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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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The anxiety of losing my stuff and having it lay on the ground in a shady place is the worst death penalty for me. Anything additional is inconsequential.


If I dont play dead-is-dead, I usually get my first death late game anyway when I already have extra "top shelf" weapons, armor and usually a spare stack of ammo.


I guess the worst part, is heading to my backpack on a moped to get my nice motorcycle back! :)

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I guess the worst part, is heading to my backpack on a moped to get my nice motorcycle back! :)


My group tend to do that the other way around.


We normally cycle everywhere on bicycles (the best new A17 feature by far) even after we've crafted other vehicles, because food is far more plentiful than fuel. But after one of us dies, we'll pick up one of the "emergency motorbikes" we keep at the base and use that to quickly re-join the others and get our bicycle back.

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I just love it when I'm told that my feelings are "wrong" as if we're talking about some kind of objective fact. I know what I feel, man, and you can't tell me otherwise.


Not for me. For me, fun and realism are on the same side in this case. Losing xp is both less realistic and less fun than having a temporary penalty.


Sorry. I thought you were arguing about facts, since it sounded very much like an argument and not a feeling.

But allright, you are allowed to have that opinion.

Then see my rebuttal as a factual disproval of why your feelings do not make sense. You are allowed to have and share them, but so are people who believe in god. You have the right to do so, that doesnt make it relevant for anything.

Sorry cant put it nicer... isnt meant as an insult.

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I didn't pose my question clearly enough to express my idea, but your answer kind of gets at what I was aiming for which is variety in POIs. What I had in mind when I asked is if it's possible to store and load POIs such that the exterior is a sort of shell with the interior chosen randomly from several different dungeon crawl routes designed by the level creators. I understand that POIs are stored and loaded as a single piece, so maybe this belongs more in Pimp Dreams, but the thought occurred to me while we were discussing 'payouts' of POIs and fun factor.


Example: two identical POIs in one RWG town, but 1 loaded with interior A and 1 with interior B. Perhaps each one has a different route to take in clearing it out with different layouts, decor, sleeper spots and so on. Also, upon initiating a quest at a POI, it reloads and this time a different interior is randomly chosen than the one loaded before the resetting action.


I hope I made this more clear. I get this is just a pipe dream and I definitely am familiar with the pipe and the dreaming. I guess I am really just curious as to whether or not the code can support this sort of 2-part POI, either only in generation or also when resetting for quests.




I saw the first line and thought "this seems a little out of character of this guy..." I think I missed the original post, but I see now and, boy, did I enjoy that read. :laugh:


We've talked about that but it probably wouldn't be worth the effort. The loot boxes are already scrambled. The goal is to get duplicates to stop spawning so you never see the same POI in the same town twice.

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I didn't pose my question clearly enough to express my idea, but your answer kind of gets at what I was aiming for which is variety in POIs. What I had in mind when I asked is if it's possible to store and load POIs such that the exterior is a sort of shell with the interior chosen randomly from several different dungeon crawl routes designed by the level creators. I understand that POIs are stored and loaded as a single piece, so maybe this belongs more in Pimp Dreams, but the thought occurred to me while we were discussing 'payouts' of POIs and fun factor.


Example: two identical POIs in one RWG town, but 1 loaded with interior A and 1 with interior B. Perhaps each one has a different route to take in clearing it out with different layouts, decor, sleeper spots and so on. Also, upon initiating a quest at a POI, it reloads and this time a different interior is randomly chosen than the one loaded before the resetting action.


I hope I made this more clear. I get this is just a pipe dream and I definitely am familiar with the pipe and the dreaming. I guess I am really just curious as to whether or not the code can support this sort of 2-part POI, either only in generation or also when resetting for quests.


Your idea has two parts: 1) POIs with variants that are only identical on the outside. 2) mixing them up when resetting the quest


The first one (i.e. done at RWG generation) can be done already, by any dork able to copy and edit a POI. Just put the edited pois into the long list of available POIs and voila, random placement does the rest. TFP could do this trivially without changing one line of code. (the idea was already proposed a view times in the forum and the designers of TFP surely would get that idea too for the simple reason it saves time because of reuse of designs)


The second one is a full-fledged feature that needs some programming and additional data stored about pois (i.e. the game has to know that two pois are a variant of each other).


A normal player will sometimes get the same POI as quest twice but then also needs to remembers the layout he had the first time in the POI for it to make a difference. So I doubt it makes sense for TFP to implement the luxury version when they already have the almost as good version for free.


