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  1. The problem is that there is currently only one vanilla tile of each type in each district (with maybe an exception or two). So if you have a few intersections in a row that are the same district, you'd have the same tile in a row. The same for most other types (caps aren't likely to be in a row). Having additional tiles available can greatly improve this. Just adding ZZTong's modlet will have a big impact on the variety you see and if you add some more custom tiles, it'll help even more. By what LazMan said, it sounds like A22 will come with some more tiles (unless he meant just changes to tiles) so that will also help. That being said, the next release of Teragon has the new parameters I mentioned above relating to breaking up districts and providing variations in districts. Although that will definitely be more noticeable in larger towns, it should also help in smaller towns (maybe about 12-20 size) to break things up a bit. By having the districts not quite so homogenous, you'll get more variety in tiles that are in a row. The downside with smaller towns if you use these parameters is that the districts might not seem quite as cohesive as you might like. So there is definitely some give and take with it for what looks best. Adding more custom tiles will still be the best option. It also depends on the tiles. When you see something like two vanilla industrial caps next to one another, they are going to look very similar because they only have (IIRC) one large prefab on them. There are a few different prefabs that can go on them (the various factories), but it's still just one building and then the tile. So they can look very repetitive. On the other hand, if you have two corner tiles of the same district next to one another, they usually don't look too repetitive because there are many prefabs on them and you'll get a lot of different ones so it doesn't look the same. So tiles that have more prefabs on them shouldn't look quite as repetitive as those with only one or two prefabs. But even so, more tiles is best. As far as your example, if it was a Teragon map, you shouldn't have had the same farm multiple times in a row. Are you sure they weren't different farms? Those can look very similar to one another. The default distance in Teragon between duplicate POI if using the default presets is 300m. So as long as a POI doesn't have a different distance set, they should be a minimum of 2 tiles apart (one tile between). There are exceptions, of course. If nothing can go in a spot while following the distance restrictions and other restrictions that you might have set, Teragon will fill the spot with something even though it normally shouldn't go there unless you're using the enforce properties for that POI. But for that to happen to the same prefab 4 times in a row is pretty unlikely. I won't say it can't happen, but it shouldn't. Note: If you're using a preset that is an edited version of an older default preset, you may not have the default distance parameters in your POI Property List. If you do not have those, you may get POI that are on repeating tiles because the normal distance without that is something pretty small. So that might also be the cause. You might want to copy/paste the POI Property List from the current version of the default presets into your preset if you didn't make changes to your POI Property List to make sure you have all the current parameters. That, or start a new preset that is based on the current default presets instead of editing a preset you've been using/editing for a long time.
  2. Or they didn't realize that one part wouldn't work without being downloaded. Not all mod authors are experts.
  3. You should ask for help with mods in the mods forum and you'll get the most help by posting in the topics for those mods. They are the ones who know what the mods do and what the problem could be.
  4. Ah, okay. I was sure I saw something about it in the A21 patch notes but maybe I misunderstood what the note meant.
  5. It is better to start your own thread rather than pull up one 8 months old. And your problem could be something different, even with the same error. You should post a log so people can help you.
  6. There was something in A21 where they said they were adding hills and mountains after towns to fill in gaps. Not sure if they do it both before and after and not sure the exact details. I just remember seeing that. But if they place towns first, that explains the towns not being a variety of shapes as it meanders around hold and mountains.
  7. It is available on Teragon Discord in #downloads.
  8. It is most likely the wrong Teragon version being used to make the map as has been said. There is a specific version to make A20 maps that you would need to use. The current version cannot be used for A20 maps.
  9. Looks good overall. Not a big fan of the hair, though. It looks tacked on rather than natural. But it doesn't really matter.
  10. Don't get me wrong, I love the tiles.
  11. Of course, we also have strange situations with vanilla tiles already. An unfortunate side effect of tiles when there are so few of them is that designers like making unique tiles and the tiles often don't really merge well with one another. Numbers of lanes changing repeatedly along a road, road borders not always lining up between districts, crazy corners in odd places, guard rails between tiles that get placed facing one another.... I think I would prefer having more tiles, even if they aren't "perfect" just to help diversify the towns and allow for more variety in how things can look. But I do agree that tiles need to have some kind of cohesion between one another so the town looks at least somewhat okay. At some point, Teragon will offer the ability to dynamically place tiles with specific restrictions on which ones can attach to each tile. This can allow for much more variety without randomization messing up the overall look. For example, you'll be able to have boulevards that don't randomly go from one lane to two and back again over and over or raised roads that don't suddenly become not raised, etc. But that's down the road a bit. It would be great to have something like that in RWG as well but I kind of don't think it'll happen.
  12. Something isn't bad just because you don't personally like it. There are going to be many people who do like set bonuses. You aren't any more right than them, or vice versa. A cigar shouldn't make you better at buying and selling. You shouldn't be able to carry thousands of ore or wood, or a vehicle, or tons of weapons and armor. You shouldn't be able to gain health by using a bandage. There are all kinds of unrealistic gameplay mechanics in this game and in most games. Choices are made for gameplay reasons even if they aren't realistic. This isn't a sim. Gameplay mechanics aren't bad or dumb just because they are unrealistic or because you don't like them.
  13. This is common game mechanics, even if you don't like them. Heh. Full set bonus in have have been around at least a couple of decades. I don't remember which game was the first to have them, but it has been a long time. You will still get a variety of bonuses for each item from the looks of it. You just won't get the full set bonus if you don't wear the full set. That is a choice that you can make. If the bonus is that important to you, then wear the full set. You rarely see yourself anyhow except when driving. If you care more about how you look, ignore the bonus. That being said, I have suggested that they consider a cosmetic option for armor that lets you display different pieces of armor/clothes than what you are wearing. Many games give you that option and it would give players the choice to look the way they want while getting the bonuses they need or want. After all, if you play with light armor, you won't get to experience the heavy armor styles, and vice versa.
  14. An HDD will definitely go up to 100% usage with this game and switching to, or adding, an SSD will definitely help a lot. No guarantees it solves the crashing, though. That could be a faulty hard drive, RAM, graphics card, CPU, motherboard... You get the idea. It could also be that the power supply is too small to handle the hard drive usage being used by the game. But as others have said, the hardware isn't great and even if it runs after changing drives, it will likely be laggy and not all that enjoyable. This isn't a game where being at minimum specs isn't a big deal. It might be playable but I wouldn't call it enjoyable. And if they are trying to use mods, especially a lot of them, that will cause even more problems with thar computer. Their log would help to show if there is anything specific causing the crash.
  15. Well, if you ever decide to actually get help and want to ask in a normal way, someone can help you. Until then, you are free to use RWG. All the others using Teragon without problems will continue to use it regardless. For anyone else, although I agree that such posts can make you want to react in a similar way, please let's keep this thread from evolving into a mess.
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