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Everything posted by rah2644

  1. If they put like a 10k gas cost on a big propane tank, you got to work a bit for it. Would be way more expensive than like crafting ammo or making turrets/landmines. Could see em abused like no other on bloodmoons and such, but its a 1 and done too. Haha you getting over run and use that too early, you're still gonna die. Dang you could even use trap plates and jury rig up a lot of fun traps with exploding barrels and other stuff. So many ways to accidentally blow yourself up too so would be entertaining. Could see it being super cpu heavy on the explosions though, and maybe easy to crash people.
  2. If they put like a 10k gas cost on a big propane tank, you got to work a bit for it. Would be way more expensive than like crafting ammo or making turrets/landmines. Could see em abused like no other on bloodmoons and such, but its a 1 and done too. Haha you getting over run and use that too early, you're still gonna die
  3. I'm more for the giant explosions during a bloodmoon. Make a bunch of huge propane tanks around the base, and shoot them as needed to clear big mobs Even smaller propane tanks, like camping stove sized would be hugely beneficial! Like secondary explosions that would go off when you throw grenades, molotovs or shoot them. The storage idea is cool too though and super useful. I always want more storage items. Ammo cans would be grand too, like a placeable ammo canister that can hold more slots than a storage chest but maybe ammo only. I have 4 storage chests now with all ammo in them.....thinking the latest patch over did the ammo drops. I get so much from a T6 infested quest its ridiculous
  4. Thanks Riamus! Yea guess even now the loot doesn't really matter too much, it's more the number of enemies and difficulty. Might be slim pickings for T6 quests without the wastelands though, least current game they are all wasteland only no forest, desert or snow ones yet. Hmm, idk on the fast travel, a bit less survivalist lol but handy on big maps
  5. Dang, I just like the desert best for home base. Sightlines, open feel and whatnot, but don't want to screw myself on looting endgame so thanks. Just dont like building my base in wasteland or traveling >2km for each top level quest. Keep trying to make random gen maps, but its so not random lol. Same percentages get you same map every time. Figure if I can get one with a desert city or two close to a large wasteland city could work well I guess. Basically wanting the building to be 4-5skull, and +1 or 2 *so a T6 quest in wasteland will be harder and better loot than a t6 quest in desert? Those are my endgame usually
  6. Current game I am playing all the T6 quests are all in the wasteland city. If I make a map that is 100% desert and forest, will all of the buildings be a lower difficulty? Curious because it always seems like you see much harder buildings in snow/wasteland and dont want to kill my lategame if that will happen going all desert/forest
  7. Some more end game quests maybe too, for unique things. Like a hit level 25 and get a quest (basically a difficult clear/fetch like a daily but a cool location and setup). Could add in multiple for the higher levels too.
  8. I really want more endgame crafting, big stuff too. -Placeable propane tanks. Just like the big ones already in game that explode. Uses a ton of gas, so people still need to work for them. Large tank maybe 10,000 gas but so fun for a 7day night. Figured this one may be easy since the items are in game already, just need to make craftable and placeable. -Large statues or decorations, think giant Bruce Campbell Army of Darkness statue. Uses a mass amount of iron, stone, concrete, or whatev its made of. Could be super expensive to build but provide some bonus too. -Golden statues and other gold stuff. Make it so you smelt casino tokens to get the gold. Currently have like 400,000$ sitting in a box. -Way more usable placeable items. Like different fridges with diff storage amounts depending on crafting difficulty, -Power. Lots more items to power, like an oven you can actually use!!! -Compost for biodiesel gas. basically a a large pile/bin you feed unneeded food items and clay into to get gas -Chicken coop, put chickens in and get eggs. -Some new guns and mods for them. Really dont like the tactical assault rifle, so would love a couple choices -A way to upgrade a trader (more endgame to do). Have a fave house and a trader by it? Have huge supply turn in's (mined, smelter, mech/elec, tape, etc to upgrade a trader. Makes the outpost fancier and adds to what they carry -A bench for bullet making. Add components to it to make different and better ammo's. Wire it with power later on for the fancy ammos
  9. Make some very expensive items for late game, like placeable propane tanks from small (maybe1000gas) to the big propane containers (10k gas) so you have uses for all you collect later on. The propane tanks would be grand placeable explosions for fun too. Maybe like statues that are 10k metal or concrete too. Could go on and on, but propane would be grand. Just did a 7day at a farm, not seeing the propane before setting in and took out like 15 zombies with it.
  10. Did you ever find a fix for this? I get this error on every quest now, it's stuck in a loop
  11. Hey FunPimps!!!! Loving all the new stuff! Is there any chance some new lights might be some of the new furniture? Could totally use some cooler lights like fluorescent tubes and such for inside and out.
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