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28 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

You can do that now. Click instead of holding the mouse button. Instant draw and arrow release.

With out the aim thing.


it would be like this.


You hold you're bow Side ways when you're just roaming around. Say you see a Zombie that wants to take a Nice bite out of you

But when you aim, you hold you're bow in a Normal way!


While you're bow is in the Same piston with a Arrow on it, you just click and you quickly fire a Arrow, You may it it or you may not. ill have to draw it out, because im as Useful with words as a Arrow without a Stick.  



Also i got 964 Hours :)

Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

once upon an alpha... they used to.. shoot the deer and followed him until he dropped from bleeding to death.... that was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away :)


would be nice to see a return or perk proc for it.

I still thought that was a thing, haha. It's nice to know it isn't, lol. I actually followed a deer hoping it would die from bleed. It didn't. It got away so I would never had known.

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This is the base I came up with! Build it near any Trader, and you're protected from whatever comes your way. There are plates in between the wood frame wedges and the hatches, to prevent dogs from jumping through. I've lured bears to it, direwolves, fought hordes on horde night (while running around with pipe bombs and molotovs, coming back to base to heal or gather my bearings). The cave beneath gives me that classic alpha 15-16 feel, the nostalgia of a safe underground place to call home. All in all I'm very happy with it, I built one identical to it in the snowy biome near Trader Hugh, only minus the cave below because at present, my storage isn't overflowing and there's not a surplus that I need to divide between two bases. I'm on permadeath, still alive during the night of day 10, Warrior, 60 minute days. Going strong >=D Level 4 intellect for the necessary workstation and vehicle unlocks, and level 7 strength (with a cigar boost) for mining and clubbing. Just got myself a flashy new level 3 Baseball Bat from a quest, got a spike mod put in it for extra badassery, and I managed to buy a level 1 Pump Action shotgun on day 2, that's been helping keep me alive a LOT.

I just wish someone told me months ago the proper way to address leveling in single player. I was always confused, always felt like I was missing out on too much just so I could invest in what I wanted. Prioritize things: first 4 points, 2 into strength, 2 into sex rex. After that, for the first week, invest entirely into intellect to get necessary workstations and vehicles. Then add to whatever build you want afterward, investing in your weapons and perks of choice throughout all the attributes. I can't help but put 1 point into daring adventurer and living off the land after investing my first 4 points into sex rex. Having a blast, enjoying myself very much, hope you all can have just as much fun with it. Just invest in what you need first, then invest in what you want. That's single player in a nut shell. Slay on my friends \m/ 





Edited by Promethean Winchester (see edit history)
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I think that you got much more ways to go in singleplayer.

Do you want to build your castle, strength with some int. ist a good Idea,

But starting with sneaky bows and stealth is also a good way to level and loot.

Or are you the quest guy? 1. Point in daring adventurer is awesome.

1 Point in tracker and you get all the rabbits and chickens you want

and so on ^^

Edited by SittingDuck (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, bdubyah said:

That's...not really what I meant at all. I just meant the settings sleeper volumes use. They have triggers, such as Active and Attack. Was just wanting another one that would come in handy.


Not saying your idea isn't cool or anything, just not what I was referring to. :)

Fair enough, sometimes i read into comments from way beyond left field haha, im kinda waiting for something in game kinda like can trip wires as a signal something is coming, or an alarm that sounds when you enter a room that triggers zombies in the house, making kinda like a mini horde, the paper and glass on the ground is too easy to ignore now, a setting to make them more or less sensitive could be neat though

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8 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

Looks like I found the local biker gang and their ladies. ;)



SMH i have not found that many before. i need them for reasons


i think all the normal zombies should spawn as often as the old ones, you know how you can find Boe very often? i think all the normal zombies, Party girl, Farmer, cheerleader, cowboy and Lab worker should spawn as often as the OGs.


i don't know hot to explain it because im dumb 

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18 hours ago, hiemfire said:

1. The cone needs to be narrowed. This is a survival sim/1st person tower defense game, not quarter slots at a casino.

   1b. I think you're mixing up RPGs with Gatchas. Character abilities/perks don't affect accuracy in 7D2D. Damage dealt and effect on hit yes. Accuracy is fully dependent on rng, either where the shot lands or adjusting the cone via rolling lucky on loot.

