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Now that You have played Alpha 19, What do you like or dislike?

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On 7/1/2020 at 4:14 AM, Gazz said:

At this moment we can't have it both ways.

We would like to have certain POI "work" at a higher gamestage so that a shotgun messiah factory would maybe have +100GS and you could find the cool loot in it.

But then you'd have to survive getting there.


At this time it would just be a freebie where the awesome loot is defended by GS 1 enemies. So nope.

To be fair it's not defended by anything if you have enough frames and know where the loot is.

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On 6/30/2020 at 11:10 AM, Darthjake said:

I want my wooden bow!


Seriously though, I'm the agi / per guy for the group.  I've got LL 3 and one of the guys gave me the goggles, I've found 4 level 6 stone spears, a lvl 6 primitive bow, and 2 purple stone sledges.


Also have found qual 2 hunting rifle, fire axe and pistol, as well as a qual 3 ak.  Next I'll be putting points into lockpick as well.  Already have been buying the candy


We've got a 3 man group 2 of us with spears and the 3rd with a sledge with that we cleared the red mesa base which is were we found the yellow AK, among other stuff.

They need to severly nerf how often t4-6 items drops, its WAY to common. 4 should be rare, 5 very rare, 6 should be EXTREMLY rare no matter what your gamestage is. As it is now, pretty much anything I open has tier 6 crap always for the primitive stuff, but in later GS's it'll be the mid tier then high tier where its always guarnteed to be quality tier 6. Makes exploring boring as its way to easy to get a full t6 kit going, was much better in A18 with how much more rare it was.

7 hours ago, Forgotten Memes said:

To be fair it's not defended by anything if you have enough frames and know where the loot is.

This is so true, in many of the poi's you can actually just nerd pole to the loot room skipping the entire poi. I don't do it myself as I feel its cheating in a way, but people can play their game how they want. I feel the same about junk turrets, if your placing them anytime other than horde night for defense, your abusing them and cheating. They need to nerf their activate distance down to 1-2 blocks, so you have to stay right beside it or it won't fire, its stupid how you can drop one down 2 floors in a poi and have them clear rooms out while you sit somewhere perfectly safe possibly helping it kill.


Its weird, for all the ways they buff zombies so players can't cheese them, they then put in automated placeable anywhere turrets which just enable the same thing, except worse as its now mobile, instead of just at a static location like a base.


I also find it REALLY stupid how zombies can swim faster than the player can, thats just *facepalm*, I have no words to describe how stupid that is to me.

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On 7/3/2020 at 11:51 AM, Roland said:

No...it NEEDS to be done according to their development plan. This is early access which means you get to experience aspects of the game while they are a work in progress. There is no way they will get these systems in before A20 as they would require restarts on new maps. 

If you want the fully implemented live version of the game then wait until it’s all done. For now, keep using the options you mentioned if that makes the game playable for you. 

That would be more meaningful if the game hadn't been in Alpha for 7 years.  There's a point of reasonable expectation in which you expect something to be done.  You can't keep playing the "It's an alpha" card when the game is old enough to enter school.


This also goes against the "just get a mod" approach to balancing out the aspects that people don't like as, with every update, mods have to be tweaked and reworked.  The mods I used back on A15 to add extra places to the map are now useless, the mods from Alpha 16 that made it so if I stayed in one place too long I'd have to slog through a horde to get out don't work, the mod to remove bees is now useless and I have to mod out vultures again, etc.

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5 minutes ago, Dracula said:

That would be more meaningful if the game hadn't been in Alpha for 7 years.  There's a point of reasonable expectation in which you expect something to be done.  You can't keep playing the "It's an alpha" card when the game is old enough to enter school.


This also goes against the "just get a mod" approach to balancing out the aspects that people don't like as, with every update, mods have to be tweaked and reworked.  The mods I used back on A15 to add extra places to the map are now useless, the mods from Alpha 16 that made it so if I stayed in one place too long I'd have to slog through a horde to get out don't work, the mod to remove bees is now useless and I have to mod out vultures again, etc.

Guess how long a AAA studio with hundreds of employees takes to make a game....... 7 years for this size team is perfectly normal. You are just getting to see the entire process. If you can't wrap your head around that then early access is not for you. Wait til it goes Gold.

