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35 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Some things are  just... mad max with zombies.  I feel confused

If you have a moment : could you explain what setting you guys want to get and  what games ,movies etc  are yours inspiration?



Mad Max meets Walking Dead..

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4 hours ago, nielm269 said:

So after many hours I was finally able to remove all the limbs off a zombie for "tests", and a added bonus of a zombie doing the I'm stuck in the fence step-bro.


Don't show this to @SnowDog1942:heh:


Lol, someone beat me to it! :laugh:

6 hours ago, Matt115 said:

Well i can't agree in this point roland

Everything back to normal... :biggrin1:

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5 hours ago, faatal said:

Yes. We have one of our new consultant programmers working on it.

Give us the NAME and most importantly, HOME ADDRESS (so in case the bandits suck, we can go pay him/her a visit). :heh:


2 minutes ago, Roland said:

by four hours Jost! Not exactly getting ninja'd...lol ;)

Yeah, but I was reading past posts and while reading I reply... I only realized later they had replied to that post like this! :D 

It's very difficult to read every single post and remember which ones you want to reply to at the end... :confused2:


Also... everyone has his own pace. :mmph:;) 

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5 hours ago, Jost Amman said:


Everything back to normal... :biggrin1:


5 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

Give us the NAME and most importantly, HOME ADDRESS (so in case the bandits suck, we can go pay him/her a visit). :heh:


YES.  So to avoid this not.. so nice situation i decided to write " Ultimate Matt The Newsstands Master's instruction how to make good bandit"™️

1. Rare -  Navezgane is not polish city - you can meet bandits everywhere. So to get good feeling of wastelands bandits have to be EXTREMALY RARE. How rare?  10 times more rare that traders camps

2. Universal - i mean a lot of types of them - some of them use melee weapons some range. simple? no! they need to have some "special" types - guy with flamethrower, guy with big riot shield etc

3. bandits are humans too! - i don't mean show them mercy. i mean they have to looks like normal people not guys from mental asylum- no colourfull hairs, clothes made from random garbare- just normale civilian and military clothes with metal plates

4. loot - every bandit have to be lootable!

5. nothing on head= dead. Headshot is always lethal if bandit don't have helmet on his head


Only using this advices you can make good bandits!

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14 hours ago, faatal said:

Indeed. PvP is nothing like bandits. If I go into a POI with 10 bandits waiting for me, I expect to win. If I enter a POI with 10 players in it, I expect to die.


I want to be the hero of the world and overcome a variety of obstacles. Players need to be evenly matched to be fair, so you will not be overcoming many of them unless you are a pro and most of us are not.

i would say you got that backwards... Bandits are nothing like real life PvP players. A bandit will never have the ability to challenge the offense and defense that it takes to raid and defend a base. Competition in players is something a bandit would never supply. Thinking about the strategy how to attack a base and thinking about the strategy how to defend it is a factor bandits would never have. Basically a bandit would just be another zombie to kill on pvp servers.

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29 minutes ago, Grandpa Minion said:

i would say you got that backwards... Bandits are nothing like real life PvP players. A bandit will never have the ability to challenge the offense and defense that it takes to raid and defend a base. Competition in players is something a bandit would never supply. Thinking about the strategy how to attack a base and thinking about the strategy how to defend it is a factor bandits would never have. Basically a bandit would just be another zombie to kill on pvp servers.

How on earth is that getting it backwards?!  You basically said the same thing and applied a different bias.

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32 minutes ago, Grandpa Minion said:

i would say you got that backwards... Bandits are nothing like real life PvP players. A bandit will never have the ability to challenge the offense and defense that it takes to raid and defend a base. Competition in players is something a bandit would never supply. Thinking about the strategy how to attack a base and thinking about the strategy how to defend it is a factor bandits would never have. Basically a bandit would just be another zombie to kill on pvp servers.

Not rly - sometimes AI enemies can be bigger challenge to kill that another player

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Bandits and survivors can be very tough in this game, or as easy as the designer wants.  TFP will no doubt do a great job on the AI.  Until then, If you look at some of the gameplay videos of mods using the A20 modded Bandits in custom POIs that were designed around intelligent bandits, you will see its an entirely different experience from just zeds.