2. Here once again all you're saying is "Get lucky.".


1. You know which word isn't even once on the kickstarter page? sim or simulation. except for "Our physics system simulates real-time structural identity...".


2. You are correct in one respect, accuracy isn't affected directly. The arrow perk only influences draw speed and aiming speed (i.e. the time for the target cross to narrow). Interestingly they diminished the time so much already (yay), that the faster aiming speed is not even noticable anymore. But the drawing speed reduction is noticable.

Quality and type of the bow increases projectile velocity, Which indirectly influences accuracy and range for effectie

ve shots.


I'm not mixing up RPG with Gatchas. In a shooter player-skill determines how well you hit your enemy. In an RPG your characters abilities and your weapon stats predict how well you hit enemies, and this is usually simulated through random rolls where you can influence the chance not only through perks but also equipment, distance, height, sometimes even weather or whether you are prone or standing, The target circle has RPG written all over it, and rng is an ingredient of that formula


3. I'm saying that the primitive bow is a short range weapon, long-range it is not effective because your hit chance is low. Adam is not bad at aiming, he probably just uses the bow at an ineffective range. Please change your accusation to "Git gud" 😉


16 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

With out the aim thing.


it would be like this.


You hold you're bow Side ways when you're just roaming around. Say you see a Zombie that wants to take a Nice bite out of you

But when you aim, you hold you're bow in a Normal way!


While you're bow is in the Same piston with a Arrow on it, you just click and you quickly fire a Arrow, You may it it or you may not. ill have to draw it out, because im as Useful with words as a Arrow without a Stick.  



Also i got 964 Hours :)


Just do this in the game. Have a bow with arrow in your hand. Click left mouse button. Notice you are shooting an arrow instantly without aiming. The feature is already in, just not in Gangsta-style 😉

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34 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

Completely off topic but I'm sure Madmole would find this at least somewhat interesting (if he was still around on this dev diary 😛), but Microsoft has just purchased Bethesda for 7.5 billion dollars. An interesting development...

Blue dragonbane of Death comes to next version of Skyrim - confirmed ! 

25 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

His reaction? :)

A Bill Gates zombie in 7dtd 2. 



Apart from that, it will be huge improvement for PC players and Xbox ones, which could potentially bring bigger cross-platform support, and guess what fun would be if 7 days to die goes through this ;)

*crossing fingers*

Edited by beerfly (see edit history)
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I'd like to see zombie versions of the devs in the game. We already have joel as a trader but wouldn't it be cool to bash gazz over the head with a club or shoot fataal in the face with an arrow.

How about shooting hated in the face with the blunderbuss......come on guys, make it happen 😁

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1 minute ago, Outlaw_187 said:

I'd like to see zombie versions of the devs in the game. We already have joel as a trader but wouldn't it be cool to bash gazz over the head with a club or shoot fataal in the face with an arrow.

How about shooting hated in the face with the blunderbuss......come on guys, make it happen 😁

thats just trader Joels Whiteriver guards. 


Snowdog is just the Weirdo that sleeps on the Bedrole under the Base

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1 hour ago, unholyjoe said:

he has already seen it. :)


Cool. That is good news because:


Zenimax's Bethesda Game Studios has never released a stable game in like ever and currently lacks the soul to make an ambitious risky project and morph the concept in the middle of development AND they have nonsensical time-money constraints that never make sense. Microsoft also lacks soul but has money. 


Result: faster releasing Bethesda Game Studios' games and better quality and less bugs and better support. 


What's not to like, really.


It's like if Shotgun Messiah buys Shamway Co. Both have questionable marketing methods with some ups and downs, but the end product ( a shotgun shell with a weird smell) should be cool in the long run. Mmm.

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1 minute ago, Blake_ said:

Cool. That is good news because:


Zenimax's Bethesda Game Studios has never released a stable game in like ever and currently lacks the soul to make an ambitious risky project and morph the concept in the middle of development. Microsoft also lacks soul but has money. 


Result: faster releasing Bethesda Game Studios' games and better quality and less bugs and better support. 


