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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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could we see a 5skil point per level to come back, now of course the skills wouldnt have a max lvl of 5 like now but maybe 10-50-100. 

I hate being shoehorned into 1 perk per lvl up, especially when your at the point leveling up isnt so common!


i just feel the game is a bit dull when it comes to that, but i cant wait to try out the new LBL should make going out more fun!

Like even if items had 10 tiers instead of 6 that would be a plus for me bc after day 15 on 1hr days its like alright so what am i doing all this for, i got all i need wither i made it or found it


any funpimps like to gibe their 2 cents on this

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9 hours ago, Blake_ said:

Hi @faatal . I have two questions:


1. Is there any radiation survival stuff implemented in a21?


2. Is the trader imventory tailored to each player and specific  to each player ( that restocks only for each individual player to see )or is it  a X number of items that restock, can be seen by everyone  and can be depleted in detriment of other players? (like in current alphas).


Thanks in advance.

1 Nope

2 Not something I work on, so I don't know.


Bonus Info: I've been helping out on RWG, doing optimizations, and it is running about 4x faster.

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20 minutes ago, faatal said:

1 Nope

2 Not something I work on, so I don't know.


Bonus Info: I've been helping out on RWG, doing optimizations, and it is running about 4x faster.


If you are able to optimize the generation of a new world to 60 WPS (Worlds-per-Second) there would not be any more need to store world data anywhere 🤪


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49 minutes ago, faatal said:

Bonus Info: I've been helping out on RWG, doing optimizations, and it is running about 4x faster.


Oh that's a nice QoL improvement for sure.


I'll be interested to see what there is in the way of changes what RWG spits out (if there are any at all)


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Just heard of bandits.  Of course, 18 is months not enough to add a feature. Need to work on retexturing stuff for the fourth time, overhauling crafting and skills for the fifth time, and on removing cool features. Typical tfp. Why do you guys even keep playing? It is for the mods or do you really enjoy it?


The only reason why do i still play it is that there is no other survival zombie fpp game (tho its more of a fps atm) with destructible environment. And even that, i only play with mods that fix all the hicups made by tfp. What a waste of potential.

Edited by Selevan (see edit history)
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43 minutes ago, Games'n'Grumble said:

can I clarify? Is it the generation of worlds that goes faster, or is the game itself inside and outside the cities? (or both?)

In any case - great bonus info :)

I'm sure he means how long generating a world takes. I doubt he magically found 4x performance in game. Lol.


Speaking of RWG, have there been any notable changes to it for a21? Maybe more river stuff instead of those perfect S stamps we have now? Or anything done to make wilderness POIs placement/roads better?

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at what point are you going to stop worrying so much about how I chose to play the game, and fix the @%$#ING BUGS.  I STILL have building collapse if I dig 100 blocks below them in the ground.  LIKE HOW LONG TO FIX THIS!  It been like how many @%$#ing "alpha's now".  You are so god damn concerned with "oh you found an exploit, we can't have you playing our game this way are that way.  You waste AS MUCH @%$#ING TIME, on stupid @%$#.  CLEAN THIS UP ALREADY!!!!!

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3 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Speaking of RWG, have there been any notable changes to it for a21? Maybe more river stuff instead of those perfect S stamps we have now? Or anything done to make wilderness POIs placement/roads better?

Yeah, at least having half a dozen different shaped rivers would help, but if they could be random, that would be even better.  I assume the same issue applies to ravines as well, though they aren't as noticeably one shape.

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And for the wilderness POIs, maybe some type of country roads that connect between the main roads we have now. They could be gravel, and wilderness POIs could primarily target these roads to connect to instead of the main roads.


Also, if it could be possible to not have roads/paths connecting to wilderness POIs that don't have a marker set, that would be nice. :)

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1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

And for the wilderness POIs, maybe some type of country roads that connect between the main roads we have now. They could be gravel, and wilderness POIs could primarily target these roads to connect to instead of the main roads.


Also, if it could be possible to not have roads/paths connecting to wilderness POIs that don't have a marker set, that would be nice. :)


If we're asking for RWG features... could the "AllowedBiomes" XML property make a return? In A19 this was how POI designers could limit which biomes a POI would spawn into, but AFAIK this isn't possible in A20. It was a very good feature and I'm not sure why it was removed.

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10 hours ago, faatal said:


Bonus Info: I've been helping out on RWG, doing optimizations, and it is running about 4x faster.

1.When you say 4x you mean that there are about four times less bumping and "lagging"  in the game in general as seen in the Unity performance tool as a result of your optimizations or are you bragging of a pure 4x across the board, like "I got 60 fps in the City in a20 and now I get 240fps"? 


2.Aside from the reduced window draw calls, what optimizations can you reveal in terms of CPU? 


3. Is it possible to effectively make 7dtd use all the GPU and all the CPU (90%+ usage for both)?

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1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

Oh, I see. That might still be bragging though. I generate a 10k in 15-17 minutes in a20.6 with my min spec potato. that means that it should do it in about 4-6 minutes now. Awaiting a beer. And confirmation.