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3 hours ago, Grandpa Minion said:

i would say you got that backwards... Bandits are nothing like real life PvP players. A bandit will never have the ability to challenge the offense and defense that it takes to raid and defend a base. Competition in players is something a bandit would never supply. Thinking about the strategy how to attack a base and thinking about the strategy how to defend it is a factor bandits would never have. Basically a bandit would just be another zombie to kill on pvp servers.

I said I expected to succeed again 10 bandits and not 10 players, meaning bandits are easier. So you seem to agree with me, which is not backwards.

12 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

Give us the NAME and most importantly, HOME ADDRESS (so in case the bandits suck, we can go pay him/her a visit). :heh:

I was talking about a consultant working on water. I'm the one working on bandits.

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1 hour ago, faatal said:

I said I expected to succeed again 10 bandits and not 10 players, meaning bandits are easier. So you seem to agree with me, which is not backwards.

I was talking about a consultant working on water. I'm the one working on bandits.

Bandits easier than humans? You jest. I remember a17 with moderate shivers. Nevertheless, you already have a very nice path-targeting code that can be made into a crazy good AI, like making landscape npc bandits "store" viable attack paths within the same gameplay session. Allowing them to create a tiny NPC "POI"/tent/workstation thingy on the outskirts of your base/ airdrop site, etc is also a viable behaviour and a very cool and emergent one at that . It might sound like a Pimp Dream? Difficult to tell nowadays with all our dreams coming true. Money, Love and Bandits, the three most important things in life.


Will you make settings for "esoteric" things like bandit AI (accuracy?) and/or bandit amount in the menu?


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Anyone else facing difficulties understanding which book is read already and which is not, in order to not read it and keep it for selling to trader - or is it just me?


I keep searching the recipe or the skill section everytime I find a book in order to understand if to read it or not. Quite tedious... 


I know there is a book symbol icon on each book but for me its always white no matter if the book was read before or not. Shouldn't be like grey color to indicate that you haven't read that book before.

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That book icon is either open (if already read) or closed (of not read).  It's small and can be hard to tell but if you hi-light the book in question it will bring it up in the larger panel and be easier to discern if you've read it or not.


I different colour would be helpful though.  




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16 hours ago, faatal said:

I said I expected to succeed again 10 bandits and not 10 players, meaning bandits are easier. So you seem to agree with me, which is not backwards.

I was talking about a consultant working on water. I'm the one working on bandits.

So faatal please give us flamethrower guy.. you know he can make our hearts more warm :angel2:

Btw maybe could you spoiler us one thing- can bandits  throw molotows and pipe bombs?

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@faatal I noticed in my a20.0 tests that the 4 core affinity trick no longer has the same huge gain seen in previous alphas and that without it applied the results are where i'd expect with it applied. I also took a look at the list threads command and see the game now only spawns up to 6 threads instead of all cpu threads available. This is a god send for users with many core cpu's that don't want to mess around with applying affinity themselves. I had a couple questions regarding it out of curiosity.

1.Why 6 threads instead of 4? my initial tests using a extremely high vert and tris prefab to stress the cpu as much as possible showed a huge loss bellow 4 and every new thread above 4 showed a small but constant loss in performance, that got worse the more threads were 
available. The difference in performance between 4 and 6 threads is very insignificant so it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things but i'm curious if there was a specific reason to go with 6.


2. Will any of those threads be run on a virtual core or does it somehow only utilise physical cores? I've found that hyperthreading/amd's smt doesn't help and pretty much always results in a loss in performance when used by the game. I know as an example Cyperpunk 2077 scans your hardware to determine how to handle it and if you have 12 or more physical cores it won't use virtual cores at all, but will use them on cpu's with fewer. Cyberpunk may always be considered a bit of a train wreck but i was very impressed with how well the game scales in performance in cpu's it will happily use all 16 cores on my cpu and performance does scale. Obviously i'm not expecting the same feat from 7dtd they're 2 completely different kind of games and developers with very different resources.