What's not to like, really.


It's like if Shotgun Messiah buys Shamway Co. Both have questionable marketing methods with some ups and downs, but the end product ( a shotgun shell with a weird smell) should be cool in the long run. Mmm.

Microsoft certainly has one major advantage, the only advantage that matters really, over Sony and Nintendo, and that's money. Microsoft is a trillion dollar company, while Sony does not even make the top 50. (I'm unsure about Nintendo.) If they wanted, assuming Amazon or Google don't get them first, I can certainly see Microsoft eventually purchasing studios such as CD Projekt Red, Rockstar, among many others.


It's a good move on both Microsoft's and Bethesda's parts though. I can only see a beneficial outcome coming from this, if it's that noticeable at all. We might just end up with another Minecraft situation.

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9 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

Cool. That is good news because:


Zenimax's Bethesda Game Studios has never released a stable game in like ever and currently lacks the soul to make an ambitious risky project and morph the concept in the middle of development AND they have nonsensical time-money constraints that never make sense. Microsoft also lacks soul but has money. 


Result: faster releasing Bethesda Game Studios' games and better quality and less bugs and better support. 


What's not to like, really.


It's like if Shotgun Messiah buys Shamway Co. Both have questionable marketing methods with some ups and downs, but the end product ( a shotgun shell with a weird smell) should be cool in the long run. Mmm.

I doubt we're going to see any change in frequency or quality of output from BGS. Throwing money at something does not automatically make it a better product. I'm not sure where you're getting this idea from.

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9 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

Microsoft certainly has one major advantage, the only advantage that matters really, over Sony and Nintendo, and that's money. Microsoft is a trillion dollar company, while Sony does not even make the top 50. (I'm unsure about Nintendo.) If they wanted, assuming Amazon or Google don't get them first, I can certainly see Microsoft eventually purchasing studios such as CD Projekt Red, Rockstar, among many others.


It's a good move on both Microsoft's and Bethesda's parts though. I can only see a beneficial outcome coming from this, if it's that noticeable at all. We might just end up with another Minecraft situation.

There are many companies within the Zenimax's ecosystem. Microsoft just purchased a big chunk of the Videogame industry in one move. Just like that. Trader Rekt's got nothing on this. 

3 minutes ago, jorbascrumps said:

I doubt we're going to see any change in frequency or quality of output from BGS. Throwing money at something does not automatically make it a better product. I'm not sure where you're getting this idea from.

But it does compel them to abide by certain restraints. And that translates to Microsoft dictating the business model if they so choose.

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4 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

There are many companies within the Zenimax's ecosystem. Microsoft just purchased a big chunk of the Videogame industry in one move. Just like that. Trader Rekt's got nothing on this. 

But it does compel them to abide by certain restraints. And that translates to Microsoft dictating the business model if they so choose.

I definitely see Microsoft going the way of Sega but, at the end of the day, perhaps Amazon and Google aside, will end up becoming the sole choice for gaming. I'm not trying to drag this out, but I definitely see Sony and Nintendo not surviving the coming decade or two.


Good thing I own a beast gaming PC. :)

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11 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

I definitely see Microsoft going the way of Sega but, at the end of the day, perhaps Amazon and Google aside, will end up becoming the sole choice for gaming. I'm not trying to drag this out, but I definitely see Sony and Nintendo not surviving the coming decade or two.


Good thing I own a beast gaming PC. :)



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The fact that the Blunderbuss is useful again makes me happy, but it does kinda shoehorn early players into having to use shotguns, which is a problem. 

I hope A20 adds a pipe pistol and maybe a rifle, along with fixing the primitive bow so it doesn't suck so much. 


That way in the early-game we'd have ranged weapons for almost every build available in the 'stone age' 

Getting ammo for them would be a pain. Maybe if they all use something like blunderbuss ammo, which can be made without needing lead or brass? 

Oh, and blunderbuss ammo scrapping to paper instead of gunpowder feels like an oversight. The gunpowder is definately the most valuable ingredient in there. 


No idea what the stone-age intelligence weapons are going to be.

Neither electrocution or robots lend-themselves well to caveman tech-levels. 


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