and armor values. No more clipping issues of wearing clothing under armor. Better balance on number of mod slots available to use with outfits.
  • Outfits are another feature that will help build the foundation for the future implementation of bandits
  • Alot of this has been started already by those who have finished work for A20 and have moved on to A21 work


21) Water Overhaul - Pushed to A21

  • Details Coming


Here's at least part of the Alpha 21 roadmap provided some of these don't get punted again.

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7 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Well i know about that but i think it will be something more in  next updated too right?


Additional Possibilities


Madmole's new crafting system


Random Event Manager

The Duke, himself

The Duke's Casino POI


Reputation System


These are what I can think of that have been talked about but not yet implemented. Probably not all of these as they have said they want to keep A21 on a shorter leash.

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3 hours ago, dcsobral said:

I've noticed today that tier 3 buried supplies quests are actually closer than tier 1 and 2's. What's the default distance for quests anyway?


for buried supplies id say between 400 metres and 730 for normal quests i usually get em between 200 metres to 500 metres then restore power sometime a kilometre all way up to 7.3 kilometres for some reason i dont think quest distance is scaled for a higher tier quests and lower tier it depends on what it decides to generate which could mean the higher and or lower tier quests could be closer 


hope this cleared up things a little 🙂

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1 hour ago, Roland said:


Additional Possibilities


Madmole's new crafting system


Random Event Manager

The Duke, himself

The Duke's Casino POI


Reputation System


These are what I can think of that have been talked about but not yet implemented. Probably not all of these as they have said they want to keep A21 on a shorter leash.

Can you or someone elaborate on what a "Random Event Manager" is and/or example of how that works? :confused2:

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2 hours ago, Roland said:


Additional Possibilities


Madmole's new crafting system


Random Event Manager

The Duke, himself

The Duke's Casino POI


Reputation System


These are what I can think of that have been talked about but not yet implemented. Probably not all of these as they have said they want to keep A21 on a shorter leash.

Well only raft sound impossible but rest of this sounds logical

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