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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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On 8/29/2021 at 7:37 PM, Pritch said:

After 19 Alphas my only criticism is with combat and zombie pathing.


Hand-to-hand combat is unbearable especially at low levels:  zombies don't flinch properly (if at all), hit box at point blank doesn't make sense, and animations make game play non-intuitive.    Zombies should always respond to receiving a hit.  Sometimes this is a knock back, knockdown, or decapitation; sometimes this is a flinch.  A flinch should be a random interruption duration between a split second (where zombies will attack before you can swing again) and a slightly longer duration (allowing you a second swing before it recovers).  Flinches need animations.  Flinches are not as effective as knock backs but represent minimal effect from receiving blows.  This feedback mechanism should be happening with each hit--melee or ranged.


Zombie pathing around obstacles is not the problem.  The pathing problem is related to the compass' orientation between the user and the zombie.  If you aim N, S, E, or W the zombie will run straight at you (good).  However, if you aim NE, NW, SE, or SW the zombie will zig-zag block to block rather than run directly at you (bad).  This is highly unrealistic and makes ranged combat unbearable.  A zombie is dumb and should be running straight at you and not zig-zag just because you are shooting in a NE, NW, SE, or SW direction. 


Other changes are looking great.  Keep up the good work TFP. ❤️❤️❤️


For reference, here is an example of the zombie zig-zag pathing issue causing @Fubar_Prime to miss every shot 😢


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@faatal First person view sounds great for vehicles. But I've got to say, the physics and controls of driving the vehicles is a priority IMO. Right now they feel robotic and stiff, especially the Gyro. Would be nice for the gyro to operate like a helicopter, or similar to the gyro of the Road Warrior movie. Lift off right from where you are, no need to drive forward to lift off. Either way, keep up the great work!! Best game ever!

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To anyone at TFP:


With the new dynamic imposter feature, will worlds with custom POIs be server-side only?


Specifically: You install custom POIs on a server, and generate a world with them. Will clients need to install those custom POIs in order to connect to that world?


Right now, the answer is yes. But I think that's only because they need the imposter information, and the rest is baked into the world. Am I wrong? (that's entirely possible, I'm not a MP guy.)

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Has there been any more word on spawning together when starting a new world with a friend? I know Madmole mentioned it during the A19 streams, where they wanted to just make it faster and easier for a group of friends to spawn in and get started without the dreaded 12 hour death run to find each other, and desynced trader quests etc.


The friend system remembering your friend would also be quite nice, so you don't have to add them back every time you load in

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On 9/5/2021 at 11:46 AM, faatal said:

First person view would probably come first.

1 Not locked at all

Yikes.  I'd guess we are a minimum of three months out for a public experimental release.  The internal bug squashing phase always seems to take a month or two.  Add a month or so due to not even being feature locked... 2021 experimental if we are lucky.


What are the odds the water rework will slip from A21 to A22?  Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I'm looking forward to having some fun with waterworks if water can be used to "flush" zombies!

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1 hour ago, DanLW said:

Yikes.  I'd guess we are a minimum of three months out for a public experimental release.  The internal bug squashing phase always seems to take a month or two.  Add a month or so due to not even being feature locked... 2021 experimental if we are lucky.


What are the odds the water rework will slip from A21 to A22?  Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I'm looking forward to having some fun with waterworks if water can be used to "flush" zombies!

As far as I know, water rework is going to be a21 (not confirmed, but everything goes before bandits and there are only 4 major systems left : clothing, quests/campaign, npcs and water). It's a big fish to tackle. You sea, one could say it's the new wave of alphas. An ocean of code, the shark of the bug world, a cascade of hardships, etc.

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9 hours ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

@faatal First person view sounds great for vehicles. But I've got to say, the physics and controls of driving the vehicles is a priority IMO. Right now they feel robotic and stiff, especially the Gyro. Would be nice for the gyro to operate like a helicopter, or similar to the gyro of the Road Warrior movie. Lift off right from where you are, no need to drive forward to lift off. Either way, keep up the great work!! Best game ever!

Vehicle driving changes are not planned and feel fine to me. The gyrocopter is technically an airplane and they do not fly like a helicopter. Someday I would like to add a helicopter that will fly like a helicopter. It will hover and be easier to fly than the gryo, which I never intended to be easy to fly, since it is the starter crappy flying vehicle.

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5 minutes ago, faatal said:

Vehicle driving changes are not planned and feel fine to me. The gyrocopter is technically an airplane and they do not fly like a helicopter. Someday I would like to add a helicopter that will fly like a helicopter. It will hover and be easier to fly than the gryo, which I never intended to be easy to fly, since it is the starter crappy flying vehicle.

Flying hovercraps confirmed!

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Hopping on for a brief moment, not looking at spoilers. Just a tiny pet peeve, but would it be possible to adjust the hitbox/collision detection (whatever it is) for the small twig shrubs in the forest biome? (I haven't settled in the desert or snow biomes for ages, so I don't know if they spawn there.) It would be great if whenever you placed a particle board over them they were simply deleted like the tall grass, instead of causing the block to be destroyed. I understand this might not be possible for cotton, goldenrod, chrysanthemum, small stones, and birds nests however.

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On 10/28/2020 at 9:49 PM, madmole said:

Additional controls in the map generation interface to give players more options for terrain generation such sliders to determine mountainous vs flat (for example).

Im looking forward to this feature the most. It really sucks spending +10 minutes generating a world, then spending many hours playing (until you get a bike) just to find the terrain/roads are all messed up in the area around you.


I don't get why the devs have so many difficulties with the terrain generation (didn't they promise wonky roads would be fixed by a17 and again by a18?). At least now with this feature I can make the map flat thereby hopefully having good roads.


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