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pahbi last won the day on July 7 2019

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  1. I really haven't been playing, but i noticed a new patch dropped so loaded the latest experimental and tried out the mods. From just a quick browse, everything seemed to work (no warnings) except for the startPickaxe.zip mod. I really didn't see a reason why it shouldn't work, but was able to tweak it slightly and verify it works. If its not working for you, download the latest version from the github link and try it out, it should work.
  2. Just a quick note, I haven't been playing much, so I just now noticed the alpha 21.2 update I loaded the update and didn't see any modlet warning messages. As far as I can tell, the modlets still work just fine.
  3. If you don't mind using mods, there are some modlets that let you boil snow into water, or will allow you to fill buckets with water and then boil that for water. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26048-a21-modlets-craft-water-from-snow-or-buckets-fast-plant-growth-no-heat-dew-collector-and-more/
  4. Here is the link to the modlet if you want to try it out https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26048-a21-modlets-craft-water-from-snow-or-buckets-fast-plant-growth-no-heat-dew-collector-and-more/
  5. Don't quote me on this, but I think the epicgames thing is part of EAC. The EAC can be turned off, but I don't know if that will stop the game from trying to contact epicgames.
  6. Its an oldie but a goodie, I use this base with some added turrets and its never failed me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehg6YgO76mA
  7. Added modlet recipe for water filter, and modlet to make super insane auger.
  8. If you don't mind mods, I have some mods to let you craft magazines, canned foods, water from snow etc... https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26048-a21-modlets-craft-water-from-snow-or-buckets-fast-plant-growth-no-heat-dew-collector-and-more/
  9. Hiya, Its not to bad to change, in the modlet you downloaded there should be a file called recipes.xml that has the following code: <configs> <!-- Make snow into water --> <append xpath="/recipes"> <recipe name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1" craft_time="5" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot"> <ingredient name="resourceSnowBall" count="1"/> </recipe> </append> </configs> Below is a brief description of each element: recipe name="drinkJarBoiledWater" --> This refers to the item to be produced, these are defined in the items.xml file in the official 7DTD directory count="1" --> the number of items to produce, if you changed this to 10, you'd make 10 bottles of water out of 1 snowball craft_time="5" --> how long it takes to craft, I believe this is in seconds craft_area="campfire" --> the crafting station craft_tool="toolCookingPot" --> and what tool the crafting station needs to have installed ingredient name="resourceSnowBall" --> the ingredient required for crafting, again defined in items.xml count="1" --> how much of that ingredient is required. For example, if you changed this to 10, it would take 10 snowballs to produce 1 bottle of water. Modifying any of these values will change how the recipe performs. Hope this helps. It varies per biome. In the snow biome the default weather (ie sunshine) chance is 40%, then in non-default the weather chances are: snow 40%, fog 8% and storm 8% In the forest biome default weather is 83%, then non-default chances are rain 7%, fog 7% and storm 2%. What prompted me to make the modlet was even though I was in the desert, I got rain every single day, which is hard to understand since supposedly default weather is 87%, then during non default weather rain is 8% and storm is 7%. I don't know if there is a bug somewhere but I just couldn't take the rain anymore. lol
  10. Totally agree on the skimpy documentation. I'm not 100% certain how to explain the reduction though. Its like a double dice roll, first the dice are rolled to see if there is weather other than sunshine, then there is a second roll to see what that alternative is. The alternative could be rain, storm, fog, wind etc... So my mod sets all biomes to have a 90% chance of sunshine and 10% chance of alternate weather. During the 10% chance of alternate weather, there is a 2% chance of precipitation and a 1% chance of heavy precipitation and a higher (I forget what number) chance of fog. In practice, it seems like I'm getting rain now about once every week or so.
  11. Added craftable buff candy. Also added honey and canned chili to addFoodandSigns.zip
  12. Added model for craftable canned foods and animal fat at the chemistry station, and craftable signs and posters at the workbench. Will add more recipes for crafting vending machine drinks and snacks sometime.
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