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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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42 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

Can we expect the soldier zombie to be remodeled at some point in the future as well? :) No mention about him, or about the farmer with the blue overalls.

an HD version is on the list for a20 thats as much as i can offer.

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@faatal1. Should we expect the same serious optimization in A20 as in A19. 5? 2. Why do you usually respond in the forum? Have you been assigned this task, or do the others simply not have the time/desire?)

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5 minutes ago, Kirill_226RUS said:

@faatal1. Should we expect the same serious optimization in A20 as in A19. 5? 2. Why do you answer mostly on the forum? Is there no time for the rest, or are you just assigned "responsibility" for the answers?)

There are some optimizations in A20 that were not moved to 19.5, so there are more, but have not counted the amounts or how big they are.


No assignment. I just like to talk and as programming lead, know a lot about what we are doing. Most devs just do their jobs and don't visit their company forums.

2 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

Can we expect the soldier zombie to be remodeled at some point in the future as well? :) No mention about him, or about the farmer with the blue overalls.

I saw the preview rendering of it two days ago, so it is coming along.

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8 hours ago, sillls said:

May I ask why players won't be able to do this?  We used to have it and it makes sense since the player is either breaking in or trying to get away from zombie's. 


Sillls, as someone who was here at the time you should know this answer already. The answer was no because it unbalanced and ruined POI design and they refused to go through and redesign all the POI's to take account of 1 block egress. It is exactly the same reason why locked doors will not be pickable.


Seeing as how they've designed another 200+ POI's since that time, none of which were balanced for 1-block egress, it is extremely doubtful they will suddenly decide to do an even bigger overhaul now that they weren't willing to do back then. It is a design decision and that's that.


The good news is that once zombies have the ability perhaps it can be modded onto players. That is really the only hope at this point.

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18 minutes ago, Roland said:


Sillls, as someone who was here at the time you should know this answer already. The answer was no because it unbalanced and ruined POI design and they refused to go through and redesign all the POI's to take account of 1 block egress. It is exactly the same reason why locked doors will not be pickable.


Seeing as how they've designed another 200+ POI's since that time, none of which were balanced for 1-block egress, it is extremely doubtful they will suddenly decide to do an even bigger overhaul now that they weren't willing to do back then. It is a design decision and that's that.


The good news is that once zombies have the ability perhaps it can be modded onto players. That is really the only hope at this point.

Well this maybe allow spiderzombie to became similiar to hunter from l4d2 - he will sit in small hole in wall and wait until you go  under him

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TFP I must admit when i first discovered this game with markiplier i thought this was always gonna be a minecrap clone but you guys have evolved the game so much that it makes minecraft look obsolete you guys have done such a fantastic job with the game and it continues to get better with every update keep rockin and rollin yall.

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48 minutes ago, Roland said:


Sillls, as someone who was here at the time you should know this answer already. The answer was no because it unbalanced and ruined POI design and they refused to go through and redesign all the POI's to take account of 1 block egress. It is exactly the same reason why locked doors will not be pickable.


Seeing as how they've designed another 200+ POI's since that time, none of which were balanced for 1-block egress, it is extremely doubtful they will suddenly decide to do an even bigger overhaul now that they weren't willing to do back then. It is a design decision and that's that.


The good news is that once zombies have the ability perhaps it can be modded onto players. That is really the only hope at this point.

It can be modded onto players already. There are multiple overhaul mods that do it (all based on the same mod, I believe).

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8 hours ago, Survager said:

QUESTION: can we expect that in 20 Alpha the transport will not slow down so quickly after the gas button is not pressed?


I'm currently playing Days Gone and the transport feels much more logical there. After gaining a decent speed and letting go of the gas, you can travel quite a long distance, and even more on an incline.


So the management of transport would become much more interesting, since the player would be able to control fuel consumption, and not drive with the gas button constantly pressed.


I tried to do this in xml by increasing the torque, but in this case the sound of the wheels scrolling appears when driving.
Now you can drive a little more distance with the SHIFT button held down after releasing the throttle button, but it still looks not so good.

Not likely in A20. May get tweaked someday.

4 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

@faatal as of now will vehicles be able to hold more than one person in A20?

Right now it is the same as A19. If the seat mod gets done in time for A20, the 4x4 will probably seat 4. Other vehicle seating has not been decided.

