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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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2 hours ago, faatal said:

It might be better or not. UE5 would not just make the game magically better.


The code would probably be c++ and might run a bit faster, but c# compilers have been making good improvements, so probably about the same.


Release speed would be really slow, since we would have to learn a whole lot of new tech and redo a ton of work. ;)

1 Don't know what they are planning.

2 Sure, but I doubt it will be your list.

TBH i think some skeletons with Flesh would work well for copse's 

Sense they have nothing special about them they can fit into almost any setting!  

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10 hours ago, faatal said:

It might be better or not. UE5 would not just make the game magically better.


The code would probably be c++ and might run a bit faster, but c# compilers have been making good improvements, so probably about the same.


Release speed would be really slow, since we would have to learn a whole lot of new tech and redo a ton of work. ;)

1 Don't know what they are planning.

2 Sure, but I doubt it will be your list.

Well but there a chance that your another game will be on UE5? And more theoretical question : Random Character Generator similar to L4D2 woudn't works on Unity but do you think it could work on UE5? Well ofc i don't suggest to change engine only for that but it could be good step forward in 7DTD 2 . In l4d1 one base zombie have 64 variants, updated 320 but L4D1 Common Infected Overhaul    created by Skessler make a system allowing have 286.720 variants of single type of zombie. And this diffrence can be see easly. I know 7dtd don't need so much variants but even 100 could be rly good. Well make a sandbox on Source 2 could be impossible  ( gmod is more static that 7dtd or conan) 

9 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

TBH i think some skeletons with Flesh would work well for copse's 

Sense they have nothing special about them they can fit into almost any setting!  

YEAH ! THX FOR SUPPORT!  But their more "fit" on roads, cities  houses  But on wastelands and dessert could better fit something like   but with clothes. @faatal there is a chance to be something like that what i and adam suggested?skeleton_zombies_lowpoly_3d_model_c4d_ma

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On 5/27/2021 at 12:45 AM, Adam the Waster said:

I can't tell if this is bless or cursed!

i love that pipe SMG and the new M60!


Nice guns n' all, but about those backgrounds. Are they ingame pics?

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2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

Of course not! As I understand it, they're just backgrounds from the modeling software...

can confirm that.

I remember Madmole was asked this before when he showed off some new deco stuff (I think it was the new clothing racks back in the A19 dev thread).

Can't find the actual post now, but it was said that those backgrounds are just some random graphics that have nothing to do with ingame graphics, or even the game itself.


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On 5/28/2021 at 7:08 AM, Matt115 said:

  But their more "fit" on roads, cities  houses  But on wastelands and dessert could better fit something like   but with clothes. there is a chance to be something like that what i and adam suggested?skeleton_zombies_lowpoly_3d_model_c4d_ma

Mmmmmh it would fit better just so they don't have to make so many types.

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2 hours ago, dcsobral said:

I believe these are background from Unity 3D, the tool used to make the models.

Artists often preview/render/show a model with an environment map around it so the reflective surfaces have something to reflect.

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Do you think Alarms will ever make "Heat" because its kind strange that Zombies are lured but rocks being thrown, Crackling of a Camp fire, Gunfire, hitting metal, forge crafting, explosives, FOOT STEPS, cars and Screamer zombies

but a Alarm that is SUPER loud... does not...

So what im saying is, do you think we will get better alarms to lure the horde? 

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Hello, @faatal!
On June 22, AMD will introduce the open-source FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) technology,which,in theory,will give a second life to old video cards and improve the performance of current ones in supported projects.
Is it possible that you would consider adding support for this technology if Unity were to support it?

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4 hours ago, Matt115 said:

Will be rebalance of weapons in A20?  like - buff melee weapons and debuff  guns

Not that I know.


Everyone who actually uses melee weapons can tell you that they are seriously OP already. Heh

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3 hours ago, Gazz said:

Not that I know.


Everyone who actually uses melee weapons can tell you that they are seriously OP already. Heh

Eh, starting out i'd disagree there.  Spear is pretty far behind everything else until late iron imo throwing is not a perk of it, so let's get rid of that and offer an actual savage right click use for it.   Club is OP straight through all ranks , baton is way OP (once you actually find one). Bone knife and fists are less than stellar until way later.

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melee weapons are not amazing for their damage, but the utility they bring with stun/knock down is great. Many players stick to melee weapons to the late stages of the game. Spear lacks some way of controlling enemies and thats why it sucks so hard compared to all other options.

Sledgehammers + heavy armor are the biggest offenders, people never die.

edit: they also scale very well with the chance to dismember/ explode heads.

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Would be nice to be able to click RMB for a spear power attack or hold it to charge a throw.


