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Things you obsess over?


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What do you obsess over in the game that makes no sense?


For me - on roads - cleaning them all up from the cars / tyres etc.,


And also those 300 HP trees - the ones that yield oak seeds - every time I see one I simply have to cut them down...there's something I find creepy about them.


Are there others here with similar "illogical hangups"?

Edited by EVH (see edit history)
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I cut down all the small trees and ugly trees near my base before I even think about chopping other trees.


I clean up trash in the streets and eventually, the cars too. 


If I'm basing in a POI with a road or drive to it, I will dig up and replace any bits that have blood or garbage textures on them. Sometimes this leaves bumps in the road but it's better than looking like a murder scene.


If there is one of those giant stone nodes near my base, I will eventually mine the entire thing even if I don't need the stone because they are ugly and I don't want one in my yard.

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8 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

Wish I had a lawn mower.

Grass used to annoy me too until I installed Red Eagle's short grass modlet.  Now it's still there but I can barely see it, so I only have to punch down the taller stuff that actually blocks building.

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Trash, garbage around my base, I do leave bird's nests though.  Pine trees and low hanging oak trees must die.


My base must be even and look pleasing, or I'm tearing it down and starting again.  Also boxes must be organized, no auto sort allowed.


Roads must be kept clean of cars, carts and Z's, a clean road is a safe road.

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33 minutes ago, Darthjake said:

Also boxes must be organized, no auto sort allowed.

As someone who literally just paused the game to plan out my kitchen cabinet placement... I feel this. LOL I need separate storage for every type of stuff, and the stuff within the containers is properly organized. I hear people say early game is painful because you're weak and always need food, but no. Early game is painful because I don't yet have enough containers to properly sort my stuff. The only time I use autosort is on Day 1 when I'm working out of one box. I rush forge so that I can make nails to get storage going.


40 minutes ago, Darthjake said:

My base must be even and look pleasing, or I'm tearing it down and starting again.


This too. I once tore down my entire house because I didn't like the way the roof turned out. 

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Ahh.. The box organizer types. I'll make note of all your names, so I don't ever play with you:] You would hate it hehe. 

But to answer the question: I guess my most pointless activity, that I HAVE to do in my main base, is build something that looks like a real bed to put my bed roll on. I'll even scrap some dye so I can paint it asap. I know there are bed looking respawn objects available, but they are one use only. 

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1 hour ago, Darthjake said:

My base must be even and look pleasing, or I'm tearing it down and starting again.



I tore down most of one of my bases so I could rotate it 90 degrees ..... because the view from my balcony would look better 😁

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... every base I live in ...

> I'm not staying long, no need to clean this place up


... 1 day later ...

> If I was to just knock out that wall, I'd have easy access to my forges


... 3 days later ...

> painting that wall white looks much better, ooh, and a candle in the corner would make the lighting softer


... 5 days later ...

> I wonder if pulling in that specific couch from creative is ok, I can't craft it but it'll look lovely in the corner

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I would say the biggest thing is the garbage bags everywhere..

I even went as far as to change the xml so that they auto-poof after looting them. (also boxes and little office waste bins, and a few others that use the same container ID)..

Cars/carts on the roads that I use frequently need to be removed, so i do..

Trees hanging over roads also get chopped.


none of these are really "illogical", though, more just OCD things.. at least the bags of trash part..


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6 hours ago, ricp said:

... every base I live in ...

> I'm not staying long, no need to clean this place up


... 1 day later ...

> If I was to just knock out that wall, I'd have easy access to my forges


... 3 days later ...

> painting that wall white looks much better, ooh, and a candle in the corner would make the lighting softer


... 5 days later ...

> I wonder if pulling in that specific couch from creative is ok, I can't craft it but it'll look lovely in the corner

yep and its a death spiral from there next thing you know your on day 90 :)

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those 300hp skinny trees (overgrown bushes).  they're scrub, and must die.

any bushy tree that is on a corner, or goes into the road. choppity

cars in the middle of the road. (lootable or not) wrenchity

#(&$%&(*^ shopping cars in the road!!!!!  


anything withing a couple hundred meters of the base, gets chopped/picked etc.

grass within a smaller area. (yes, a lawnmower/weedwhacker would be nice)



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18 hours ago, seagas said:

I cut down pretty much low hanging tree, I hate going through them and getting ambushed by a zombie on the other side. 



I do the same. I hated running through the branches and coming face to face with a zombie or even more and realizing my stamina was low. Now they all have to go :D



17 hours ago, Mahnogard said:

Grass used to annoy me too until I installed Red Eagle's short grass modlet.  Now it's still there but I can barely see it, so I only have to punch down the taller stuff that actually blocks building.



Lol, I play on server with Guppy now and then and he to this day makes fun of me because I have to clear ALL the grass around any base we make. I don't even do it to place blocks, I just like having the area clean.


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If I'm going to do a real playthrough rather than just testing, I can't start the map generating until I come up with a cool, original seed name.  It has to sound like an ironic or tongue-in-cheek name for a place in a dystopian zombie movie.  Names I've used include Crestfall, Desolatia, Pandaemia, Necroponos, and Semper Vitalis.  It's illogical since "abc123" would generate a map no better or worse.  But I do it anyway, as if it were part of some deep role playing.

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Damn...I do virtually all of these things. We should all go for beers or something!



While I always took all the plastic, I've recently gone really psycho and am wrenching everything electrical. Sure doesn't hurt the bank account!





Lead gets dropped...period. I'll keep trophies and sinkers when I'm poor I suppose, but all the lead scrap and coal I come across gets tossed. I wish they'd remove it. Paper too.


I really hate the new Evil Aragorn zombie, and will always stop whatever I'm doing to kill him. There's something about him.....   grrrrr.


Every tree stump...every time.


No perk points spent to receive recipes of any kind. (No choice now with seed recipes due to the need for farming. 😕)


If the way around a mountain to the next trader is just too long, a tunnel there shall be!

Augers? What's that for?



-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀


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I always try to pick up trash / rocks around the traders even though it won't let me  :classic_sad:


I tend to eventually have a complex storage system (mechanical parts vs electrical parts vs vehicle parts for example; another cooking raw materials vs drinks raw materials vs finished meals vs finished drinks.....)


I constantly stop to check nests and break down tree stumps as I travel from location A to location B


I save everything, even if I got multiple stacks of it back at my base.  I would rather build a dump chest outside the POI I am working on then leaving something behind.  I do scrap down lead, iron, and glass items once I have enough materials (pipes, jars, etc) at home base

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1 hour ago, Morloc said:

Damn...I do virtually all of these things.

I feel ya, makes me wonder if the game is merely irresistible bait for OCD people, or actually inducing it... :)


Although, for couple alphas now, I've ended up using the game to learn to just let some things go. It can be done, you CAN leave a piece of trash in the vicinity of your base if you really try. It will be all right.. :)

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On 1/1/2022 at 5:05 PM, seagas said:

I cut down pretty much low hanging tree, I hate going through them and getting ambushed by a zombie on the other side. 

I'm super guilty of this.   I get really squigged out by that.


I am also a massive loot organizer.  I can spend whole hours just managing loot from my vehicle to drop chests to getting it inside the home base.   I also.. think I should hate this, but there's something oddly calming about it.

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