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15 hours ago, Blake_ said:

I just saw the @Prime and @faatal stream today and I must say, it was very fun to watch and insightful in many aspects.


On a side note, the fps tanking near water was probably due to the SS Reflections Postprocessing option (I think it stands for Screen Space Reflections) AND hopeful a conflicting situation with the higher quality water shader (I say hopeful because it would be an easier fix to tweak the shader than to mess with SS reflection code I think). There's  certainly a way to balance water/reflections so it looks amazing and doesn't affect performance AT ALL.  That's why the fps only drop when the reflection is showing off its magic (when looking across the water and not directly down). 


I am playing with water on low and no ss reflections and water is completely perfect performance-wise.


SS reflections are beautiful though. It's the closest one can be to a real Ray Tracing simulation.

If only it were that simple. Water runs fast for me normally. I've been around and under water during testing a lot in the last several months. It has never acted like it did during the stream.


Bugs that rarely happen on your own computer are often very hard fix.


Like I found a way that backpacks can be lost and can reproduce it fairly well now, but I needed to add code to move the backpack constantly to make it happen regularly. The reason the bug was so hard to find is it requires the backpack to move between chunks as the chunks unload and chunks save. That stuff is complicated with 2 different threads and after debugging all day, I still am not sure what is going on other than the chunk the backpack is in does not always save. Hopefully get that one fixed Monday.

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1 hour ago, Gobarg said:

I deleted all my previous saves and cleared the folder then verified the files so that I am completely vanilla.

Generated a new RWG... twice.. and have "No trader Found" when I finish the quest line.

Is this a known problem or have I done something stupid?

What seed and size did u gen?

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4 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

one change i liked was the "forest biome not away's spawning in the middle"



but does this effect Pregen? Asking for a friend! 

Pregen, as the definition of the world says, is a pregenerated world. Meaning it is exactly the same every time. So, nothing changed. The Pregens were just worlds that they made thru RWG that looked decent so they named and saved them.

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2 minutes ago, Matt 1977 said:

Plan for stable 19.


8k map.

Minimum settings for xp, loot.

No air drops nor loot respawn with 60min days.

1 game for the entire Alpha. 


Please no stable breaking update lol. 

What difficulty?

I was actually thinking about turning down the xp as well, a little down the road.

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Survivalist or Warrior. Which difficulty does 100% player damage without zombies being hitpoint tanks?


Eek its nomad. Feels to easy tbh


@madmoleim hoping that A20 sliders are added so i can turn up Zombie damage, leave player damage the same, increase roaming horde size to say 30 for example, increase frequency etc. More option would be fantastic. 

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11 minutes ago, Matt 1977 said:

Survivalist or Warrior. Which difficulty does 100% player damage without zombies being hitpoint tanks?


Eek its nomad. Feels to easy tbh

Yeah I'd do warrior at least, its pretty much the new normal, most played. Depends how much you want to hate yourself later for putting yourself though this, every diff gets easy eventually.

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1 minute ago, STyK_ said:

Yeah I'd do warrior at least, its pretty much the new normal, most played. Depends how much you want to hate yourself later for putting yourself though this, every diff gets easy eventually.

Ive done 200 odd day game before. But not set up like this though. Every poi will be looted. A small base in each town/city. Might do a few different horde bases too. 

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7 hours ago, Khalagar said:


I don't understand the point of the semi or burst fire mods. I always just burst fire my full auto guns in all games with short controlled bursts, there's no reason that I know of to not just use a full auto mod and use controlled bursts. Gives you the option of going full auto in a pinch too

I'm still using the semi-auto mod in an SMG in my current 18.4 game. I put it in initially because I was too often firing 2 or 3 rounds when trying to fire just 1 for stealth kills. Then for a while I was packing 2 SMGs, one semi the other full-auto (why I've asked if 'select-fire' would be possible). Used the semi for stealth shots and switch to the full-auto for crowd control when needed. Then as zeds got tougher I switched to packing the AK for the crowds. Still using the semi SMG during horde nights since I have a fair amount of 9mm, but mostly for flying chickens.


Rw wise yep, the burst mode is often in conjunction with high cyclic rates; so all rounds hit the target before the point of impact rises above the target due to recoil. US Military switched to 16's with 3-round bursts instead of full-auto mostly to enforce ammo use discipline.

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3 hours ago, madmole said:

Should get some turds when you harvest toilets as a prank.

We used to have human turds in the game, if i recall correctly at one point they were used to make farm plots. Worthless items, which made them valuable if you ever raided someones base and you could replace their items with turds for maximum disrespect!

8 minutes ago, FileMachete said:

I'm still using the semi-auto mod in an SMG in my current 18.4 game. I put it in initially because I was too often firing 2 or 3 rounds when trying to fire just 1 for stealth kills. Then for a while I was packing 2 SMGs, one semi the other full-auto (why I've asked if 'select-fire' would be possible). Used the semi for stealth shots and switch to the full-auto for crowd control when needed. Then as zeds got tougher I switched to packing the AK for the crowds. Still using the semi SMG during horde nights since I have a fair amount of 9mm, but mostly for flying chickens.


