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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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51 minutes ago, vergilsparda said:


Yeah, I ate my shorts when I checked, I guess you can put the weighted head mod in it, which is great! But like, why none of the other club or damage mods? Burning shaft, barbed wire, chains, they'd all go great on the pipe baton since it's a long cylindrical weapon... I guess there aren't models for it, which makes sense and is totally valid, but it's still kind of dumb 😕 


And why can I put block damage mods in it? Who is using the pipe baton to break wood, stone, dirt, and iron lol 

I knew some people who were experts with the "Tonfa" (pipe baton) and from what I understand the barbed wire and chains would be a no-go.

This is not a "combat simulator" so it's understandable that some things are not 100% believable... but just FYI the pipe baton is also used like an axe/pick, meaning that you can switch the grip from the short handle to the shaft and use the handle as a pick/axe to hit harder.


That's why I also think that the "pickaxe" mods could potentially fit in.

The rest are not fit IMHO.

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1 hour ago, c33tz said:

So now that Pipe Weapons and 'early game' options for all weapon types are now in... any chance for an XP overhaul in the near future?


My thoughts/suggestion, in the name of a game are: Mount & Blade Bannerlord.


Pretty sure all the framework is in place, specializations well defined, just need a method to track/gain XP per Skill + Cumulative General XP (as-is) for this to work!


I'm not going to retype it here, my essay is here as follows:



I have some bad and some good news for you:


The bad news: TFP already tried out learning-by-doing and eventually replaced it with this system. And it officially is a dead horse-topic now, no need to beat it because, well, dead is dead.


The good news: If you want to experience 7D2D with a learning-by-doing system just load up A15 or A16 and enjoy.

Alternatively once it has been adapted to A20 I would recommend playing the Darkness Falls mod.



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5 minutes ago, Roland said:

I never run to get my backpack anymore because my standard setting is destroy all on death. I like it very much as a death penalty because it clears out all my best gear and forces me to downgrade to other things and make do until I can recover. I also always cancel the starter quest. Until recently it meant I could go quite awhile before finding a trader but now it seems we spawn close by quite often so it isn't much of a search. Next time I log in I'll remove my bedroll and see what I think about random spawning as a death penalty. 

You made me think about trying "destroy all on death" on my next run... honestly, I didn't even remember the option was there! :confused2:

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1 hour ago, Stroichik said:

Just bring back Wellness system. It was perfect for 7d2d. 


Wellness was a spam eating minigame which incentivized unnatural eating habits to crank up the wellness as fast as possible. It is much better now that it increases with player level over time. Wellness was also used a suicide currency that people were more than willing to spend in order to gain the benefits of dying.


I'd be happy to have wellness back if they didn't make it so that it was directly increased by eating and if they removed the benefits of dying so that there was no need to spend wellness to die. I guess no bedroll spawning would solve the benefit of using death to teleport....hmmmm

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1 minute ago, Roland said:


Wellness was a spam eating minigame which incentivized unnatural eating habits to crank up the wellness as fast as possible. It is much better now that it increases with player level over time. Wellness was also used a suicide currency that people were more than willing to spend in order to gain the benefits of dying.


I'd be happy to have wellness back if they didn't make it so that it was directly increased by eating and if they removed the benefits of dying so that there was no need to spend wellness to die. I guess no bedroll spawning would solve the benefit of using death to teleport....hmmmm



Permadeath - be a man

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1 hour ago, c33tz said:

So now that Pipe Weapons and 'early game' options for all weapon types are now in... any chance for an XP overhaul in the near future?


My thoughts/suggestion, in the name of a game are: Mount & Blade Bannerlord.


Pretty sure all the framework is in place, specializations well defined, just need a method to track/gain XP per Skill + Cumulative General XP (as-is) for this to work!


I'm not going to retype it here, my essay is here as follows:


Undead Legacy mod have lbd system, u can try it. I think its best big mod at this moment. Inventory, vehicle, recipe system and perks overhauls is very good

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2 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

Interesting observation. In A19 the zombies would have went for the corners of a watchtower base. In A20 they just stuck to the middle and mostly ran in place while I was above them, most of them didn't bother to attack the walls.


pathfinding is fairly fubar ATM, faatal seems aware so I guess it is just a matter of him putting in a few thousand man hours of fun work to adapt the AI to the new shape menu. I think he's very excited for the new challenge adding some spice to his life

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1 minute ago, Khalagar said:


pathfinding is fairly fubar ATM, faatal seems aware so I guess it is just a matter of him putting in a few thousand man hours of fun work to adapt the AI to the new shape menu. I think he's very excited for the new challenge adding some spice to his life


Yeah it's probably the AI pathing. I was just using box standard walls made out of solid blocks and plates flush against them. 😛

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2 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

Whoever gave the call to adjust the loot drops of zombies, from the bottom of my cold dead heart, thank you. Hordes are actually worth fighting now in regards to drops - in A19 they were always sort of "meh".


