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1 hour ago, STyK_ said:

I think it comes down to more then you want to beable to cheese the game so it should be left, their are difficulties that are easier, pretty sure you could just turn the zeds off in the xml if you wanted. You already have zeds lined up on a conveyor for those that want to exploit that way. Its a survival game and should be treated as such. The company integrity as a game producer in question how about? Begs the question of what the next game will be like if they are willing to leave things like that. Don't think leaving exploits in was part of the kickstarter goals do you? What other survival game would just leave exploits in because someone wants to play less then casual?

You’ve completely missed the point. I’m sorry you failed reading and comprehension. You poor poor boy 

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5 minutes ago, Yopo said:

You’ve completely missed the point. I’m sorry you failed reading and comprehension. You poor poor boy 

No, I will never acknowledge using exploits as a game style, this is literally backwards thinking you poor lady. Its one thing to use them while the game is still broken but its something completely different to expect them to stay that way for the sake of the way you play. Especially at the expense of what I have already stated. I'm sorry if you fail to comprehend how a game is actually supposed to be played.

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I think it would be neat if the traders offered a special quest to find a series of items, basically multiple places you have to go to, can even have digging quests, once this long quest is done you get yourself either a legendary item, or a part of the legendary item for them to craft for u later, that could be a neat incentive

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31 minutes ago, STyK_ said:

No, I will never acknowledge using exploits as a game style

The problem is that some of the things you label as exploits aren’t labeled as exploits by literally anyone else...


I respect your high standards but you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. 

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2 hours ago, Demandred1957 said:

Not nearly as many as they can..

Like how you "fixed" the slippery slope thing...

Now they can walk across that np...But I can't.. wut?

Is this a contest? The zombies were just telling me the other day that players can harvest and carry massive amounts of stuff, then magically build these huge bases. They want you nerfed.


I can walk across it just fine other than some sliding down.

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Just now, faatal said:

Is this a contest? The zombies were just telling me the other day that players can harvest and carry massive amounts of stuff, then magically build these huge bases. They want you nerfed.


I can walk across it just fine other than some sliding down.

The zombies talk to you now? I’ve been trying to reach that level for years. 

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10 hours ago, n2n1 said:

more AI exploit:



No matter how complex the AI is, there will always be exploits.

Do a simple and effective AI.

Sorry @Rolandbut that is an exploit, no if and or buts about it. Yes I have a high standard and wish TFP did too but this isn't debatable, thats literally game braking.

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11 minutes ago, Roland said:

The zombies talk to you now? I’ve been trying to reach that level for years. 

Single player charisma.

6 minutes ago, STyK_ said:

Sorry @Rolandbut that is an exploit, no if and or buts about it. Yes I have a high standard and wish TFP did too but this isn't debatable, thats literally game braking.

That's The Hopping Dead Season 1
or maybe it's just a test for the feral rabbits someone wanted.

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19 minutes ago, STyK_ said:

Sorry @Rolandbut that is an exploit, no if and or buts about it. Yes I have a high standard and wish TFP did too but this isn't debatable, thats literally game braking.

That is just a stupid bug with ladders. Ladders don't work that great in general, even for the player. I already put it on my todo list.

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2 hours ago, STyK_ said:

No, I will never acknowledge using exploits as a game style, this is literally backwards thinking you poor lady. Its one thing to use them while the game is still broken but its something completely different to expect them to stay that way for the sake of the way you play. Especially at the expense of what I have already stated. I'm sorry if you fail to comprehend how a game is actually supposed to be played.

And I’m sorry you can’t grasp the concept of having multiple game play styles, that arnt your way or the highway. You poor baby. The sheer thought of others playing a open world any other way than the way you dictact it to be, must be absolutely horrifying for you. 

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51 minutes ago, Eighmy_Lupin said:

Please tell me you aren't trying to insinuate that you care more about the game than TFP.....

You must be late to the party. I've wanted everything better for this game, I give TFP #$%^ for the choices they have made that I believe are detrimental like candy over the skeleton key or a parachute, tower defense pathing, pretty much anything that takes away from realism and emersion, the problems with the all powerful frame, issues with pvp they don't want to bother worrying about till later, rules and balance ect. I even asked to be a tester back in A16 but got passed over. I don't want it to stray any further from what would make it a good game if I can help it. That includes pointing out exploits and bugs that you guys seems to want to try and keep so you can not play the game right and trying to sway 'the vision' if I can to what I believe with my knowledge as a life time gamer to make it better.

MM shuts me down all the time though. 

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27 minutes ago, Yopo said:

And I’m sorry you can’t grasp the concept of having multiple game play styles, that arnt your way or the highway. You poor baby. The sheer thought of others playing a open world any other way than the way you dictact it to be, must be absolutely horrifying for you. 

It isn't even a gameplay style its a cheap way to avoid playing a part of the game. There are plenty of ways to play the game without using exploits like that. Do the conveyor belt with hatches, thats not going anywhere from what MM says, that exploit in the video was game breaking.

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14 hours ago, beerfly said:

@DaVega, aside from mocking around, do you play some 7days recently, I work a lot lately and can`t play here, but hope you are having good time out there, I mean it, mate. 

And I am still locked in your dungeon btw, just saying.. 

