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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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So is the Dukes base in Alpha-18?


If Duke Nukem had a base in A18 then it would be a really boring Alpha.

Cause all zombies would already have been totally obliberated.

Most likely his base would even be on top of a huge pile of dead zombies.


Wait..."dead zombies"...is there even a correct term for a dead undead?

dead dead body?

or is dead x dead = alive?

Roland, mathematics please :smile-new:

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Isn't it the objective that she doesn't quite fit in?


What are u talking about?

Just look at the picture closely.

Scarlet fits in there absolutely perfect.


How could you think otherwise?



...oh my god does she fit in perfect...




*keeps staring at picture till eyes pop out*



*quickly switching to 7d2d game cause wifey enters room*

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If Duke Nukem had a base in A18 then it would be a really boring Alpha.

Cause all zombies would already have been totally obliberated.

Most likely his base would even be on top of a huge pile of dead zombies.


Wait..."dead zombies"...is there even a correct term for a dead undead?

dead dead body?

or is dead x dead = alive?

Roland, mathematics please :smile-new:


its the crazy duke of navezgane and his army of mutated soldiers said back in the features overview like nearly 6 years ago now

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Right now there is a hard loot list limit, which y'all are pretty close to maxing out (255 I think), so adding in special custom loot would get you even closer to that hard cap, so:


1) Do y'all have any plans to increase the hard cap like you did for blocks and items

2) Do y'all have plans to have specialty items inside of specific poi's or are you strictly handling those through trader quest rewards?


I can tell you that as a modder, PLEASE raise the cap. As a player, PLEASE include more poi-specific loot.




Just gonna quote this. ^^^^^^^

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You lose 25% of what it would take to level in XP. If it goes below the start mark of the blue xp bar it turns the XP bar red and it grows outwards in red. So if you get in a death loop (die 4x times), you never lose a level, but there is still penalty to dying and you have to earn back a full bar of red before you are back in the blue and working towards the next level again.



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in our current build, I just tried with arrow slit blocks in ALL rotations on ground and in ground to make flush... my zombies took no issues to hop on, walk across or destroy these blocks.


Nice, so maybe was fixed by other code changes.


It doesn't break the AI if they are placed on the ground. It only does it when there is a pit underneath them.

There's an example.
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Question for the Testers; how is backpack/pocket space doing in a18?


Curious cause it sounds like there are quite a few more items that you'll pretty much always want to keep...?


Like all the new Books. Even though they appear to stack, that's only if you happen to get 2+ of the same one, right? so would guess if a POI run netted 3 books they most likely take up 3 slots.


And the different weapon 'parts', if scrapped (& are those also in loot tables?), compared to a17s Mech/Plastic Parts. Along with each weapon drop being unique.


Guessing that it's not quite as straight forward 'knowing' what to scrap/toss by reflex in a18?

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I disagree! Diablo is not a survival game.


So the new death penalty worsens from the nuisance for 30 min to a permanent penalty.

How should that improve game play? Hey there is a new penalty so the players will no longer enjoy dying while suffering lag hits, getting instakilled by driving over mines, entering rad zones...??? Sorry for that sarcasm.

Dying in a suvival game means you FAILED! If you died during a quest. You also failed the quest. You have to get your backpack. Probably dying a couple of times while trying.



Game-stage(difficulty) drops when you die. The problem would be if you die a LOT.


If you die a lot, you should set the difficulty down a notch or two.

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If Duke Nukem had a base in A18 then it would be a really boring Alpha.

Cause all zombies would already have been totally obliberated.

Most likely his base would even be on top of a huge pile of dead zombies.


Wait..."dead zombies"...is there even a correct term for a dead undead?

dead dead body?

or is dead x dead = alive?

Roland, mathematics please :smile-new:


Itat's called an Oxymoron. ;)

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Simple: you know of it, that is why it loses its effect on you (not 100% but a lot compared to the unaware)

there are so SO many other marketing tricks that DO work on you and me, because we don't know its a trick.

From most expensive food beeing on shoulderheight (only works if you have enough money to not seek out the cheapest food) to where wares are placed (most bought items are the furthest away from the counter so you have to walk through the entire mall to maybe pick up extra stuff or sweets on the counter so that kids that are staying in line for too long start nagging their parents)... there is SO MUCH stuff that unconciously gets you... because we are subconcious beeings. most of our thinking goes on beyond the veil. Our mind is just really REALLY good at making nicely sounding excuses.


This is biological/psychological, not something you can be too smart to overcome. You only think it doesnt work because you conciously see what is happening. If you were never told that, this would work on you too (be aware that this doesnt mean people think its only 100$ but it just doesnt seem as much when considering buying it, which is the most important step in this process)


So yeah... this definatly DOES work. Punishment ALWAYS hits you harder than reward, even if it is the same outcome.

If you for example have a 10% chance of winning 50$ and you don't win it you say "eh it was a low chance anyways" but if everyone gets 50$ and later there is a 90% chance for it to be taken away, it hurts much more.

This explains it a bit better.


Trust me... you aren't better... just better educated...

Punishment is better. You're supposed to feel bad when dying, which reduces suiciders who fix debuffs, makes you want to survive more and increase tension.