MadMole says its like 1:50 (2%) which isnt very much and less than the 3-4% that was the default setting for Bloodmoon on the A19 Navezgane map I was playing.   My A20 experience is that they are still a rare occurrence.   I wish I had the zombie loot drop rate bug you are experiencing.  

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10 minutes ago, snowdemon14 said:

Sorry if this has been answered or is somewhere I didnt see, but are they recommending a clean wipe from A20 Exp to A20 stable?

Always recommended but perhaps not necessary. You just have to try and see if continuing your game results in annoying glitches or not.

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1 hour ago, gpcstargate said:

Good Day .. TFP 

Missing a shape that: I believe was in the old version of game and was just missed in A-20 

There is the straight and inside corner .. But NO Outside corner.

Thank You ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

[image snipped for length]


maybe try in the ramp menu? you are only in the square blocks submenu rn, so maybe it's not there. maybe try searching through all of the shapes instead? unless you already did, then disregard 😅

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So I killed my 2nd bear today, and he acted pretty much like the first bear I killed in A20.  I got up on top of one of the tall rocks, and had flattened the top then blocked up where he might be able to climb up and get to know me better on the top, and surrounded the rock with spikes.


After I shot him to attract his attention, I had 3 spears that I wanted to use on him, but he ran up, trampled some of the spikes, and then ran away and started bashing a nearby tree.  I kept filling him full of arrows until I got tired of that and used my pistol, but why is his pathing leading him to a nearby tree?  I would think that he would try to chip away at the rock or try to get up to me.

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1 hour ago, gpcstargate said:

Good Day .. TFP 

Missing a shape that: I believe was in the old version of game and was just missed in A-20 

There is the straight and inside corner .. But NO Outside corner.

Thank You ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

7 Days to Die Screenshot 2021.12.08 -

Have you searched without restricting yourself to cubes? It might just be missing the category.

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1 hour ago, Roland said:


That's easily testable simply by not putting down a bedroll.


I never run to get my backpack anymore because my standard setting is destroy all on death. I like it very much as a death penalty because it clears out all my best gear and forces me to downgrade to other things and make do until I can recover. I also always cancel the starter quest. Until recently it meant I could go quite awhile before finding a trader but now it seems we spawn close by quite often so it isn't much of a search. Next time I log in I'll remove my bedroll and see what I think about random spawning as a death penalty. 


This might be a good compromise for me.  I could pretend the new character happened across the dead characters base.


Then again if I did that, I wouldn't have tested out almost all the perk tress and variant builds I never tried before.


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1 hour ago, gpcstargate said:

Good Day .. TFP 

Missing a shape that: I believe was in the old version of game and was just missed in A-20 

There is the straight and inside corner .. But NO Outside corner.

Thank You ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

7 Days to Die Screenshot 2021.12.08 -

Oh my, who are we gonna call? 


X        B        C

T        L        O

R              W

     C        B

M      K         O





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3 hours ago, Roland said:

As to your point about dying to erase debuffs and regain food, water, and health.... I am with you 10000% and I've been voicing my opinion that at the least there needs to be an option to turn on persistent status after respawn for those who don't want death in a survival game to be the cure-all for everything we are trying to survive against. Does ANYONE really care about the XP delay to the next level?  I get that it can't be the default setting because new players would get into a death spiral they could not recover from. An option, though, would be nice.



Yeah we would like an option to keep some of the debuffs and stats the same, but the problem is some of them are so bad they could put the player in a death loop, so there is no easy way to pick what debuffs stay and which ones don't or what levels they are set to, etc.

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4 hours ago, madmole said:

Acid is more rare, but most of it's recipes are pretty high end. Try the chemical piles.

I do not think that a Wheel and Grandpas EXP Elixir is too high end, but it is necessary  for any vehicle. :) I tried all the stuff to loot already, and at the end in my server i edited the loot.xml to have a med-high possibility to loot it , depending ot what was before low-med, now after i looted 3-4 POI-s i got one. 

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3 hours ago, meganoth said:


The principle TFP is probably after is "Everything in loot is valuable all the time". I don't think this will ever be 100% true (there is a end game recipe missing that needs 100 plant fiber for example 😉) , but for me the game is slowly going in that direction.


Well honestly it just can't be true because a some things are not or small value - broken glass ( better to  smelt sand that looting glass) , acid (except chemistry station everything else is better to buy or find ) or testosterone. Btw "Everything in loot is valuable all the time" is just bad- they just put leather in so many receptures so makes in cringe. 

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16 minutes ago, madmole said:

Yeah we would like an option to keep some of the debuffs and stats the same, but the problem is some of them are so bad they could put the player in a death loop, so there is no easy way to pick what debuffs stay and which ones don't or what levels they are set to, etc.


Maybe the choice could be given at the respawn screen instead of at the top menu. Players could choose to Continue the Struggle or Start Refreshed. That way if they felt they were in an inescapable loop they could choose the Start Refreshed option which would be what we have right now. Continue the Struggle would just maintain all stats you had at the time of unconsciousness so you wouldn't have to try and figure out which debuffs might be too punishing. It would be the player's choice to keep trying to recover or give up.

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