But as it is, maybe buff the thrown damage a bit. Or add a better stun when hit with a thrown spear. Maybe have it so when you hit them in the legs they are slowed till you remove it. That might be part of one of the books. Honestly never really used spear much. They were okay when you had them trapped and could just stand still and jab, but moving around and fighting in a house or something was a bit of a pain.


The power attack part of them could probably use a bit of a boost, but not much.

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4 hours ago, dcsobral said:

Except for the stun baton.

Good point. On that note, I should ask this question:


@Gazz, I would like to know...  how much better is the baton tree in a20 ?. The reason for this question is:




I tested it (the baton) fully perked in 19.5 (+flurry of blows maxed) and with Tech junkie 5 and 6 (Stun repulsor mod and 25%-50% chance of electrocution for normal-power attacks) AND with the AoE candy.


With the best roll of baton tier 6 I could find and the best possible mods that you can put into it.


This is the result:


1-Combat effectiveness against 25 radiated construction workers:


Result: I killed 0 in god mode after 2 minutes aiming at the head. (lol) . Some went electro-flying..... how quaint. Their hp was also mostly full.


2- I tested it in god mode with brand new 25 radiated construction workers with a level 6 STONE AXE with full 10 points Strenght.


Result: I killed 2 construction workers in 2 minutes aiming at the head (exploding heads and fast attack speed, but you get the point)  PLUS The burning damage from the shaft mod, the total amount of damage was pretty high and all the Zds were around half life at the end of the test.


Reason for the baton to be so poorly designed: Bad entity damage balance. A weapon designed as support cannot be weaker than the weakest primitive crappy tier 1 bow, just to put that ridiculous fact as an example.


A level 6 stun baton should have low damage compared to its peers, but not tool-grade damage. Meaning if a Steel club has around 80 entity damage at tier 6,. then the baton would need to at least get to 40-50 entity damage at tier 6. Otherwise it's not effective with or without turrets against any enemy whatsoever. The occasional flying electrocutions are fun though, while not effective at all damage-wise or time-wise or any other wise.






This is a stone axe top tiered and with combat mods:




Stun baton with the best mods it can have:





Primitive tier 1 wooden crappy bow with 1 mod:




Looking forward to your answer, lol. Should we still get the "but d towers help" crap ? xD. That piece of clutter needs balance. Low damage ? sure. but not lowest in the whole game being dwarfed by even a stone axe.

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I know it's kinda left field but are we going to get the ability to custom design RWG maps?

Things such as designing road systems and placing specific POIs to achieve a unique map design.

A world editor with all the bells and whistles.

Just say NO and I'll pop back into my box :)


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10 hours ago, mstdv inc said:

Hello, @faatal!
On June 22, AMD will introduce the open-source FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) technology,which,in theory,will give a second life to old video cards and improve the performance of current ones in supported projects.
Is it possible that you would consider adding support for this technology if Unity were to support it?

I consider any tech Unity makes available in the engine, but that new feature, like DLSS support will probably need HDRP, which we are not upgrading to.

On 5/30/2021 at 9:13 AM, Adam the Waster said:


Do you think Alarms will ever make "Heat" because its kind strange that Zombies are lured but rocks being thrown, Crackling of a Camp fire, Gunfire, hitting metal, forge crafting, explosives, FOOT STEPS, cars and Screamer zombies

but a Alarm that is SUPER loud... does not...

So what im saying is, do you think we will get better alarms to lure the horde? 

Probably because eventually someone might notice and edit the sound data.

3 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

Hi, I'm new to the forums. Can someone tell me when A20 is releasing? :)

After 19.5.

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5 hours ago, faatal said:

I consider any tech Unity makes available in the engine, but that new feature, like DLSS support will probably need HDRP, which we are not upgrading to.


What if we make AMD to hear us? please take a second to ask AMD to add FSR to 7 Days to Die, so they will contact with Faatal or will make an Unity plugin for both HDRP and URP :) just did it one minute ago.



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On 4/29/2021 at 11:36 AM, faatal said:

You came to the right place.


This is not a nuclear winter, asteroid strike or super volcano scenario, so the sky would be normal/realistic, which is what we are going for. The blood moon being exaggerated normal. Not to say we would not do some creepy sky in the future, but I would not want to look at that for long periods of play.


Sounds are certainly not done, so they may get more creepy in the future or not. Like everything it depends on the time we have and where we want to spend it.

What if the ambient sounds got more creepy as the gamestage progressed.

Such as crows instead of normal birds singing. And howling wind instead of leaves blowing in the wind.

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Will the pump action shotgun ever be improved? It's been the same since bees were in the game. The pump shotgun needs some love!

I also really wish the animation showed the correct number of shells being loaded into it. It could be as simple as changing the animation to loading 1 shell. Then repeating that animation for how many shells are missing. And once that's done, you get a full mag. It doesn't have to be perfect, just better then what it is, please.

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