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1 minute ago, JCrook1028 said:

Guess how long a AAA studio with hundreds of employees takes to make a game....... 7 years for this size team is perfectly normal. You are just getting to see the entire process. If you can't wrap your head around that then early access is not for you. Wait til it goes Gold.

That's not an excuse.  There are plenty of other small studios that have churned out finished games in under 7 years.  "Other people take this long" is not a defensible position and "wait until it's finished" is not valid when they've been teasing a completed version for years with the incentive of buying it for less before the price goes up on the finished version.


The length of the development cycle isn't my issue; blaming things on it being an alpha is.  That attitude is pretty much telling everyone to go take a flying leap until its done; which goes in stark contrast to the method of advertising via streamers that they seem so fond of and the reliance on players reporting bugs/gameplay issues to them in order to improve it.

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22 minutes ago, Dracula said:

That's not an excuse.  There are plenty of other small studios that have churned out finished games in under 7 years.  "Other people take this long" is not a defensible position and "wait until it's finished" is not valid when they've been teasing a completed version for years with the incentive of buying it for less before the price goes up on the finished version.


The length of the development cycle isn't my issue; blaming things on it being an alpha is.  That attitude is pretty much telling everyone to go take a flying leap until its done; which goes in stark contrast to the method of advertising via streamers that they seem so fond of and the reliance on players reporting bugs/gameplay issues to them in order to improve it.

You're right, it's not an excuse. it's a Reason. there's a difference. And yep I was right, early access is not for you. Show me another game doing what 7dtd is doing with a fully destroyable voxel game and then try this BS about how their somehow not doing good enough for you.

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7 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

You're right, it's not an excuse. it's a Reason. there's a difference. And yep I was right, early access is not for you. Show me another game doing what 7dtd is doing with a fully destroyable voxel game and then try this BS about how their somehow not doing good enough for you.

It is not a reason; it's a garbage excuse and I will not waste any more time dealing with someone so dedicated to overlooking faults as to be blind to issues and time. 


If you want a comparison; how about Cube World; a Voxel game that was created in 8 years by a team of two people and spent 6 years in alpha by comparison.


It's also not a fully alterable Voxel game as of A18 when the inability to replace terrain blocks rendered that feature moot.


You also miss my point that the problem isn't that it's an Alpha; but that they're using it as a crutch to delay/deny problems while still marketing the game as playable and trying to gain new followers.  You can't have it both ways; either it's an alpha OR it's a packaged and playable game; as the versions that were sold for the console were purported to be.  I'm sick of them running back to the well of "it's an alpha" and "just mod it" instead of remaining consistent.


My comments and impressions have been related to the gameplay and the progression of changes, if you can't understand that then there's no point in you participating in anything that involves providing feedback for what people want to see in future updates or problems with the current version.

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1 hour ago, Dracula said:

You can't keep playing the "It's an alpha" card

I play the alpha card when it is appropriate to do so. In this case it is absolutely applicable. I agree with you that using "It's Alpha" as an exuse for every single issue is wrong and meaningless. So what about the other side of the coin where people like you read "alpha" and instead of considering and analyzing the specific context of how it is being used, you just kneejerk react and rant about the term instead of acknowledging the point that was being made. Alpha shouldn't be overused for all cases, true. But it also shouldn't be dismissed out of hand just because you don't like the term.


In this specific case we are talking about a feature that requires steps A, B, C, and D which will have to be accomplished in full over at least two major updates. This is the very definition of a work in progress and because it has happening during the alpha development phase during an open early access program where people like you and me will be able to play the game at step B and again at step C and again at step D of the process I'm straining to think of words other than "alpha" and "early access" and "WIP" to describe what's going on even though I know as soon as you read them you will trigger and that will be the end of critical reasoning.


Let me boil it down to just the letters for you.


If you can keep it together and roll with the punches that are inherent with playing the game while features are in various stages of Step A, Step B, Step C, and/or Step D then you will enjoy this period of time in the game's life cycle regardless of how long that period of time takes.


If you can't handle features that are not completed and polished then just wait for the announcement the game has gone gold and then for you it will be like the game was developed behind closed doors. There are people out there who haven't even heard of 7 Days to Die. Whenever the game goes gold and they become aware of it and download and play it they are going to get as their first impression the fully complete and polished game with no idea (or care) how long it was in development. 