2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

Well this maybe allow spiderzombie to became similiar to hunter from l4d2 - he will sit in small hole in wall and wait until you go  under him

No. Pathing has not changed. If we add 1m pathing after A20, it still would require designers to put them in 1m holes in POIs.

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22 minutes ago, faatal said:

Not likely in A20. May get tweaked someday.

Right now it is the same as A19. If the seat mod gets done in time for A20, the 4x4 will probably seat 4. Other vehicle seating has not been decided.

No. Pathing has not changed. If we add 1m pathing after A20, it still would require designers to put them in 1m holes in POIs.


Thanks and awesome, second seat on motorcycle would be nice, four seats in the 4x4 is what I really want.

bonus points for the pimps if riders are able to shoot outside the 4x4 or even better if 4x4 passenger view was limited to first person as in they are looking out the window or see heads of the dudes in the front seat.

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Speaking of vehicle changes, are there any changes to the Bicycle planned? It's pretty counter intuitive ATM and it seems like most people don't actually know how to ride it properly. Instead of holding W and letting off Shift to regain stamina between speed bursts while pedaling, you hold Shift and just pulse press W every 2-4 seconds depending on your stamina regen.


If you hold Shift and let off W you maintain your speed FAR longer than if you hold W and let off shift, it's just kind of a wonky experience all around, and with so much focus being shifted to the primitive stage, the bicycle getting a bit of QoL love might be warranted imo


Edit: Actually just tested and even the 4x4 behaves the same way. If you hold Shift and let off W you will go WAY further than if you hold W and let off Shift. Letting off shift basically instantly brakes the car and slows you down, holding shift and letting off W lets you coast for a bit

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About new guns you could make better tear of bolt action sniper rifles like adding AWP or just something better tha hunting rifle and yes i know about other sniper rifles in the game but these are not bolt action

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Bit of a weird question but does anyone know how many storage slots the new robotic drone is going to have? I remember it was originally 16 but I remember seeing someone say it's been nerfed to 9. Does anyone know if the devs have confirmed the storage cap? Thanks

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On 5/23/2021 at 2:03 AM, faatal said:

Not likely. Clothing would not change like you think. That is all one mesh and full textures. What might change is accessories being hidden, like a hat. provided the artists split them into separate objects.


@faatal if zombie clothes can be implemented as separate objects, is there a possibility that such accessories can be knocked down with zombies with club blows or shots? For example, knock a helmet off a zombie military...

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On 6/17/2021 at 5:48 PM, madmole said:

Nobody cares about that except people who have 5000 hours. Football player and cheerleader are gone for good, they don't fit in average scenarios since one out of 100,000 people have those outfits on. This helps make room for bandits (18 of them planned).

Why did you mention bandits and not special infected in this answer?
What about the Special Infected?
Special infected will be created on the basis of bandits? Are they still on the table, or have they gone for the Behemoth?

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This is something I thought of a while passed. Since each
entity has a set of sound files, and 7DTD has dynamic music,
would it be possible to break up an entire battle song into
subchannel overlays. To create variable fight music.


My explanation: An old program Mixmeister Studio uses loops with
the same BPM that allows for drag and drop sequence creation.
The second old app is Sony Sound Forge. This app allows an MP3 to
be broken into approx 32 tracks. Fruity loops allowed volume controller.
An example is the Taiko music from Deep Rising.


Toying around with the two of them and then using FL volume to time
per track controller, I was able to phase in loops at specific times.

RE: 7DTD DMS, could a single or variety of songs be broken up in the same
fashion and each track be associated with the entities, volume per track
to be controlled by say proximity, or awareness level, with a constant
rhythm or score playing in the background as a base.

Depending on the entities and situation involved the music would dynamically
change. But is still a single song.


Examples: minding my business on a roof, and a predator comes close, i am not
looking for it, because i'm crafting, then i hear the low predatory loop added
in to the base music. Walking across the roof if i get closer the volume raises.


Entering a sleeper den, all associated track are on minimum, with base music at
standard level, one of them begins to stir, and its track begins to raise.


It's an idea I got from horror movies, example Friday the 13th, you don't see
Jason but the music tells you he is around. Or Jaws, same premise.

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