Appling 4 core affinity in a20.0 does yield some gain, but it's worth noting that i've targeted those 4 physical cores to the fastest cores on the cpu which will be the majority of the gain.





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Please adjust the Bloodmoon loot for MP. Surviving BM is no longer rewarded with the Christmas morning feeling if opening the wonderful zombie loot bags.


The three of us are level 55-62. We have a gamestage of 158. So in A19 we would face GS 158 BM horde and open GS 158 lootbags.  Now in A20 we face GS 158 BM horde but open lootstage 78 loot (Forest biome, lucky looter maxed +goggles)  


Yes I know we can build our BM base in the wasteland for a higher lootstage, we did that during experimental. Having a wasteland BM fort seemed too cheesy for us.  You aren't facing a tougher BM in the wasteland and the difficulty of building there was minimal so the reward was way too good.  


I guess for now we will make a BM fort in the snow biome to get a lootstage that reflects the challenge.


My big dream is that the BM lootstage would be tied to gamestage and whe we are at it make the blood moon gamestage calculation for difficulty include the biome modifier so that the wasteland level of BM loot would be behind a wasteland worthy BM.


Oh and if any code tinkerers have any tips I have a thread here.


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23 hours ago, Grandpa Minion said:

i would say you got that backwards... Bandits are nothing like real life PvP players. A bandit will never have the ability to challenge the offense and defense that it takes to raid and defend a base. Competition in players is something a bandit would never supply. Thinking about the strategy how to attack a base and thinking about the strategy how to defend it is a factor bandits would never have. Basically a bandit would just be another zombie to kill on pvp servers.

I'll let you into a secret.  Every AI you have played against has had its abilities crippled to make you feel better.  Players have an easier time losing to another player than an unfettered AI.  Some of the main advantages are listed below, allowing the AI to fully use any of these will instantly lead to screams of "unfair" and "implayable" by the players.


Perfect aim : An AI can work out exactly where to aim with a simple matrix rotation, in unity that even has a little helper-function.  Depending on the system the programmer may have to randomize the aiming point a little before the shot to give the player a chance.


Perfect radar : The AI does not perceive the game world as you do, it knows where everything is and its weaknesses.  If you think wall-hacks are cheating please be aware that to the AI the walls simply don't exist.


Perfect pathfinding : It takes time for a player to memorize the routes on a map, for the AI all routes are known and the default is to choose the shortest route regardless of how obvious it is or whether it can even be seen from where they are.


There are more but these should give an example of why we cripple AI for the players, programmers are only human and we like to win every now and again as well.

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@TFP: can you remove (or make optional) the unrealistic night "ambient sounds" please?


I'm talking about the one that sounds like someone flushed the water in the toilet and similar ones.

I'm asking this because currently they can't be disabled, and it's very difficult to hear the zombie steps and do stealth at night when those sounds play.

I think this is a reasonable request, and it's IMO something that has been long overdue. :dispirited:


Thanks for listening! :yo:

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31 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

@TFP: can you remove (or make optional) the unrealistic night "ambient sounds" please?


I'm talking about the one that sounds like someone flushed the water in the toilet and similar ones.

I'm asking this because currently they can't be disabled, and it's very difficult to hear the zombie steps and do stealth at night when those sounds play.

I think this is a reasonable request, and it's IMO something that has been long overdue. :dispirited:


Thanks for listening! :yo:

i think theres a mod for that on nexus if your interested for that as a temporary solution

Night Sounds Nerf at 7 Days to Die Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) hopefully this might help you with what you're looking for :)

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11 hours ago, RussianMafia said:

Anyone else facing difficulties understanding which book is read already and which is not, in order to not read it and keep it for selling to trader - or is it just me?


I keep searching the recipe or the skill section everytime I find a book in order to understand if to read it or not. Quite tedious... 


I know there is a book symbol icon on each book but for me its always white no matter if the book was read before or not. Shouldn't be like grey color to indicate that you haven't read that book before.

If it's a "closed book" icon then you have not read it, if it is an "open book" icon you have read it.

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