Hi man! To be honest I haven't played much 7 days recently, I only checked out A19 when the first experimental came out. I just love checking the forum with my morning coffee.
Also, I'm not sure how much available play time I will have in the near future, given that my wife is 38 weeks pregnant today :)

And for that dungeon.. Well.. I used to have a key, but I think I left it with Snowdog.. Don't know where he put it :P

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Speaking of bugs. Two on video, one happens a couple seconds after I set the time on the video to, the second one is me trying to hit zeds though the hole after the initial bug which nearly ended my permadeath run if I hadn't made a last second skywalking save. The second bug is pretty much the same thing that happened in my day 47 horde night video. Shooting projectiles though a hole or bars and getting no feedback indicating a hit even though you can clearly see I should have hit him. They also had full health when I fought them later.



There is also a dock with a house boat that collapses and kills you when you try and loot anything on it. Similar to what happened in the first bug in the video. It is not in this video though. I'd have to start another game to find it.

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[OT]: the current max number of reactions per day it's bull@%$*#!! It's too low! Can some mod add +10 more reactions/day to the standard number? Unless you prefer I start spamming the forum with simple "I agree" or "Funny" replies... Thanks!!

3 hours ago, Roland said:

The zombies talk to you now? I’ve been trying to reach that level for years. 

Eh eh...

3 hours ago, faatal said:

That is just a stupid bug with ladders. Ladders don't work that great in general, even for the player. I already put it on my todo list.


1 hour ago, DaVegaNL said:

Hi man! To be honest I haven't played much 7 days recently, I only checked out A19 when the first experimental came out. I just love checking the forum with my morning coffee.
Also, I'm not sure how much available play time I will have in the near future, given that my wife is 38 weeks pregnant today :)

And for that dungeon.. Well.. I used to have a key, but I think I left it with Snowdog.. Don't know where he put it 😛

LOL! ... Congrats BTW!

44 minutes ago, STyK_ said:
  Reveal hidden contents


There is also a dock with a house boat that collapses and kills you when you try and loot anything on it. Similar to what happened in the first bug in the video. It is not in this video though. I'd have to start another game to find it.

There are A LOT of blocks in 7D2D that need "side-glue" to be removed (e.g.: like bags of cement sticking on the wall from the side) so that the game will feel more realistic.

It's a shame we have a great SI system but we can't still fully enjoy it!

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10 hours ago, madmole said:

I put that feral sense at night idea on the roadmap. Don't say we never listen to you guys :) Obviously I'll need to get everyone on board and make sure its pretty easy to do, but I can see that being a great feature to make the game more challenging and scary.

I can imagine the first few days when you start being terrifying. All the zombies that wander near your base will be like an introduction to horde nights lol. I love the idea. And it would bring some tamer action to my castle! 

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6 hours ago, faatal said:

Is this a contest? The zombies were just telling me the other day that players can harvest and carry massive amounts of stuff, then magically build these huge bases. They want you nerfed.


I can walk across it just fine other than some sliding down.

On a long single stack line of them? I just slide right off last time i tried it to see what ppl were talking about, since I never used it in game.

And as far as that goes, you tell the zoms for me, they already have a toolbox of magic skills like super I.Q.  x-ray vision, GPS, super human strength and agility, that would make Superman blush..

Only thing they are lacking is the ability to fly..

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Thanks to the two guys who helped me with the solar cells. Connecting them with battery banks (which I have never used before neither) is an awesome thing. Infinite power and not as loud as generators which can be pretty annoying to my ears. I still believe solar cells are way too expensive.


As for the recent topic about fear factor at night and the feral sense (which is a fabulous idea) I have found out for myself recently that helmet and weapon light mods are a big "fear factor" killer at night. Whenever possible I keep my lights off and use the POIs' lighting as it has been designed or use my burning shaft mod on my steel club which creates a much better atmosphere than flashlights. Saw the muzzle flashes of my turrets for the first time during night and it looks amazing. Radiated zombies look amazing without flashlight at night. Everything looks much better and scarier. I'd even say that the game itself would improve if light-mods (helmet / weapons) were taken out of the game again.


Something else about lighting: Those red oil lamps (forgot their name) we can craft are too OP. Better than torches (don't attract zombies), better than light bulbs (don't need electricity) and still very cheap and easy to craft.

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18 hours ago, n2n1 said:

more AI exploit:



No matter how complex the AI is, there will always be exploits.

Do a simple and effective AI.


The zombies in that video try to jump over a low obstacle but some other block prevents that from succeeding. You probably can find a similar exploit in A16 which everyone seems to equate with simple AI zombies. I.e. it has nothing to do with pathfinding to weak spots for example.

The only simplification of the AI that would work here would remove the ability to jump over low obstacles. That would mean low blocks are unpassable for zombies and must be destroyed first. Worse is that they can't even go up stairs made of blocks. Do you really want that?


8 hours ago, faatal said:

That is just a stupid bug with ladders. Ladders don't work that great in general, even for the player. I already put it on my todo list.


I know a vanilla POI (without any ladders) that shows the same problem, I think it miight be more general. I'll make a bug report so you can look at it too.


IMHO a general solution would be that zombies should have a high chance to go into destruction mode when they do a jump and land on the same spot they jumped from.




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