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Naz last won the day on February 8 2023

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  1. Fantastic, with that working custom poi's should be able to fudge these properties to allow players 24/7 to certain trader protected poi's too? <property name="TraderAreaTeleportSize" value="a, b, c" /> <property name="TraderAreaTeleportCenter" value="a, b, c" />
  2. This is great news and to come up with a fix so quickly is amazing. Can you share any details on how this will work? Does this mean all prefab data now pushes from the server or just the protection data? Would this fix also work on custom prefabs or just vanilla traders?
  3. Summary: Traders can easily be destroyed Game Version: V1.0 OS/Version: Windows 11 CPU Model: Intel i9 13900K System Memory: 64gb GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 3090 24 GB Screen Resolution: Width and Height such as 3840x1600) Video Settings: High Game mode: All Did you wipe old saves? (Yes) Did you start a new game? (Yes) Did you validate your files? (Yes) Are you using any mods? (No) EAC on Status: NEW Bug Description: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) In sp join a world and go to a trader to load the chucks then quit or in mp skip to step 2 2) Navigate to the POI's folder in the 7DTD root directory 7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs\POIs search traders and delete 3) join a world/server/mp eac on or off and you can now place a lanclaim inside a trader or destroy them completely. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) The current method of protecting prefabs doesn't work as intended Expected result: (what you expect to occur) block protection to not rely on files that do not push from the server, the old A20 block/chunk level protection was already the perfect solution that worked Link to Pastebin Output Log: https://pastebin.com/k6DngwKL Further Info It may not be apparent but this issue has huge implications for every single server. When you run a free and public service there are always bad actors who want to spoil it for everyone. Having no ability to properly protect structures from damage be it custom prefabs or vanilla traders means anyone can block/destroy a crucial aspect of the game be it quests you can't get/turn in due to griefing or the ability to engage with the ingame economy. Custom prefabs are also a huge part of the server community, being used as trading hubs, communal horde bases, arenas, teleport portals all of which need to be protected from player damage otherwise anyone can come along and destroy major features on servers. This has been an ongoing issue since the launch of A21 when the old block level protection system was replaced with prefab level and since then it has been causing major problems for servers. It has been the case for years not all prefab files push from the server to the client, now that protection is part of the prefab (and unfortunately a part that doesn't push from the server) all custom prefabs have 0 protect by default unless the client manually installed the prefab files and vanilla trader protection can be defeated as easily as deleting the clients prefab files. I won't pretend to understand how any of this works behind the scenes, but if i were asked what would be the solution to this i would point to the a20 block level protection system which didn't require client prefab files be installed and allowed the possibility of defining live areas of a map to be protected fully at will or returned to be unprotected just as easily. I understand there have been many changes to how the world is built and have no idea how feasible function/time to implement that would be. This issue will only get worse over time, especially when the story update comes and key quest locations have been maliciously turned into craters to prevent players progressing. I wouldn't expect this issue to be given top level priority but many would be grateful if it was at least given some kind of it will be fixed/addressed/remedied at some point priority.
  4. Just want to throw my hat into the ring. It may not be apparent but this issue has huge implications for every single server. When you run a free and public service there are always bad actors who want to spoil it for everyone. Having no ability to properly protect structures from damage be it custom prefabs or vanilla traders means anyone can block/destroy a crucial aspect of the game be it quests you can't get/turn in due to griefing or the ability to engage with the ingame economy. Custom prefabs are also a huge part of the server community, being used as trading hubs, communal horde bases, arenas, teleport portals all of which need to be protected from player damage otherwise anyone can come along and destroy major features on servers. This has been an ongoing issue since the launch of A21 when the old block level protection system was replaced with prefab level and since then it has been causing major problems for servers. It has been the case for years not all prefab files push from the server to the client, now that protection is part of the prefab (and unfortunately a part that doesn't push from the server) all custom prefabs have 0 protect by default unless the client manually installed the prefab files and vanilla trader protection can be defeated as easily as deleting the clients prefab files. I won't pretend to understand how any of this works behind the scenes, but if i were asked what would be the solution to this i would point to the a20 block level protection system which didn't require client prefab files be installed and allowed the possibility of defining live areas of a map to be protected fully at will or returned to be unprotected just as easily. I understand there have been many changes to how the world is built and have no idea how feasible function/time to implement that would be. This issue will only get worse over time, especially when the story update comes and key quest locations have been maliciously turned into craters to prevent players progressing. I wouldn't expect this issue to be given top level priority but many would be grateful if it was at least given some kind of it will be fixed/addressed/remedied at some point priority. I'll create a new 1.0 report and include this info as i believe it's an important issue that needs looked into whenever possible.
  5. A20 Super Aircraft Carrier POI V21.7.0: Download
  6. Hadn't heard of that looks interesting pretty much what I did in a17 with it being the only poi in the world. Yes I've been dragging my feet on it for far too long. Both the snow and dry Docked versions are converted. I have a couple maps ready and am in the process of nailing down the steps for use with Teragon map generator so I can include that info in the docs. After that I can just do an update on the docs and it's ready to go.
  7. Thank you, yeah no chance it will stand up to the real deal, there isn't a complete visual record of the interior online for obvious reasons so i had to extrapolate on most of the interior. Also things like tanks onboard while from what i could find online that would be technically possible, but it would be a waste of the ship space so doesn't really happen in the real world. Truthfully the interior is massive and i need things to fill it with haha😂
  8. https://7dac.net/prefabs 100% Unofficial, 100% self promotion😂 haven't looked it over for a21 but should be enough to cover most of what you would want to do.
  9. in one of the old a17 dev videos MM showed off new scopes that are actual models instead of a basic overlay. However they obviously never made it to any alpha since so not sure what happened there.
  10. Are radiation mechanics still planned for any future alphas? like needing a rad suit to go to the wasteland for example. I think it's been talked about before but i haven't heard anything about it in quite some time, just wondering if its still in the cards.
  11. I get why the bike smokes when broke, it's easier to just use the same effects on all vehicles. Less work and keeps things consistent. However it really sticks out like a sore thumb, unless you hook up that bottom bracket to the engine of a car and rev the shiz out of it, there is no possible way for the bearings in that bike to spin so fast they ignite and smoke. Do we now make hand tools like the pickaxe and fireaxe erupt in smoke and flames when their durability hits 0? Course not ( I'd hope) because that would be silly and not make any rational sence. There are more believable with minimal dev time ways to communicate to the player the bike has broken. You could use sound effects like a tire popping or gears jamming, you could make the wheel animations hitch to make it look like somthing has broken/bent/warped preventing them spinning smoothly. Simply copy pasting the fx for the other vehicles on to a bicycle is a very "it's 16:59 on Friday" solution 🤣
  12. Good stuff glad it's sorted for you👍
  13. I've only ever encountered that in the world editor but i have a theory of what it might be. i used an excessive amount of adaptive terrain covering much of the carrier to make it easier to place on uneven terrain when manually placed so it would look a bit more natural. You could try settings <property name="AllowTopSoilDecorations" value="True" /> to false and reset the regions, that might fix it if the game is just being wonky with biome decorations on terrain blocks that should be air.
  14. space heaters are power hogs so i can see why you would 😂 yeah it sucks when you have to rma parts, motherboards especially since you have to pretty much completely take apart the system then wait weeks until a replacement or a fix shows up pain in the but. GPU's and storage devices arnt so bad if you have a spare or even just using the igpu, tho just as much a pain if no spares or igpu.
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