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Dracula said:

That would be more meaningful if the game hadn't been in Alpha for 7 years.  There's a point of reasonable expectation in which you expect something to be done.  You can't keep playing the "It's an alpha" card when the game is old enough to enter school.


This also goes against the "just get a mod" approach to balancing out the aspects that people don't like as, with every update, mods have to be tweaked and reworked.  The mods I used back on A15 to add extra places to the map are now useless, the mods from Alpha 16 that made it so if I stayed in one place too long I'd have to slog through a horde to get out don't work, the mod to remove bees is now useless and I have to mod out vultures again, etc.

I highly recommend u watch dev stream #1 where rick talks about the development of the game.


Several factors have caused the development of the game time to increase.


I for one am grateful they increased the scope from quake 2 + minecraft otherwise I probably would of shelved the game ages ago....


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1 hour ago, Dracula said:

The length of the development cycle isn't my issue; blaming things on it being an alpha is.  That attitude is pretty much telling everyone to go take a flying leap until its done; which goes in stark contrast to the method of advertising via streamers that they seem so fond of and the reliance on players reporting bugs/gameplay issues to them in order to improve it.

You have to use some judgement on when something can legitimately "be blamed" on it being alpha. In this case because we are talking about a feature that will take multiple Alpha release updates to accomplish it most certain does apply. It is also not telling people to take a flying leap. It is giving them information that the issue is known and is being worked on and that there will be more to it.


In this case someone complains that there is no variation of loot because it is the same everywhere. I give information that there is more development coming that will fix this issue. The rational reader will then accept that the current state is temporary and not the intended final state and feels better knowing that in the future there will be tougher areas with tougher enemies and better loot--exactly what they were hoping for. Now some of these people will still be unhappy enough with the current state that they are satisfied with shelving the game until the next major update and checking back then. Others will be happy to play the game as it is now until it is changed later. But in both cases they are glad to have been informed that there is more development to be done.


Only the irrational reader will start ranting about the use of the term alpha and ignore all the pertinent information that was actually given...

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iv played apha 18  1345hours

iv buyed a 600euro grafik card for playing this SUPERB game in ULTRA PLUS grafix....i enjoyed the best game ever



alpha 19.... iv played 13 days now....its annoying (before alpha 18,4 was sex for the eyes..now its a little other..18,4 had more feeling)

i feel in the moment its like a game from ubisoft or ea...its full of colours..but the flair is other..hmm


iv hab made long time ago a video were i change areas withthe motorbike..perhaps u wana see

look when i drive tru the different areas, how cool it was with the feelings



>new zombies design (ok the old was cool 2)

>the new light grafix IN THE HOUSE super great BUT sometimes it changes 2 hard when i walk in the house without lightning its unrealistic..when tehres a light or a lamp its fantastic

>the new fog is super !!!!!!..pls make a sandstorm 2 (in snow arer the snow its now like bricks...at some moments..pls change something)



1.the colours are tooo heavy,,its like a candy crush colour game....in destroyed area..the red is so hardcore red (iv samsung chd 90 ultrawide) 3840*1080

no game has ever had so hard colour so candy colours...pls make it darker or more ffeling..perhaps kontrast -10?

2.WHY the hell have u changed the sky???? in the desert its cloudy and its rainy all the time...hello????? before it was the feeling "live in the desert"...now its feeling "walmarkt parking arae"..the desert is now very colourful and boring..i dont wanna stay there

3.the destroyed area  needs a little more feeling (the fading between areas isnt so col like 18,4)

4.the red sky in the night between 1-4o clock is bad bad bad...it look like from year 2000

5. why at 3,57 night begin the brightness, and the not at 4 oclock AFTER the piano sound???

6. why u put the desert gras in the green areas??? (its overcoloured, and its not for the green area)

7.where is the zombie cry woman thats says all the friends to come?? it doenst appear

8.the colour from woodframe is 2 dark...when i make the wood frame with wood at second level..the wood grafik is horrible..before it was perfect

9.why is the hammerturret so big??? its 25% to big..why is the spoiler on the left side at the thing? make it gone..and and and..iv used this thing..what shoud it do?? a massage for zombies , ?? its not useful to put it in front of a door..why?