Rw wise yep, the burst mode is often in conjunction with high cyclic rates; so all rounds hit the target before the point of impact rises above the target due to recoil. US Military switched to 16's with 3-round bursts instead of full-auto mostly to enforce ammo use discipline.

dont 9mm pistols do more damage per bullet than smgs? pretty sure SMGs just have higher dps but burn more ammo per damage so using a silenced pistol is generally better than an smg with a semi mod. With max perks in hand guns, using a burst mod on an smg should trigger the 'every third bullet' perk so that could be a good use for it.

But honestly the semi mod needs something else to make it worth using.

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27 minutes ago, bloodmoth13 said:

We used to have human turds in the game, if i recall correctly at one point they were used to make farm plots. Worthless items, which made them valuable if you ever raided someones base and you could replace their items with turds for maximum disrespect!

dont 9mm pistols do more damage per bullet than smgs? pretty sure SMGs just have higher dps but burn more ammo per damage so using a silenced pistol is generally better than an smg with a semi mod. With max perks in hand guns, using a burst mod on an smg should trigger the 'every third bullet' perk so that could be a good use for it.

But honestly the semi mod needs something else to make it worth using.

Good questions. Not a 100% sure but looking at the items.xml for a18.4 it doesn't appear that there's any single shot damage difference between the two. And there's nothing special in the ammo9mmBulletBall entries for particular weapons.


Advantages the SMG has over the pistol, besides greater mag capacity;

MaxRange 65 vs 50

DamageFalloffRange 30 vs 18

(could be wrong but my understanding of the range bits is that there's full damage out to the DamageFalloffRange then it starts falling, until at MaxRange it's 0)

SMG is also a bit more accurate, and has slightly less recoil.

No idea if default RPM is effected by using the semi-auto mod. If I had to guess I'd say I think in single shot mode the SMG could fire faster than the Pistols 180 RPM?


Edit: hadn't caught that about the perk - burst bonus. I'll have to look into that; might be worth using a burst mod rather than full auto. Thanks. :)

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2 hours ago, faatal said:


Bugs that rarely happen on your own computer are often very hard fix


Ah yes, the age old "It works on my computer!" bug that is impossible to replicate but causes you 900 duplicate JIRA tickets (or what ever you guys use internally) a day



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1 hour ago, STyK_ said:

Yeah I'd do warrior at least, its pretty much the new normal, most played. Depends how much you want to hate yourself later for putting yourself though this, every diff gets easy eventually.

As long as you dont QQ when demolishers show up.  I always find it funny when I see someone complaining that demolishers are OP when playing a higher difficulty setting....😂

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9 hours ago, Phoenixshade35 said:

i was hoping it wasn't the case, i was hoping to build a school bus and drive it hahaha

I feel your pain.


A mobile base where you could travel (preferably in the air) has been a dream of mine.

For the base in the air vehicle, make it so you need to keep one or more forges going for the hot air, so its not without cost.

Also with vultures, you would need to kill them all first. (One of many "Mega Quest lines" to be reviled before Part 2's release!) 

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38 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

As long as you dont QQ when demolishers show up.  I always find it funny when I see someone complaining that demolishers are OP when playing a higher difficulty setting....😂

I was suggesting warrior for him. For me it would be the same settings I'm playing now plus downgrade to 25% exp. So insane, nightmare everything, 25% loot every 50 days and 25% exp. Just another suicide mission, see how long I can last. After I'm done Navezgane here and do the same on random gen.

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This isn't a bug, but has anyone else noticed that turning down the loot has a drastic effect in-game? I play with another person and when loot abundance is set to 100%, we are both loaded to the gills every time we come "home". So when b179 dropped we decided since we had to start a new game that we'd turn the loot down to 75%, thinking we'd get 25% less.


But the reality is more like we are getting 25%-not 25% less. There are so many trash piles and boxes that are completely empty! I could understand it if it was junk I didn't want, but empty!?


Has anyone else had a similar experience? I think this maybe should be looked at in terms of balance.


I guess I should mention that we play on "Adventurer" difficulty.

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14 hours ago, madmole said:

We had that for 18 alphas, and it ruined progression. It will make a comeback when legendary items come in. Sure it might be a poor quality legendary but it will spice up looting.

I joined a friend on day 10 and found a lev 2 Ak in a main loot... on my first day. couold that happen on day 1?

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1 hour ago, SittingDuck said:

I joined a friend on day 10 and found a lev 2 Ak in a main loot... on my first day. couold that happen on day 1?

That's probably because of your party-combined game stage?


But to be honest I too noticed a slight change of luck in A19 b173.

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