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i have a feeling this bloodmoon concept has been around for a long long time

i asked quite a few years ago if the game could be modded in a dungeon and dragons style where there were some players and a dm, both of whom had points, the players for gear and stats and the dm for traps and monsters, with the aim of the players trying to get the dms treasure.

i had a single word answer from @gazz - yes

i am still waiting for the final version before i try to do exactly this.


btw whatever happened to gazz?

Edited by NukemDed (see edit history)
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Menu Setting for Trader Rewards


I really like doing trader quests, believe its a major integrated part of the game now and going forward would evolve even further with possible storyline development. Questing shouldn't be avoided for sure (even tho possible).


However, I believe the game would really benefit from addition of some Menu Setting to scale the rewards provided by the Traders for completing the quests. As currently the rewards are extremely overpowered - I had multiple co-op sessions were either me or my friends would get items like nailgun tier 4 and 6 by game day 6 or day 9 or compound crossbow tier 4, with close to general game settings, with exception of harder zombie difficulty + loot abundance at 50% + no chunk reset.


On top of that, I have a friend who likes to take that skill for double quest rewards which makes the situation even more bad... :)


The loot found in the world is balanced quite well with rare cases of getting something good and if anything can be scaled further down by changing the loot abundance setting but the quest rewards at the end of missions, in a few cases spoil the fun of crafting items in their intended sequence i.e. axe-hammer-nailgun.


I believe the addition of this setting would really benefit to the overall playstyle and make the game more enjoyable and flexible to numerous players / playstyles.


Pleased to hear opinions of others on this matter.

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7 minutes ago, Ricowan said:

Sounded more like something a separate developer studio is working on (Illogika) with some collaboration/cooperation from TFP.  I don't believe any TPF devs are working on the Bloodmoons game.

I believe there's a small team from TFP helping them out


From what Guns, Nerds and Steel posted about it "Development is being done by the third party development team Studio iLLOGIKA with direct support and supervision by a small team from The Fun Pimps."

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2 hours ago, Arma Rex said:

Just to be clear @Roland, is Blood Moons the sequel game being developed in the Unreal Engine that's been teased for the past several years?


The next game that is being developed in the Unreal Engine that's been teased for the past couple of years is being developed by a team at TFP.

Blood Moons is being developed by a different studio that has partnered with TFP. I believe that Blood Moons uses the same modified version of Unity that TFP uses to run 7 Days to Die hence the support that TFP provides them. I don't really know much more than that and am anticipating more information as much as anyone but I do know that these are different projects. 


I, myself, didn't even realize that Blood Moons was a 4v1 style game and assumed it was just going to be a standalone version of what used to be called "Horde Mode" a long long time ago-- just like @Guppycur guessed. I'm personally not really the target audience of a 4v1 style of game but hopefully for those who are this will be awesome. Still, I'm curious to see what it fully turns out to be and I hope that it might be able to be played like classic horde mode if you aren't into 4v1. I would definitely be more excited for it if it turns out I can also play it solo or co-op vs NPC zombies. If it must be 4v1 PvP I probably will pass on it.


As a fan of 7 Days to Die and of TFP as a studio, I'm excited that this will add exposure and I hope it is successful and brings additional notice to 7 Days to Die.

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12 minutes ago, Roland said:


The next game that is being developed in the Unreal Engine that's been teased for the past couple of years is being developed by a team at TFP.

Blood Moons is being developed by a different studio that has partnered with TFP. I believe that Blood Moons uses the same modified version of Unity that TFP uses to run 7 Days to Die hence the support that TFP provides them. I don't really know much more than that and am anticipating more information as much as anyone but I do know that these are different projects. 


I, myself, didn't even realize that Blood Moons was a 4v1 style game and assumed it was just going to be a standalone version of what used to be called "Horde Mode" a long long time ago-- just like @Guppycur guessed. I'm personally not really the target audience of a 4v1 style of game but hopefully for those who are this will be awesome. Still, I'm curious to see what it fully turns out to be and I hope that it might be able to be played like classic horde mode if you aren't into 4v1. I would definitely be more excited for it if it turns out I can also play it solo or co-op vs NPC zombies. If it must be 4v1 PvP I probably will pass on it.


As a fan of 7 Days to Die and of TFP as a studio, I'm excited that this will add exposure and I hope it is successful and brings additional notice to 7 Days to Die.

Good to know. It seems a lot of people have the notion that TFP's attention is divided between 7DTD and the new Blood Moons project, but with this clarification it sounds like they're only overseeing it. As such I'd assume this will take significantly less effort than it would to directly develop it, and work on finishing the main game.

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Attempting to join the club to receive update letters.

I got an instant error, using the same email address that I use to log in here.


I just read the illogika.com page. From what I read, is the Bloodmoons a combination,
of TowerDefense like "Blockdefender modernized" and Gnamod. If so, then if they can squeeze out a
single player version, It'd be an interesting play through.


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5 hours ago, Roland said:

The Illogica site says it will be more of an arcade experience. So this is how it probably went down. Madmole got sick of people calling 7 Days a looter shooter and said to himself, “I’ll give them a looter shooter!!!!”

I mean you can loot and shoot 😝


Then again.  The game has so many things to it, 

Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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