10.the hammer (i dont know the name) that i need for crafting the bench...the grafix is horrible...before it looked better (the minipicture)

11.why u designed ALL toilets new, but not eh toilet in the bathrooms thats stands on the ground?

12.the traders are specilized now?? in what? the have all the same ..only the prices are other

13,the bike when i go off, rolls 2meter alone...


uv changes something in the gameplay that i not addicted so hard like in alpha 18,4...hmmm..what was it? i play now 14days...have all the things that i need...motorbike, chemical station and the other things...and now??? whats the reason to play...to wait for the next night? in alpha 18,4 iv builded, and so many things...here a build nothing...its not kicking me , when i build somethting..uv changed something at the feeling of the game..but what...?!?


the new sound in the background is nice...only the part where the piano changes the beat its a little confusing

Edited by 7daysOfFun (see edit history)
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Im absolutely loving this Alpha, Honestly the best one yet since I started on Alpha 14. So many things that make it just great



Atmosphere is even darker and ominous almost like far harbor from fallout 4

even more secret walls and goodies inside houses

more POI's

New zombie models and finallyyy a Crawler
The sky looks much better

im loving the dynamic music, I know some people dont like that it is limited but compared to how quiet it was before I welcome it. 

I love how they revamped the weapon system so you're not getting end of game loot by the end of the 1st week.
I feel like they also revamped the perk system for the better as well

The new dynamic bad stats you can get and what they do are much better, it was soooo annoying having that death system that literally crippled you for a boring half hour

Id rather deal with losing some EXP and having to regain it instead of being practically handicapped for a half hour
There are much more im sure but I've been so engrossed in enjoying my play through I've just been enjoying my play

Keep in mind im playing the experimental build so it goes with some expected behavior
I've been kind of falling through the floor in some places, and being Exp build Im over looking this but wanted to throw it out there
I've had weird chunk generation such as raised land and buildings, which I actually love lol its nice to see something different
I think they should change some of the loot offered in some of the chests so im not getting 4 fist wraps or 4 of one kind of tool or weapon, just seems weird

Other than the above mentioned I give A19 like 9/10 

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I'm looking forward to POI's having bonus loot levels. To keep them from being cheesed as hard as in A18 perhaps the bonus loot levels could scale depending on how well cleared the POI is. The game can clearly already track whether or not all of the zombies in a POI have been spawned and killed, see clear quests. So scale the loot bonus based on the clear percentage. Heck, you could even make the scale work such that the loot room containers all have a negative loot level modifier until some arbitrary percentage of the zombies have been killed and then let that loot bonus go up and hit 100% of it's assigned value once 80-90% of the zombies have been killed.

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Overall I am dissapointed.


+fixed some melee issues (sledge seems to be more reliable in close combat)

+upgraded models/textures/graphics ... meh dont rly care about them much .. graphics now even look worse then in a18 on med to high settings ..

+some new weapons or tools are always welcome addition


-gated progression biggest flaw of all .. whats the point of looting now?? now its practically all about grinding .. every poi has the same loot & same cap .. wanna something better? then get rdy grinding over and over again .. u killed looting with this one, gj ..

-less ''cheesebases'' mean even more linear progression .. but yeah why not, if you want event more booring game its way to go ^^


there are alot of interesting minor things added in all the alphas, but personally have feeling that gameplay wise its going into the ''pooper'' since a16 .. from times where there was freedom to approach the game how ever u want, its now going to narrow, linear & grinding way ..

well less 7dtd for me then .. :)


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Slower progression is fine, the regular wooden club is actually useful now, for a surprisingly long time.


Stam drain for mining....  um...

3 pts in sexrex and iron tools you can pretty much mine non stop (short pauses)... steel, not so much.

stone tools, yup, easy, but takes forever to mine anything.


eating more often, that may need a little tweaking (same on stam)


Nowhere near a bad as 17.  Different from 18, oh yes.


LOVE the faceplanting of the zombies.


DO NOT LIKE:   Fat mama falling out of the ceiling right on your head.   Need Brain Bleach now!  graaaaahhh!!


