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  1. is there a MOD for TRADER QUEST unlimited???? its soooo annoying with the 4 quests at 180min days
  2. can u say me the filename where i can change the 0 to -1? gportal ist to stupxxd to do this for me
  3. https://pastebin.com/Pub1qv2D im since 4 year at the portal..all was ok all the time
  4. gportal has problems in the moment, its the actual save log info..i restart the server later so u can see the bottom line https://pastebin.com/Pub1qv2D here i made it
  5. https://pastebin.com/LenKPGq7 i dont know its a bug? iv checked now ALL the map is resetted, only the houses in the radius from our saveplace bed is ok
  6. i made a new map with v1.0 (no mods, only trader open für 1.0 mod) we played then i build 2 building in the desert, i come 1 hour later at this place = they are gone then i placed random boxes to check WHY they disapper its only a place 10x10 in 2 parts of the map, when i build something there, 1 hour later its gone why?
  7. YEAHHHHH i like it....pls make a poi where are 50 from this in it HAHAHA...we need a killer rabbit 2 the motorcycle the big one, is now 25% slower?
  8. are the KILLER CHICKENS new? hostile chicken... attacks you...its funny.
  9. idea: books = only in book shelver or libraries paper für shotgut = mailboxes
  10. CANT CONFIRM this the books are eays to find in mailboxes 7/10 boxes have books in it...i have collected 95 books for cars construction in 4 days (10 buyed from trader), all other mixed from mailboxes and cars and book stores we have day 22 on server...thats way 2 easy....in a21 i had 95books at day 80
  11. we have day 22 on server i have the car, 5 books remaining to gyrocopter i searched the books in car s/ mail boxes i can buy the thing for making the good steel the only one thing i didnt have is the chemiestry station (1 trader we have has a working chemistr station) now its a little boring....(that things in a21 i have at day 100) now i dont know what to do the zombies dont destroy so much blocks in horde night = i have only 3 blocks to repair (before the half base was destroyed a21)
  12. yes u are right first bloodmoon with 3 players = 497 zombies second bloodmoon with 5 players = 751 zombies (yes standard setting 8 zombies per players or doesnt this existist anymore?) its kind of boring for new players that doesnt have so much ammo (the bloodmoon night from 22 to 4 is very long for new players) the destroy power from zombies is 2 low, 2 blocks from the horde base only broken...i a21 the half base was destroyed lol we have all gamestage ~50
  13. i was kicked from server in the middle of hordenight for the update no changes in game mechanics (zombies block destroy is 80% lower)...the horder night is so boring lol..i hope they balance it in the nxt update
  14. ok i killed all mods... now iv localizated the problem EVERY time the map frames woud loud, (when i drive outside city , and i come back = all new) can i solve this perhaps manually?
  15. thx a lot.. to 1 its a gportal server rental...how i solve this? to 2/3 ok 4. iv downloaded the prefabs as a v1.0 version...iv not found this houses in the list from the download..thats mysterious..but ok...when FINAL version comes i delete all
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