EDIT: Argh, ninja'd by MM:


We've talked about that but it probably wouldn't be worth the effort. The loot boxes are already scrambled. The goal is to get duplicates to stop spawning so you never see the same POI in the same town twice.


But in most POIs at the moment there is only one place where the "cool" stuff is located, it doesn't change the location if some of them are empty or not. If someone loots the higachi tower once he knows the big loot collection is right at the top. There will be only one higachi in that game, sure, but next playthrough he won't have forgotten the layout. So is there a second "cool" stuff room in higachi now or is it unimportant that he will know this from then on.

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fuel shouldn't really be an issue in a17. I can make one full tank on a motorcycle and then circle a huge city and find 10-20 gas barrels in around 15-20 minutes. I also never use generators.

I make one for beginning turrets, then get battery banks and solar panels. I suppose i do that too cause i always go INT and the trader perks for my team.


Gas IMO is what im worried, but excited to see in A18. Its going to force people to go to the icky, yet, from what i've seen and saw from MM, beautiful desert for shale nodes.

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If Duke Nukem had a base in A18 then it would be a really boring Alpha.

Cause all zombies would already have been totally obliberated.

Most likely his base would even be on top of a huge pile of dead zombies.


Wait..."dead zombies"...is there even a correct term for a dead undead?

dead dead body?

or is dead x dead = alive?

Roland, mathematics please :smile-new:


You can craft cigars in A18 that boost strength and barter. Let the Duke Nukem role plays begin.

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Question for the Testers; how is backpack/pocket space doing in a18?


Curious cause it sounds like there are quite a few more items that you'll pretty much always want to keep...?


Like all the new Books. Even though they appear to stack, that's only if you happen to get 2+ of the same one, right? so would guess if a POI run netted 3 books they most likely take up 3 slots.


And the different weapon 'parts', if scrapped (& are those also in loot tables?), compared to a17s Mech/Plastic Parts. Along with each weapon drop being unique.


Guessing that it's not quite as straight forward 'knowing' what to scrap/toss by reflex in a18?


There are pockets craftable on day 1 for clothing that remove 1. Ones that remove 2 are available via book, as well as the standard armor pockets 17 had.


You read books immediately when you find them, you don't carry them around unless you are desperate for money. I take the XP, 100 dukes isn't worth it.


Your lucky if you find 3 in one day IMO, there just isn't any book cases anywhere to be found and most the time I get paper. I buy mine from traders most the time. I'm 40 hours into this game and I don't have hardly any books unlocked. I am not going to knee jerk over a bad game though. They aren't needed and some people will find 15 in one day if they get the right book POI, I have one tiny crack a book in my world so far.


We also removed a whole row of encumbrance, so I get by with my pockets and 1-2 ranks of pack mule just fine. Once I find more triple pockets I should be fully un encumbered.

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Punishment is better. You're supposed to feel bad when dying, which reduces suiciders who fix debuffs, makes you want to survive more and increase tension.


Either way its a punishment. We'll get judged harshly for punishing new spawned players for getting slower XP rates than long time survivors if we put it in his way. A reward for surviving is technically a punishment for new spawned players. I like it as it is.

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Is it possible to make t5 towers drop stuff that cant be gotten elsewhere?


Or better yet can you make it so t5 quests give loot that you cant get elsewhere? And i dont mean augers, we only need 1 of those. I mean books, armor, weapons. I guess it's kinda like that now. But when I get my 4th green auger in a row i dont feel like doing the t5 quests anymore lol.


I think it would be enough if the chance to get better stuff in a t5 is higher than normal. I.e. it could give a loot chance bonus of 50 or 100 similar to the lucky looter perk.


Not that the book tower in A18 will need any of that. Maybe that would also be a recipe for the other t5 towers, just a higher percentage of bookcases to loot.


That you only get augers in A17 is a result of the incompleteness of A17. There simply is not much high-value stuff implemented in A17. And most of it you can also buy from the trader or craft relatively early in the game.

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I don't need punishment to feel bad in a game after a death. Death in itself is enough for me to feel bad.


If someone commits suicide because he has a broken leg then he doesn't care about the game anyway. No punishment, no matter how severe, would prevent these players from using this tactic.


Sure it would. In PVP its more convenient to not have a broken leg or stamina penalty, or just people who want to race to the end and deal with any struggles.

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