(ok, the ginormouse gramma panties is a nice touch)   😛


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9 hours ago, Whorhay said:

I'm looking forward to POI's having bonus loot levels. To keep them from being cheesed as hard as in A18 perhaps the bonus loot levels could scale depending on how well cleared the POI is. The game can clearly already track whether or not all of the zombies in a POI have been spawned and killed, see clear quests. So scale the loot bonus based on the clear percentage. Heck, you could even make the scale work such that the loot room containers all have a negative loot level modifier until some arbitrary percentage of the zombies have been killed and then let that loot bonus go up and hit 100% of it's assigned value once 80-90% of the zombies have been killed.

That is a very good idea! 

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-like the new graphics for the most part - some really nice item additions in pois!

-not sure if it's bad luck or by design but I've tried Navesgane and several RWG worlds and always start in the forest biome that is huge.  I've yet to find another biome in any of the worlds although others screenshots let me know I'd like them a lot

-the zombies seem a bit more unpredictable and I like that, more wandering and they seem to find you from further away

-not a big fan of "big jugs" Jen.  I'll be honest, I was fond of the old Jen.  lol, I thought I'd like her better until I was confronted with a close-up of her chest

-that brings me to the trader interaction.  That sudden switch to close-up will take some getting used to.  Immersion breaking for me.

-there's one zombie that keeps reminding me of Ronald McDonald, even though I think he's supposed to be inspired by something else, I'm not a fan of the ones with clownish looks, but I can't say they don't have a definite clownish creepiness to them

-the crawler zombie - the jury is still out .  I find it refreshingly creepy but the scientist in me always breaks with immersion to wonder how it stays "alive" enough to still be moving around

-not a fan of the on-screen sprites.  The info is right above on the compass!  However, I like that it's easy to edit out.

-I'm quite flexible when it comes to game mechanics (within reason)  I can see changes have been made but so far so good.

- still trying to figure out if the crafting menu is incomplete by design - even when you learn schematics some don't show up in their category

-I'm big on exploration and graphical immersion and with the exception of those pesky sprites and the trader zoom-in, alpha 19 is a step forward for me

-overall thumbs up from me



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On 7/4/2020 at 10:56 AM, Dracula said:

It is not a reason; it's a garbage excuse and I will not waste any more time dealing with someone so dedicated to overlooking faults as to be blind to issues and time. 


If you want a comparison; how about Cube World; a Voxel game that was created in 8 years by a team of two people and spent 6 years in alpha by comparison.


It's also not a fully alterable Voxel game as of A18 when the inability to replace terrain blocks rendered that feature moot.


You also miss my point that the problem isn't that it's an Alpha; but that they're using it as a crutch to delay/deny problems while still marketing the game as playable and trying to gain new followers.  You can't have it both ways; either it's an alpha OR it's a packaged and playable game; as the versions that were sold for the console were purported to be.  I'm sick of them running back to the well of "it's an alpha" and "just mod it" instead of remaining consistent.


My comments and impressions have been related to the gameplay and the progression of changes, if you can't understand that then there's no point in you participating in anything that involves providing feedback for what people want to see in future updates or problems with the current version.

To be honest, this game is quite playable as is and was worth every penny I have spent on it if the dev team closed up shop tomorrow and never released another update.


I have more hours on it than virtually any other AAA title I own and would only place a few of them on par with 7 days, flaws and all.  The fact it remains in alpha is basically a bonus for me - the game gets updated and changes allowing me to come back after a time and enjoy it all over again.  I will never understand the anger at the dev cycle taking so long - I will be disappointed when the game goes gold as there will be no more major changes to gameplay to look forward to.

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On 7/3/2020 at 7:08 AM, dowz0r said:

I agree with the combat music being over the top, especially during horde night. I feel strongly that ambience and good sound design does much better than just music. I think the sound track should just be ambience, nothing that alerts you that you're being swarmed or things of that nature. 


The trader music is also a bit annoying. Might be better if it were more faded in the background or had like a radio filter effect on it or even if it was more of a stinger - played for a brief moment and then faded out. Otherwise is just feels obnoxious when it starts playing and stays. 