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The death penalty



You know... I never knew that the dying thing would be such a big deal.


For me, dying is something to avoid at all cost. There are plenty of times when I just don't do so well and I find myself in a bad way.

I fall and break my leg or just get hurt real bad, like lose most of my health bad. Or when the virus followed the theme of the game and the only way of getting cured was antibiotics.

That's when the virus got worse over a seven day period and it really took a toll on you. Seven days to die.


I didn't think, well I'm not doing so well so lets commit suicide. For me, it was another challenge to stay alive. When I started playing back in Alpha-9.3 that virus scared the crap out of me and added more to game play.

Don't get me wrong. It sucks when I find myself doing poorly but when I overcome that, I find the game much more rewarding.


Also when I make some really bad mistakes like underestimate zombies on hoard night and literally have to spend the night swimming in a lake all night just to stay alive and figure out how not to freeze to death while swimming.

I was like this is great!


To hear all this stuff about using suicide as a means to teleport or used as a get-out-of-jail-free-card just feels boring and the game play loses something in it.


I normally play SP so I don't really care about what others do but I don't understand why others would cheat themselves like that.

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Punishment is better. You're supposed to feel bad when dying, which reduces suiciders who fix debuffs, makes you want to survive more and increase tension.


I don't need punishment to feel bad in a game after a death. Death in itself is enough for me to feel bad.


If someone commits suicide because he has a broken leg then he doesn't care about the game anyway. No punishment, no matter how severe, would prevent these players from using this tactic.

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Punishment is better. You're supposed to feel bad when dying, which reduces suiciders who fix debuffs, makes you want to survive more and increase tension.


taking away the reward IS the punishment. That was my whole argument. But it feels like a fairer argument.

remember wellness? If it was a bit better structured (since you could raise it to such a high level that dying became penaltyless) it was exactly what I was talking about. You got a reward (hp/stamina) for eating well and surviving.

Once you died you lost 10 points of that reward that you had to regain in a painfully long time.

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taking away the reward IS the punishment. That was my whole argument. But it feels like a fairer argument.


Above all, it would not be a death penalty but a survival bonus. Survival bonus sounds much better than death penalty. I think most people don't realize how much psychology there is in games. The video linked by you shows that quite clearly.

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I'm not sure, gazz might know more. EDIT: If I skip your question its because I don't don't know or don't have the most informed answer usually.

Kinja was working on it at some point... because of the junk turret.


Unless he already did that, porting that to the block turrets is not happening for A18. It's not a game stopper.

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friendly challenge for Kage (or others if they wish)...


forget about A17 and what you used to do....


Welcome to A18, get yourself to an appropriate level (you'll know when it is if you're not dieing a lot) and get damn good gear and weapons, buy or find some useful mods and perk where the points will help you the most. have some food/water and firstaid with you... you most likely will find food on the way.


IF you go to a t5 poi and you're only ready for t2-3, then be prepared to fail. remember... gamestage will affect the types of zombies you meet and the loot.. BUT a t5 IS NOT MEANT for low level players or newbies... (that is not meant as an insult to anyone).


so my challenge is... do this and then let us know here in forum how you made out...


also... we testers have already and currently test this... also... we dont use external mods nor do we mod any xmls, our games are default.


now if you want fun and can manage it... then a team of 5 players will make a world of difference (if all are equal).


so again... actually look at this as a dare to actually enjoy it. :)


but the team does want to hear how the runs went.


This has me confused. Your saying that t5 towers ate only meant for endgame?


Doesn't your game stage make the enemies harder? I'd argue the tower will be much more manageable when your facing all normal zombies.

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Ok so what your saying is that you bring 10,000 rounds of ammo on you and burn through 500 rounds. Leaving you with 9,500 rounds you took with you, plus all the loot you can carry, possibly in several trips of just pure looting of a cleared tower, is that right?


Why carry so much ammo? 10k of rounds equals a lot of space used. You only used 500 rounds. Why carry that much ammo?


I have cleared both the hospital and that bookstore skyscraper with mostly a bow and arrows. I try hard not to use firearms due to the fact that I will wake up every zombie in the place. Which makes quite a mess and is very confusing to say the least.


Then spend the rest of the day (and the next) just looting that POI. I end up with more crap than I know what to do with at times.

But that's what traders are for. :)


But anyways I may go through 500 arrows clearing both POI's But then again I get loot, which includes ammo.


Besides I don't understand why your so worried about ammo if you got 10,000 rounds to start with. You got enough to stop an army and from what your saying, you could clear 19 to 20 of these before having to worry about ammo.


Ammo is not the problem.


You missed alot of the conversation. Understandable in this thread lol.


I never have 10k ammo. That was just an example. I usually have between 500-1k ammo. Now maybe you use no ammo going through a poi. There could be many reasons for that. Its irrelavent to me. I come out with negative ammo. I can only speak for myself and my own game.


All the extra stuff you get in there is stuff i can get elsewhere and without using ammo.


And for my game ammo is king.


- - - Updated - - -


Playing AGAINST you, I'd agree. Playing on the same SERVER as you, it's none of your business.


Wait I'm confused. I'm not sure why but I never thought youd be one of the "let them play the way they want" guys.

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