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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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9 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

As every alpha release the compopack will be out hopefully by stable a20 release. The cp dont do experimental releases but will def get it up and working in a20.

Thanks! I don't remember when we started using cp the first time when A19 was released, so what do you reckon, will it be a waste of time if we try using the latest update when A20 launches next week?

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54 minutes ago, Robbing Zombie said:

Thanks! I don't remember when we started using cp the first time when A19 was released, so what do you reckon, will it be a waste of time if we try using the latest update when A20 launches next week?

It was stable cp46 when myself and wolf released the compopack for a19  . No overhaul or the cp has ever launched in an experimental. Some big mods as well. Well maybe some did once but never again the changes that occur in experimental is and can be frustrating and ever changing and mod/overhaul creators aren't in the business of updating their mods/overhauls time and time again during the experimental phases.


But happy to chat in the compopack thread more as the cp isnt anything to do with tfp or dev diary so we don't take up their thread.


And yes it be a waste of time trying a19 cp in a20.  I imagine with all the prefab changes and new shape systems and blocks being permanently removed from the game there is gonna be a hell of alot of blue flashing missing blocks. As tfp have also stated no a19 saves will work in A20 nor would any overhaul or pack or mod i imagine. 


I am also certain tfp will have a converter to aid us prefabbers in converting the pois to a20 standards to as to make our jobs easier and faster like they did in a17. 

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Will say on behalf of all mod creators and overhauls etc to be patient. We all will be heads down going as fast as we can to get the goodies to you guys as soon as we possibly can once stable hits. 


I think with looking at that release notes tfp have delivered something incredible and looks to be a whole new game changer.  I am certain the overhauls and mods etc will deliver fantastic new stuff as well like we all do each new alpha to.. 

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Thanks stallion! Gonna be a nice boy and wait. 


That being taken care of, TFP, has the armor/clothing/accessory regarding wear/scrap/edit been fixed? It's a wee annoying when some gear has these buttons and other gear has those buttons for commands.

4 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

Will say on behalf of all mod creators and overhauls etc to be patient. We all will be heads down going as fast as we can to get the goodies to you guys as soon as we possibly can once stable hits. 


I think with looking at that release notes tfp have delivered something incredible and looks to be a whole new game changer.  I am certain the overhauls and mods etc will deliver fantastic new stuff as well like we all do each new alpha to.. 

Absolutely. I'm just being jumpy on the fast lane with the turn signal on, like a normal 42yo server hoster is expected to behave 😁 BTW, I love them compopacks a LOT and we appreciate what you guys are doing to enhance the game. Take your time and make it guuud.

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7 minutes ago, Robbing Zombie said:

Thanks stallion! Gonna be a nice boy and wait. 


That being taken care of, TFP, has the armor/clothing/accessory regarding wear/scrap/edit been fixed? It's a wee annoying when some gear has these buttons and other gear has those buttons for commands.

Absolutely. I'm just being jumpy on the fast lane with the turn signal on, like a normal 42yo server hoster is expected to behave 😁 BTW, I love them compopacks a LOT and we appreciate what you guys are doing to enhance the game. Take your time and make it guuud.

lol haha yeh i totally understand for sure. the excitement grows and grows. looking forward to seeing you all see what the prefabbing community have created as well 🙂 and well in a20 will exceed in gifting more great additions to the pois/mods etc to. 

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I personally like the zombie mods. Love the variations of clothes....& The topless zombies 🤤

Some of the creations by guppy & bdub, I believe, are very creative too. 


I hope the pimps integrate this at some point. Even just having different clothes on the same zombies adds so much variety.

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@Roland remember to say in the OP date that it might be Tuesday December 7th for some parts of the world, since you can't specify a CST hour, and you know it's usually later rather than sooner. Even then, think about China and the like, that have more than half a day of difference.

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17 minutes ago, Outlaw_187 said:

I personally like the zombie mods. Love the variations of clothes....& The topless zombies 🤤

Some of the creations by guppy & bdub, I believe, are very creative too. 


I hope the pimps integrate this at some point. Even just having different clothes on the same zombies adds so much variety.

Really... really we have been trying to keep snowdog quiet lol.. now you go and talk bout topless zombies.. 


Oh boy here we go haha 🤣😝

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7 hours ago, Blake_ said:

@faatal I just read the patch notes and I wanna ask, By "Entity Tint Shader" you mean the possibility to do something like this ? :



Will you guys implement it in the base game ? I gotta say, it helps quite a bit with repetition.

Holy crap was that a kanabo?  I havent seen one of those in a zombie game since dead island. 

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17 minutes ago, Gamida said:

Tom Clark is the model for the original spider zombie.


I see....At least he managed to get the dukes for a good chiropractor  and now seeks revenge for the years of  backache.

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17 hours ago, Capp00 said:

Sweet. Ok, so, for everyone that was saying I'd be to blame if it didn't happen....this means, I get credit for it actually happening. Right?


Nah, people will find something else to blame on you; it's only human nature.  😉


I bet everyday Roland gets blamed when someone stubs their toe.

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Hey all, time for me to get the noob train started

(translation: please excuse my dumbass questions)


I read this "It is necessary to start a fresh game for A20 and advisable to use the cleaning tool in the game launcher UI in order to clear out any and all old saves and maps which might interfere with the new build once you download A20 experimental."


I currently play a few different 7D2D games, a 19.6 that my father started on the Steam server, a few 19.5s that I started on Steam and I host a dedicated server for 19.5.  After I clear out the old saves and maps and all, will I lose all of my A19 games that are on the steam server? Will I lose my progress on the 19.6 game my father created? If I go back to playing 19.5 or 19.6 do I need to clear the saves again before returning to A20?   


I plan to run a dedicated server for A20  

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29 minutes ago, Lord Morphleyes said:

Hey all, time for me to get the noob train started

(translation: please excuse my dumbass questions)


I read this "It is necessary to start a fresh game for A20 and advisable to use the cleaning tool in the game launcher UI in order to clear out any and all old saves and maps which might interfere with the new build once you download A20 experimental."


I currently play a few different 7D2D games, a 19.6 that my father started on the Steam server, a few 19.5s that I started on Steam and I host a dedicated server for 19.5.  After I clear out the old saves and maps and all, will I lose all of my A19 games that are on the steam server? Will I lose my progress on the 19.6 game my father created? If I go back to playing 19.5 or 19.6 do I need to clear the saves again before returning to A20?   


I plan to run a dedicated server for A20  


I don't think you need to empty out your saves/maps once you know which saves/maps are from what version, it's just cleaner for people playing A20 only to empty it out

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10 hours ago, Blake_ said:

@faatal I just read the patch notes and I wanna ask, By "Entity Tint Shader" you mean the possibility to do something like this ? :



Will you guys implement it in the base game ? I gotta say, it helps quite a bit with repetition.

All our tinting is a way for a color value to be multiplied with a gray texture generally using a mask. The zombies may use it at some point, but art has to be changed.

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