Agree with this regarding the loot - it's what I was trying to explain earlier. The looting experience is dulled down to knowing what you're going to get for the most part. Finding a unique POI such as a military base or a specific factory isn't exciting, unless you decide to just save it for later because the game stage system forces you to, not because you know it might be dangerous to go in. Fun Pimps needs to work on a Risk vs. Reward system for loot. I realize that it may be difficult to create a challenging POI when we can just cheese through it potentially by towering our way to the main loot and just busting through some blocks, but that's the hard part of being a developer I think. Maybe add a stability system that prevents you from just stacking unupgraded blocks too high (I actually think this would be a good idea), surround important loot with high HP level blocks, etc. I still prefer the previous loot system to this current one. 

Why bother saving loot boxes? There are so many POI's to loot and they reset with trader quests. It don't seem like much of an issue.  You could also increase loot respawn timer if it's really troublesome.

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On 7/5/2020 at 6:34 AM, Whorhay said:

I'm looking forward to POI's having bonus loot levels. To keep them from being cheesed as hard as in A18 perhaps the bonus loot levels could scale depending on how well cleared the POI is. The game can clearly already track whether or not all of the zombies in a POI have been spawned and killed, see clear quests. So scale the loot bonus based on the clear percentage. Heck, you could even make the scale work such that the loot room containers all have a negative loot level modifier until some arbitrary percentage of the zombies have been killed and then let that loot bonus go up and hit 100% of it's assigned value once 80-90% of the zombies have been killed.

It isn't a bad idea. One flaw though is that potentially a stealth player could go non-cheesingly through the poi with very few kills and be punished for that. One idea the devs are considering at the moment is one (or more?) keys you find on random zombies or in random locations in the POI, which sounds at least for the stealth player to be a somewhat better solution.


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Couple of things.


1. Worst thing, missions. Every day 5 missions. Just by running these missions and using vending machines you can skip half of the game elements. Crafting, food as example. By doing missions you achieve pretty much everything. Limit 5 missions every 7 days, or what ever horde interval is set.


2. Vending machines still resupply every day, making them cornucopia devices in the game.  Same here, vending machines should not be filled every day, horde interval here also.


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On 7/4/2020 at 9:35 AM, Forgotten Memes said:

To be fair it's not defended by anything if you have enough frames and know where the loot is.

Shotgun Messiah Factory only appears in cities and they themselfs already have GS +100. So the factory will have GS201 if you go there on day 1. You probably won't even get through the citiy to the factory. Maybe you are lucky if it is on the edge of a city or you find just a smaller shotgun messiah shop outside a citiy.

There already are mods that prevent nerd poling (can't place frames while jumping). Maybe you could still build ramps or use ladders. But anyway, if people want to cheese, let them do that. Just imagine someone could use creative menu and cheat himself a autoshotgun without going anywhere. The goal would not be to make it absolutely impossible, but just add some reasonable risk vs reward (if not "cheating" anyway). Just imagine, i once used a gyrocopter to land on the top of a skyscraper. 😛 Currently there is no risk and no reward.


That you can skip somehow to the lootroom is a consequenze of having a fully modifiable world, however POIs could be designed in the means to make it harder. I still like that i can destory a locked door and not go the official dungeon path, that doesn't mean i dig straight to the lootroom in the basement nor nerdpoling up to a roof. Now adverstising a fully changeable world but forcing players not being able to do this in POIs is somewhat counter productive.

Edited by Liesel Weppen (see edit history)
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People seem to fail to understand my problem with the "It's an Alpha" defense in that it is often employed IN CONJUNCTION with the "Just mod it" solution.  The two do not go hand in hand.  When the final version is released, then I will mod it to the exact esoteric way that I like to play; until then, it's "play vanilla, note changes, look into mods to improve it, scrub mods for new alpha, repeat."


It also seemed that A18 had the fewest mods of any version; I'm assuming that is due to the proximity of it to A19.


In what I was saying, I'm going to continue to criticize that there aren't multiple "classes" of zombies that can be selected at the onset because I keep having to mod out vultures, cops, and spider zombies every version.  It's also a weird disconnect to see the zombies like the businessman looking so crude next to the redone ones.


Until things stabilize, the focus is extremely zombie-oriented grind.  Turning EXP up doesn't fix this, either, as the stamina drain means that the only effective system to leveling up is to slaughter hordes until you can spend enough skill points to not be AS hindered with it.

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