Random World Generation is about 4 times faster. Meaning it generates faster. I thought what I said was pretty obvious.


This is also helpful to the developers and testers as we can test RWG changes more quickly.

11 hours ago, Doomofman said:


Oh that's a nice QoL improvement for sure.


I'll be interested to see what there is in the way of changes what RWG spits out (if there are any at all)


Yes, there are changes to how RWG generates. One change that I know of is road generation is different. Robert is currently working on that.

Edited by faatal (see edit history)
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I’d love to see extra furniture and decor rather then upgrading the art so we can customise our builds ! Base building is so fun it’d be great to decorate them so they look different to every other build inside ! Hoping for that in future ! Imagine being able to display your well cooked food or clothes - in a sort of sims way but it’s more of a pride thing like you spend hours gathering things it’s cool to show them off rather then dump them in a chest 

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30 minutes ago, Sillllly Sosig said:

I’d love to see extra furniture and decor rather then upgrading the art

That is a big part of the art update: creating new original assets for the game. This is furniture, decorations, vehicles, building structures, vehicles, etc. Adding all of this is what is meant by A21 being a big art update.

That being said, we won’t necessarily be able to craft or purchase all of these things.  A lot is only available in the creative menu. 


Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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On 12/2/2022 at 9:33 PM, bdubyah said:

So how is the new zombie dismemberment coming for all the zeds that don't have it? I thought the plan was originally to add in the rest throughout a20, but I guess that changed. Are the rest still coming?

 I would also like to know how the dismemberment for all the zeds is progressing!

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In creative mode we have access to every decorations and items. On survival in a21 can we have more choice of decoration and items in survival mode ?? Exemple plant, light, decorative machine etc.

2 minutes ago, maxousara said:

In creative mode we have access to every decorations and items. On survival in a21 can we have more choice of decoration and items in survival mode ?? Exemple plant, light, decorative machine etc.

I forgot to precise (to craft)

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10 hours ago, faatal said:

Random World Generation is about 4 times faster. Meaning it generates faster. I thought what I said was pretty obvious.


This is also helpful to the developers and testers as we can test RWG changes more quickly.

Yes, there are changes to how RWG generates. One change that I know of is road generation is different. Robert is currently working on that.

Great news and good work faatal.

honestly I am fine with it taking 10 to 20 minutes to generate a large map. Faster is better however 10 to 20 is perfectly acceptable imo.

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9 hours ago, NukemDed said:

so when does @roland make a typo?

expand upon this please sir

Decorative vehicles and it was just a simple mistake that I listed it twice. Sorry! 

I was thinking about making a clue for the faster generation but faatal was too quick and too forthright!

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Roland said:

Decorative vehicles and it was just a simple mistake that I listed it twice. Sorry! 

I was thinking about making a clue for the faster generation but faatal was too quick and too forthright!

yeah his wife made him promise no surprises/secrets in the family and he brought that to work. :)

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1. Will we ever see non-flat cities?
2. How about 3-4 lane highways between big cities?
3. More than 5 traders on the map is considered a mistake and will be corrected?The same traders have different inventory, but the same quest progress.And it just looks weird.
4. More underground POIs?
5. Slowing down ground transport off the roads?Otherwise, there is no point use these roads if you can go directly.I think the solution would be to increase fuel consumption, damage and lower speed off-road.And then a mod for offroad tires would be useful.All this would go very well with the new weather, which would make it even more difficult to move off the roads.

Edited by mstdv inc (see edit history)
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Hopefully we well get some work on water. No more leaving holes in the water after removing cubes. 

Also, other things that I can tell you about in what happened to me the other day. 

I saw the cargo plane drop and I was headed for it.  

Well the pilot decided that it would be really great idea to drop the supplies on the great big blue thing. Unfortunately, that turned out to be a pond. A rather deep pond.  Well not too deep but it's the one near Jenny's on the Navezgane map. 


So, I am on my bicycle moving quickly to the pond and I decide to take a snapshot.  Well, I know this great way to do it by pressing F7 first which clears up the Heads-Up Display HUD then click on F12. 

But I forgot that F7 also disables some buttons. Namely the action button. So this keeps me from doing some things like picking up stuff or getting on or of a bike.

So I am getting really close to the pond and I can't get off the bike. I am tapping on my keyboard trying to fix it and end up going into the pond, bike and all. 

So, I finally separate and start swimming to the supplies. It's like swimming through sludge and moving very slowly. 

By now I am near the center of the pond, already under water and looking down at the supplies that are still below well below me. I had left my bicycle a way back near the bank. So you can imagine my surprise when I see said bicycle sliding past me and even past the supplies. The thing is on it's side and still moving faster than my Avatar. lol

Well I get my supplies and grab my bike and get out of there. 


But anyways. the water won't self-fill. Water acts like a gel.



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